Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 2
tlon upon which to build tho
coming millennium, we should
consider the vision of an Amer
ican democracy in full glory as
It adapts and progresses in an
ovormore complex world, ea
gerly called upon to assist, and
looked upon with pride.
Truly, this next presidential
tonn could form the spearhead
of an International endeavor to
becomo globally dynamic — or
ganized as wo Increase in num
bers and able to work together
for the prosperity of all human
The only obstacles to an
achievement of this scale are
tho limits we place on our
selves, or which have been
E* id upon us by a leadership
ng in creative pursuits.
However, with new leadership
poised to enter the White
House, this nation stands to
benefit from a new relationship
between the government and
tho people it servos. As the
United States gains confidence
in this new leadership, it could
be unified as never before, its
Cotnntial unleashed as never
afore and the world would
bear witness to the true power
of a healthy democracy.
Now. as we focus our
thoughts on the highest office
In the country, the hour ap
proaches when we must con
sider the nature of our commit
ment to progress in this decade
This task will test our strength
as a unified nation, and our
wisdom as dignified individu
als. It is imperative that we see
beyond the disappointments of
past government administra
tions and Instill a now trust in a
new generation of leadership.
In this docode, as wo contem
plate tho now millennium, our
common noeds require wisdom
in leadership to a dcgreo never
beforo so vast, never before so
vital. It Is to this end that we
must stand united in support of
loaders of merit, courage, com
passion. and most of all, vision.
And then, in the years un
folding, new oyos will see and
new ears will hoar of a leader
ship that cares about the small
and the large, tho present and
the future, the people and their
planet. With such leadership.
our future will provide dignity
for all who atrlvo to sustain this
world as wo reverse the trends
of destruction and alter our
means of existence. And we
will ofTer to our children a now
Earth upon which to flourish,
and to all species a now Earth
upon which to evolve
The soul of a nation can be
awakened by a spark from
within, and the soul of a world
can be saved by the wonders of
democracy. The future of our
civilization Is dependent upon
the harnessing of our combined
The countdown to this now
millennium has already begun,
and tho time has come to weigh
anchor and set sail for tho swift
waters of the 21st Century with
all of us at the ours. Together
we have the talent to create a
golden future And today we
have the ability to take our
selves there on the winds of a
new vision - on the promise of
a new covenant.
Brian David Bogart is press
secretary for the Lane County
Clinton/Core Campaign and is
otlitor of the newsletter “The
National Endeavor."
Continued from Page 2
tain to provide an inferior product at a higher
price. A koy part of tho solution lies In giving
concerned parents a choice in selecting who edu
cates their children In the great majority of fami
lies, parents can better soloct a school that best
moots tho neods of their children than a central
ized education administration can devise.
Republicans rospoct the basic tenets of our cul
ture. Those bolinfs are rooted In judeo-Christian
values that have boon passod down through west
ern cultures for nearly 2,000 years. They also
form the basis of much of our laws and political
traditions. Inherent in these beliefs is commit
ment to individual froodom of religious expres
sion as staled in the Bill of Rights.
When a nation ignores its mural tradition, it
does so at the risk of destroying the foundation
upon which ail of its institutions ure grounded
When individuals violate tho moral imperatives
of their culture, they begin the process of societal
decline that, if unchecked, will lead to societal
collapse. This manifests itself In Inc reasing vio
lence, broken families and neglected children.
George Washington’s farewell address is the
foundation of the foreign policy beliefs of Repub
llcuns. Not only are wo not to bo tho policoman of
tho world, but wo should avoid unnecessary com
mitments of American manpower and might to
Intervono in foreign disputes.
At the sumo timo, there are instances whore our
power must bo used to protect vital American in
terests A good example of this Is our success in
the ear!/ l»40s to counter and defeat tho German
drive for dominance. While wo should work for
tho principles of freedom though the use of diplo
macy, foreign aid and assistance and tho promo
tion of democratic values, wo must carefully
guard against unproductive foreign entangle
ments. Any military action taken must bo de
signed to meet a well thought-out objective Con
flicts like the war in Vietnam that do not involve
clearly defined vital interests should bo avoided.
Tho Republican cause is ulivo and well The
principles espoustsf havo a long tradition in our
nation's history. From Jofforson's limited govern
ment, Washington's caution against foreign entan
glements and Lincoln's commitment to individu
al liberty and justice, these principles are secure
ly rootiid in our traditions and philosophy.
WlHiam D. Witt represented Oregon at the 1992
Republican National Convention as a delegate-at
large. was co-chairman of the Oregon delegation
and a member of tho Rules Committee.
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