$®C8v Septcnbcr INI Vol. 1 Mo. I Publl.hW by awsohmt ENTERTAINMENT. INC Tomorrow's Comics * is a publication of Argonaut Entertainment. Inc Copyright 1WJ All rights reserved Tomorrow s Comics * is a registered trademark of Argonaut Entertainment. Inc No part of this publication may be reproduced »>r transmitted in anv form or by any means without the written permission of Argonaut Entertainment. Inc Names, places and institutions are fictitious and any similarity to anything real without satiric intent is a coincidence hubMliiliriif ' »morrow % Cornu >> cherishes and carefully reviews alt standard submission packages Please send 20-25 examples lno originals please i of your comic strip or panel as it would appear in a daily format a 1 page imrr letter desc ribing the strips panel and its central characters, and a self addressed stamped envelope InAnE> it you would like your work returned Letter* to the Editor .in welcome Please include your name address and telephone number Letters selected for publication may be edited lor purposes of clarity or space Immow'i lo»ki® do Arfonaul EalntilMtal. lac. 455 Delta Avenue. Suite 204 Cincinnati. Ohio 45226 Telephone (5i:il«7l AKt.O (27461 PrmMaat • Mltot-la-Chief Harold Ticker Vice rmMcal • Creative Director Lenny Dave vlc« Pmkkal ■ **rk»tla| Harry Elkus Vie* PniUtal • Sale* Scot! Heiser AiaUaUtralhrWPra^actlaa AaeUtaaU Sue Barber .Ann Lauer Aiviaon Thomas A Jackson. Esu Jim Karlin OtsignMark. Inc Stew lmholt Michael's Color Service David Schansberg Corporate Press Service K H Donnelley & Sons Company 1 Printed in U SA) Tomorrow's Comic*® U printed entirely on recyclable froundwood paper. Save the environment. Share thi* with a friend. The College Experience is... 2. Having your worst haircut and a stupid expression preserved tor 4 years on your student identification card 2. Trying to register tor classes, followed by waiting torever id the bookstore checkout line. (Also see "Russian Breadlines' and "Preparing lor the Unemployment Office ") 3. Memorizing the last possible day to "drop" a class or switch it to "pass tail “ (Also see "Creatively Preserving Your G PA "and "The Importance ot Phys Ed '") 4. Placing collect phone calls to Mom and Dad to ask for money and care packages. (Also see "Sucking Up How to Communicate With Your Parents ") 5. Strategically visiting every fraternity or sorority "Rush" party on campus (Also see "How to Eat and Drink lor Free and Be Treated Like Royalty Until You Pledge1") 6. Accepting the tact that a "D" in Freshman English is comparable to an "A" in Nuclear Physics (Also see "Intercepting The Mail Before Your Parents Get Your Grades ”) 7. Identifying new and mysterious dorm food concoctions (Also see "How to Survive on a Diet ot Starch, Dessert & Chocolate Milk'") 8. Washing whites and colors together in hot water, and stuffing the laundry machines beyond capacity (Also see "Fashion Statements lor the 90’s ") 9. Dozing off during boring lectures, especially after lunch (Also see "Deciphering Your Own Handwriting ") 10. Surviving a year with "The Roommate from Hell1' (Also see "I'm O K . You're Not1") 11. Pulling your first caffeine-induced "all-nighter" while cramming for mid terms, and "hitting the wall" the next morning 12. Answering final exam essay questions which usually begin, "Compare and contrast “ (Also see "The Art ot BS Saying a Lot - Saying Nothing1") 13. Meeting someone, going out. breaking up. meeting someone. (Repeat this sequence for the next 20 years ) 14. Sitting out in the freezing ram on a bad blind date at a lopsided football game, and wondering why' (Re read #13 ) 15. Admitting that you really might just be sick enough to almost think about going to the campus health center Nah1 16. Telling stones about how you spent your "Spring Break " (Also see "Lying to Impress Your Friends ") 17. Celebrating your 21st birthday, and later asking. "How Did I Get Home Last Night?’ 18. Changing your major 3 times to avoid "taking a language " 19. Graduating, and finally understanding Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" 4 years equals 4 minutes