Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Booth owner has select clientele
By Tammy Batey
Emerald Associate Editor
Carol Berg's furniture booth
at tho ASUO Street Falre is a
Toast for the eyes Berg txrvors
tho booth with largo noon-col
ored signs that vocalize hor [x>
lltlcal vlowe such as: "Equal
Klghts Forever- Measure 9 Nev
er—I want to uso my space to
got voters educated about Meas
ure 9," Berg said. "I've had
people come up to me and say,
'So you don't sell furniture any
more.' "
Berg's booth Is one of 15H
craft, food and political booths
at the Street Falre that ends Fri
day, said Thomas Huckaba,
Street Fulro coordinator.
The biannual event, held In
the fall and spring, will raise
about S4.000 for tho ASIJO to
use on student programs.
Huckaba said.
The Street Falre usrxi to be
held during new student orien
tation week, said Cris Bauman.
Street Faire coordinator. Tho
move to the first week of class
es gives more students a chanco
to check out the booths
"It's u greot opportunity be
cause there are so many stu
dents who live on r umpus and
may not get to the Saturday
Market." she said, "And it's a
little better because it's on (am
pus, right cm the way to class."
If students are tew busy on
their way to classes to chock
out Borg's furniture, she also
operates a booth at tho Satur
day Market, she said.
Photo by MfctaNi SNn&m
Carol Barg, who usually aalla pina fumitura, la using har booth at tha
AS JO Straat Faira as a political atatamant.
l.,.rg said sh« quit her 11-year
job at an advertising agency in
Coos Hay four years ago to be
gin making the pine furniture
she sells in hor booth. Borg
took ovor hor father's wood
working booth at Saturday Mar
ket after ho died to help her
mom make ends meet, she said.
"Having never lifted a suw in
my life, I was a little over
whelmed." she said.
Saturday Market is u family
tradition. Berg's sister and
brothor-ln-law. Colleen and
Dana Bauman, operate the
Dana's Cheesecake booth at the
"It's become a real family
lifestyle," she said.
Berg said Milling hor furni
ture at the Saturday Market and
at events like the Street Fairc
bring her greater satisfaction
than her whito-collar job at the
advertising agency.
"There's something about
making something people aro
going to use and have that
moans something to me," she
Derg said it takes about three
days for her to create a piece of
furniture. She makes all types
of furniture, including futon
frames and desks. The most
popular item she sells, howev
er, are her sholves.
Derg said her sister Candec
Brennan, an artist, will paint
designs on the sholvos after
she's finished building them if
the customer requosts it. People
can have furniture items mado
Turn to BERG, Page 9
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