HitTheBook While you take time to hit your boob, be Hire you make time to spend with Cod. And if you're looking for a place to cal) home, stop by and try Faith Center's College Age Fellowship Friday Nights at 7:30 Sunday Mornings at 9:00 Faith Center Foigcnc Foursquare Church 13th & Polk Streets 686*9244 Iransporation Available Tennis deadline Friday The Oregon men’s tennis team is sponsoring the Ore gon Invitational Tennis Championships Oct 9-11 at the 15th Avenue tennis courts and the covered courts on campus. The tournament is open to the public and is divided by age. including classes for people aged 55 and older. 45 and older, and 35 and over. There will also be A, B and C divisions In open singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Entry deadline Is 5 p.m. Friday. Oct. 2. To enter or receive information about this event, contact men's tennis coach Buzz Summers at 346-5476 DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS 97 97 ■ I coupon must accompany order. | CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 Advertise in the Emerald $3 OFF Cut out this coupon to save on our full-service lube and oil change Well do everything from changing sour oil with Quaker State’ to checking vital lluuls all in a matter of minutes Wt Jut minit-lube to dmtiTwrdL* IHnoflri fiitl uafc M ivtinttwinf Uaiant V< ««k) *ifh «m i*hcr trffet l vvIhlItv apin' ifuam ■ 4 cal. unneJ **ix« *fKVv»Jr> <«K *kkMfc«v»l lUMS: Meal We fill your car with Quaker State, one tough motor oil at these locations: 2300 West 11th Ave. (in front of Nachos) 687-8837 340 Coburg Rd. 683-4841 C /WJ* Quaker Shilr Mtmt l.ubc lm Gunshot victim released LOS ANGELES (AP) — Wounded USC football player Jon McGee was roloasod from a hospital Wednesday, two days after a stray gang bullet struck his arm. McGee, who turns 19 on Thursday, loft California Modi cal ('enter at about 10 a m. and planned to rocupiratn at his parents' Arizona homo, said hospital spokeswoman Lisa Fitch. McGee, a freshman inside linebacker from Tucson, was struck in the left elbow by a bullet fired a quarter-mile away Monday by a bicycling gunman shooting at a car, police said No one was arrested. Meanwhile, it was disclosed that McGee's decision last win ter to attend USC was unset tling for his parents. "I don't remember what pre cipitated our anxiety about the area," his mother, Donna McGee, told the Los Angeles Times from Tucson. "1 think the importance of the whole thing just kind of hit home at one point. It was like, 'What are we doing? Are we really send ing him out thoro?’ "And then you sit back and you say. ‘Those crazy things happen all over the world, and what ure the chances of them happening to your child?' You just don't think that it could be possible." Sho would not comment when asked if McGae would re turn to USC. "I love USC. and I hate to give up some opportunity be cause of fear, but yet .... Wo're still weighing what happened and tho likelihood of another incident like this happening," McGee said. The university sits at the edge of gang-infested South Los Angeles, but it is actually a city within a city und maintains its own security force. Across the si mot from USC. the burned remnants of the April 29 riots remind students of the violence that stopped just a few yards from their cam pus. The riots had little impact on the campus, where full en rollment was up slightly to about 28,000 students. "We can't change the loca tion of the school," said Tro jans coach Larry Smith. "It's one of those risks you’ve got to look at. It's a part of the scenar io. It's part of the environ ment." FOR INVITATIONS b rochures FLYER S POSTERS RESUMES AND MORE l£ T T£ft P£ RF£C T Graphics 346-43B 1 : SUITE 300 EMU