Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 21, 1992, Page 5A, Image 5

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    ASUO Vice President Karmen Fore (left) and President Bobby Lee said they are ready to take on the "im
possible ' job of running the student government.
Lee and Fore look to make change
By Rene DeCair
Emerald Associate Editor
In the four months they've horn in office. the
two 1992-9.) student presidents have walked soil
ly, so far avoiding controversy
That's no small feat. If you think it's only diffi
cull to stay out of political trouble on a national
level, think again.
President Bobby Lee and Vice President Kar
men Pore are among the more conservative two
presidents this University has seen in a couple ol
years and it’s not just because Lee often wears
a start bed, white dross shirt and tie
The former ASUO President Jennifer Hills, a
lesbian woman, Vice President JoSonja Watson, a
black woman, pledged to Increase diversity and
tolerance of others on t unipus They took a public
stunt <■ on sensitive, political issues
Bills and University I’resuienl Myles Brand, for
example, worked together to prevent military dis
( rimination of guv and lesbian students
Let;, an Fnglish major, and Fore, who majors in
political science, emphasize multleulturallsm,
but their goals seem more mainstream progres
Moreover, they've managed to avoid scandals
that by this time last year had already plagued the
Bills Watson president \
When it was learned that Watson shoplifted
several small Items from the University Book
store, students unleashed a debate over politi
t Ians' private lives and speculated whether the
controversy t%as only onflamed by racism
Turn to ASUO Page 7A
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