-Oregon Daily Emerald S po rts— Johnson’s return is Magic act (AP) — Fir**, there was eupho ria — Magic Johnson returning to the NBA, a legend back In the lineup of the Los Angelos Lakers. Now, there is reality — a bas kotball player battling a deadly disease, facing the grind of trav el and games, his first-year coach juggling a roster that will bo a player short for 20. por haps 30 games. This is not as pretty a picture as It may have soomod when Johnson announced his return on Tuesday aftor sitting out a season when he tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS. "Everybody wants what's best for him and his family,” said At McGuire, a longtime NBA player and ex-coach. "But I'm wondering if in his mind's eye. he's looking at the All-Star Game and Olympics as being realistic They were Butt games compared to what goes on in the NBA.” Johnson was MVP of last sea son's NBA All-Star Game and then co-captained America's gold modal basketball team in the Olympics at Barcelona. ■'There is a false security be cause of tho games he playod." McGuire snid. ‘‘But in thoso games, there was no undercut ting. no banging, no bumping." The idea Is for Johnson to play between 50 and 60 games and avoid back-to-back games. McGuire thinks the part-time plan will be fine in the begin ning. but not in the end. "I respect and admire every thing the guy has done," he sold "But I ran play half-court in the playground and thorn's a lot of moss on mo. The NBA Is a marathon, even part-time. It'a not a 10O-yard sprint. Johnson's gung-ho spirit Is something McGuire admires but not something ho necessari ly condones. "Right now. It's like. 'Charge that machine gun nest!' " he said. "It scares me. I don't Turn to MAGIC. Page 17 UNIvmtlTY OF ORICON ROORtTORI fWUNDERlANDfcsisyi 5*vioeo GAMES Slh STREET { PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 y Cran VIDEO ADVENTURE 1 jMTvALLEY RIVER PLAZA WM «•«a*- *«t f Mil M*»1 '»*•' ««* • *** MM MWtfwyyuuwH -rVrjVf; uuuia I WE PRINT | J BETTER $999 j j PHOTOS 93>s'. J * • Developed & printed , 1 • 12,15, 24 exp. I ■ • 36 exp $5 99 I * • 4x6 superprints add $1 “ mm u mi a MVnanwsia Miun m> man mm ataannm mum This fall, prepare for class with Microsoft software for the Macintosh or PC and save big time! When you prepare for class with database, develop dynamic Microsoft* software, you're in for a presentations, and succeed in double surprise. Microsoft ____ programming class—and software will save you time \£Li — T/ theY cost UP to 70 percent cmdmoney. Our academic- \ // less! What’s more, all priced products for the \ JSpjfl Microsoft academic-priced Macintosh* and PC contain/ ^products for both the Apple* the same core software as their // Macintosh and PC are powerful, retail coimterparts—you get the \ // yet easy to learn and use power to write stunning papers, // together. So stop by and see how plan brilliantly balanced budgets, \\Z// preparing for class really could take maintainacomprehensiveresearch W/ on a whole new meaning this fall. For product and price information, visit the Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM 346-4402 Educational discounts available to eligible UO students, faculty and staff