Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Poll: Clinton for love, Bush for kids
lage students' opinions on
the presidential race general
ly mirror those of their par
ents, says a poll that also
delves Into young people's
views on othor presidential issues — iiko wmen
man would bo tho bolter lover, or babysitter.
The winners on campus: Clinton for president
and romance, Bush to take care of the kids.
Tho poll released Thursday, co-sponsored by
Irreverent Spy magazine and tape manufacturer
TDK. has Clinton leading Bush 56 percent to 35
percent In presidential preference.
That 21-point lead Is Identical to the latest
ABC- Wanhlngton Post poll for all likoly voters but
somewhat higher than Clinton's average lead of
13 points In the last five other major national
polls The new poll, taken Sept. 11-17. survevod
l.HK) students randomly selectod for face-to-face
Interviews at 62 representative colleges and uni
versities nationwide.
Just one-fourth said they considered their poli
tical opinions very different from both their par
ents' views.
And like the genefal public, students rata jobs,
education and tho deficit as top issues. Just 3 per
cent chose family values or morals as tho Issue
thoy feel most strongly about. But 48 percent said
they would be loss likely to voto for a presidential
candidate thoy learned had committed adultery
If Clinton has to catch his breath over that find
ing. he can inhale this: Just 13 percent of tho stu
dents would be loss likoly to voto for a candidate
who occasionally smoked marijuana while in col
The students were also surveyed on oven less
serious topics. A few of iholr opinions:
• Clinlon would bo the better lover, 70 percent
to 6 percent.
• Bush would be the choice to take care of the
kids, 42 percent to 31 percent.
• Better looking In jogging shorts: Clinton, 45
percent to 21 percont.
• Mote likely to cry: Clinton again, 46 percent
to 25 porcent.
• The likely winner on the "Jeopardy" quiz
show: Clinton, 38 porccnt to 35 percent.
The poll also asked which candidate was more
full of ... well, it was a trust question. Bush
stopped in it deeper than Clinton 45 percent to 31
percent, with the rest seeing them as equally full
of It.
Among the four men on the two major-party
tickets, students picked Vice President Dan
Quayle as most likely to have cheated in college
(55 percent). Clinton was second at 27 percent.
Which of tho presidential contenders would be
more likely to stuff the ballot box If given the
chance? Clinton, 35 percent to 30 percent, the
students said.
The poll showed low party affiliation — 28 per
cent Democrat, 25 percent Republican — and a
high desire for change, especially among young
"College women are somewhat loss trusting of
tho government, moderately more angry with
conditions in Amortca, and considerably more
desirous of chango than college men,” pollster
Prank Luntz reported.
Luntz, who formerly pollod for Ross Perot, was
hired by Spy and TDK to design and take the sur
vey. It moasured Porot’s support at 18 percent
among tho studonts, the same as in the latest NBC
voter poll.
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