Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 21, 1992, Page 7A, Image 7

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Continued from Page 5A
Watson tutor resigned.
Loo and Foro assure that thoy
don't havo any skeletons in
thoir closets that could harm
their reputations
"I play golf." Lee said.
What’s Fore's secret?
"I watch Bugs Bunny ovory
Saturday." she confessed jok
ingly. "I think Bugs Bunny is
the coolest."
The two were elected with 57
percent of the vote in the April
election* from among tho 13
percent of the student body that
one Hno rore neai live otnnr
candidates, one who was a self
described anarchist and two
held a tongue-in-cheek cam
paign promising to build an un
derwater university on campus
and a roller coaster In Willam
ette Hall.
Lee and Fore were more seri
ous, promising to stabilize
funding for higher education,
make campus safer, increase
multiculturalism and restruc
turn the student government
They said thi>v bollovo they
wore elected because of their
Fore was on the Student Uni
versity Relations Council, she
said, working for four years on
everything from blood drives to
scholarship fund raisers Lee
was the ASIJO Affirmative Ac
tion coordinator for three veers
Hut mention their diversity
as a woman and an Asian
American as a potential asset,
and they Immediately shv away
from it
When asked if his being an
Aslan American was an issue
in the campaign or )f he thinks
ii |)riun|f> appttatmi iu
Lee takes offense.
"Thero's never boon an
Aslan-Amerlcan Indore, that's
true,1' Lee said "(But) i don't
think students are stupid
enough to vote In an Asiun
American just because of that
"Never at any point (in the
campaign) did people say,
'Hey. you sound great and
you're Asian, too.' " he suid
Fore and Leo suid the issues of
met' und gender wore not ns im
portant to students In the elec
tions this year us they were the
....... r_
Mifll UttIUlU.
"Jennifer Hills' year wus
highly persona I i/.od, racial poli
tics.” Loo said
The l‘)<>2 election, unlike the
year before, Fore said, was fo
cused more on fiscal issues
The Issues wore diversity
That wus u real buzz word at
that time,” Fore suid of the
l*etl election "The concern of
Turn to ASUO. Pago 17A
Do You Sing or
Play an
Keep music in your life at the
University of Oregon—by taking
a music class, or joining one of
the performing groups!
School of Music classes and
activities are for all students,
not lust for music majors.
Look at the ways you can
include music in your schedule
at the University of Oregon:
Join a Performing Group
Performing can be a part of
your university life. More than
"20 performing groups are open
to all students. Auditions and
placements are September
21 -25 at the School of Music
for the following ensembles:
Oregon Wind Ensemble
University Singers
University Symphony
Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Oregon Marching Band
Symphonic Band
Oregon Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Lab Bands
Brass Choir
Opera Workshop
Women's Chorus
Collegium Muslcum
Percussion Ensemble
Gospel Ensemble
Contemporary Music Ensembles
Small Instrumental Ensembles
Men's Chorus "
Campus Band “
•• No audition necessary
For more information about
School of Music activities,
inquire at the Main Desk or
call 346-3761.
Broaden Tour
Knowledge of Music
These are some of the classes
open to all students, regardless
of previous musical background
or experience:
Introduction to Music and its Literature
(meets arts and letters cluster
Basic Music (meets arts and letters
stand-alone requirements)
Rock History I
Music of World Cultures
Gospel Experience
Music for Film
Class Plano
Class Guitar
Free Faculty Concert,
Friday, Sept. 25
To get a first-hand taste of the
Sc hool of Music, come to a special
concert on Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. In
Beall Concert Hall. Faculty mem
bers will present a varied program,
and a reception with refreshments
will follow. The concert and recep
tion sire free!
Take a Minor in Music
Choose a minimum of 27 credits from
a prescribed outline of courses, including
classes that satisfy the arts and letters
cluster requirement, performing ensembles,
and individual performance studies. Music
can be a part of any degree program!