UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH 683-5577 Toll Free 1-800-888-3799 T*NY The all new collection featuring 1 2 of U of O s hottest cartoonists A glistening good read UATUtING Hudson Van Curen Weasel s World Oscar the Freshman The Hairlis Kat A T FIRE Continued from Page 1 incident in which a crew of six loggers come u|x>n n UFO that kidnaps one of tho loggers. "I gi;t five days on chateau -UFO.' said I) B Sweenoy, who plays tho part of Travis Walton, tho man who is takon by tho UFO and lator writers a book re counting his experience. But during those five days, the residents of the overwhelm ingly Mormon town of Snow flake, Arl/.. begin to wonder where Walton has gone, sus pecting the loggers in Walton's disappearance and doubting their tale of a flying suucer. The man at the brunt of many of tho suspicions is Mike Rogers, the crow leader as played by Robert Patrick of Tfnnlnulor 2: /wlgmont Day. "Everybody dumps on my character," said Patrick, with a wide smile through the long hair and dark-tanned face re quired for his ter One of the chief "dumpers" is James Garner, who plays the town sheriff — also the most doubtful person in town of the story. While filming in Oukland, Garner and Patrick wore mobbed by hundreds of ador ing fans, und they reportedly signed every autograph that was requested. "•(Garner) signed so many autographs that he got tendin itis in his hand." said Larry Garrison, the film's publicist What is so appealing about the movie to bring in names like Gamer und Patrick is that Turn to FIRE. Page 7 Photo by J«f! P»!>y Robert Lieberman, director of Fire in the Sky, stands outside the house where the crew shot domestic scenes last week. Actors say Measure 9 would end Oregon films By Jake Berg Emerald News Editor SUTHLRLIN Ask the cast members of Fire in the Sky whot they think of Oregon, and they'll answer you with how beautiful the scenery is and how friendly the residents of this area arc Let them elaborate, and the talk will turn ugly when it gets to the subject of politics — par ticularly Ballot Measure 9, the statewide anti-gay-rights Initia tive, "The Hollywood community won't stand for It," actor D ll Sweeney said of the meusure if passed. "They'll never make another movie here." "I think we speak for the ma jority of the crew when we say that, too,” said actor Peter Berg The general consensus on the set is that the entertainment in dustry in the United States — and especially Hollywood — is very open to all different kinds of people, regardless of race or sexual orientation. Larry Garrison, the movie’s publicist, said Oregon is fast becoming a "hot" place to film motion pictures, and the only thing that may keep the state from growing in this industry is the measure. Turn to MOVIES. Page 7 Back-to-Campus Inventory Blowout Sale: M Champion T-shirts $9.50! (Reg. $13) AU PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE LETTERS Boulder Apparel Medium Sweatshirts $10! (Reg. $26) 'The 1WEBFOOT M Champion Ring Collar Sweatshirts Champion Reverse Weave Sweatshirts No discount coupons accepted tor sale items. (The prices are already rock bottom.) SALE ENDS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9TH! HOURS 11-5, MONDAY-FRIDAY. ★Huge inventory ★Embroidery ★Screen printing ★Group orders a specialty ★Visa, Mastercard, cash, checks with I.D. Vi WEBPOOT 239 East 14th, between Pearl & High Phone 344-1034 • FAX 344-1290