Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1992, Page 14, Image 14

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Largest Selection on Campus!
720 E. 13th
Next to Dairy Queen
Bo on tho lookout A.a«fl||C
jroit dolit on 0||vKD||CK^
L,l?fJL"JA#** i"._.P____<£t£?a..
Continued from Page 7
zapping and mutilating ”
The principal cast Is almost
ontlrely male, bul that doesn't
bother Fire's main actress,
Georgia Emelin, who plays
Walton's girlfriend.
"I'm having a great time
hanging out with all those cute
guys," said Emelin, who will
appear in the new TV movie
Deadly Halations with Robert
Urich this month.
Sweeney likonod the casting
aspect to Memphis Balia, a re
cent film of his that also cen
tered on a male group. Derg, of
course, couldn't pass up the
“Thai m e b n s a I o t of
flatulating is going on," Borg
Patrick, too. was full of aur
priaaa, trading in his invincible
Terminator demeanor for a
deep laugh and a love for the
blues Ho is as interested In
talking about tho movlo as ho is
the industrial rock groups Nino
Inch Nails, a group his brother
plays guitar for. and Ministry,
applauding their latest album.
"Wang dang, ding dong,"
sings Patrick, trying to get
down tho lyrics to the Ministry
song. “Jesus Built My Hotrod.’
Aftor playing one of tho
greatest villains in cinematic
m & Kincaid • 3464331 • M-Sat
Sketch Pads 9*12 U
• Canson B«gg e Jumbo • Or Deerfield Recycled
• 100 Sheet
Sketch Pads 18x24 U
• Canson &<ggie Jumbo • 100 Sheet
Newsprint Pads isx24
• Recycled Canson *100 Sheet
I Newsprint Pads 18x24 (J
• ProArf Essentials • 30 Sheet
Sketch Pads-Strathmore
• Recycled 5l* i 8” A Read 3*
• Recycled 9»12 ,1**J * Read 6“
Classic Sketchbook U
• Stiman 8'* * 11 Black Hardcover *“
Acrylic Paints U
• Uqutei Tubes 8 Jars ■ Talens Rembrandt Tubes
Oil Paints U
• Grumbacher Pretest (30 (Jet colors’)
• Gambin Protessnnal Artist
• Mte Gambkn Art Student
• Winsor Newton Wtnion (Lg tubes)
•NewGrumbacher Max (Ok That tAxes wI hater)
• New Winsor 8 Newton Gnttm Akyds
• (Sx Wnsor 8 Newton CM Bars
Watercolor Paints (J
• Grumbacher Academy • Winsor 8 Newton Cotman Tubes
«11 Knife Blades U
• ProArt #11 Sox of100 '*°*n
Retail 5“
Retail 18*
Retail 9*
Read 3*
Read 10“
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Rear 17*
Prismacolor Pencil Sets U 33%
• Al Quality Berol Prismaootor Penck Sets
Spectracolor Pencil Sets
• Al Faber Caetel Oesqn Spectraootor Pencil Seu (j
Swingarm Lamp (J
• Lie Source 100 Walt. Asstd Colors
Office Chair (J
• Sierra Office Heflht, Asstd Fabnc Colors * “
Drafting Chair (J
• Sierra Teardrop Footrest. Draft Heqht, Blk or Gray Fabrc
• Pneumatic Height Adjustment
Art Print Tees O
• Al tine an pmt t shuts
■J5X OR Your Bookstore Ctooourk Price
OR tom**
Read 9*
Read 124*
Read 170“
25% °ff
"«5\ OR Your Book*lore Olocounl Price
Prices effective thru Oct KMh
history opposite Arnold
Schwarconegger in T2, Patrick
was offered a number of "bad
guy” rolos. Ho said the part in
Fire was just what ho was wait
ing for, along with tho lead in
the upcoming thriller, The Cool
"This Is the reason I waited
for a film like this — I got so
many offers for bad guys." Pat
rick said, "Why should I want
to play a bad ass. when 1
played the ultimate bad ass?"
The real Travis Walton
joined the set for a week of
filming, recently, and actually
plays a bit part in the movie.
At a town forum to discuss
what should be dono about the
missing logger, a man stands up
in the crowd, demanding,
"Where is Travis Walton?"
His cainoo appearance fin
ished. the real Travis Walton
then sits down, knowing full
well whore ho was in 1975.
Catholic Now man Cantor, located at
1050 Emerald St., hold* mn»e» on
Saturdays at 5 p m ; .Sundays at 0 and
11 a m and 7pm. and dally at 5 10
p m The Cathofic Newman Cantor will
nave a booth at lha ASIJO Street Falre
Caraar Planning and Placeman!
Service will have an orientation
meeting about the placement service
and Interviewing process today from 3
to 4 p in tn Room 237 Hendricks
Career Planning and Placamenl
Service will have an employer
presentation from the US Marine Corps
today. Coma by die labia in the EMU
from 10 a m to 2 p m
A SCO Fall Street Faint will taka
place today through Friday between
kincaid St and University St on 13th
Ave. from 10 a m to 5 p m The Falre is
tree and open the the public Local arts
and crafts and gourmet foods will be
featured Local musical performances in
the EMU Courtyerd include Peter
Thomas. Dan Btlderback. Walker T
Ryan. Kudana. Jon Beilis. Pyramid
Breakfast. Mad Farmers, and Jeremy
Deadline for submitting H't Alt to the
Emerald front desk. KMV Suite 300. i$
noon the day before publication hi Ah
run (he day of the event unless (he
event (aim /Ware before noon.
Sotnes of events wtth a donation or
admission charge will not be era epted
Campus events and those at he a u lad
nearest the publication date will be
given priority The Emerald reserves the
right to edit for grammar and style hi
aTs run on a space available basis.
Vcraliud & CIjrk
Attorney* PC
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A I ,l| M I r. 1 .11, .1|
Pr. gurjte L y phope
For Textbooks
Mon -b. !.
Smith Family
768 E. 13th
1 Block From Campus