WELCOME! • (Jiffs • Cut Flowers ^ • Designs of excellence ^ • Balloons •Cards •Plants Eugene's JIon) tr Home THK UNIVERSITY FLORIST MO I . l.Mli lit I’allrrson • 4H5-.'f>55 PN*o by f'ASsdy A wave ol California residents wanting to check out the University has increased the number ot people taking summer tours. TRACK TOWN ANNOUNCES A NEW STORE &_ EXPANDED DELIVERY SERVICE! OI’KN 7 Days a Wi ck 11am till Latf • WV deliver anytime were open' WEST EUGENE CALL 484-4262 Check out the shaded area below for delivery availability EAST EUGENE & SPRINGFIELD CALL 484-2799 Check out the shaded area below for delivery availability p v*'l HI TRACK V TOWN W' WEST 2511 West 11th & Wilson 484-4262 Syvy \ TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd 484-2799 J oaiitomians flocking to university (AIM — Californians are finn ing problems in their state col lege system and boosting atten dance at the University. Lust week, about 300 people toured the campus at a time when guides say tours usually number only about 15 to 20 people. Most of the group (ante from California, said Jon Ll lison, u student guide "Wo bud to call other guides in,' said Ellison, a senior from Bellingham. Wash Numbers from the Universi ty's admissions office for 1002 suggest that Californians are ap plying to Oregon in greater numbers than ever before. The 1.037 Californians who applied for admission as fresh men for the fail 1002 term, which starts next month, repre sent a 33-port ent increase over the number of (Californians who applied fist fall, admissions di rot tor Jim But h said l.ast year, four out of every 10 students were from California Buch said they keep turning, despite tuition increases forced by the Measure 5 property tax limit approved bv Oregon vot ers in 1000 "Californians know about Ballot Measure 5. but they see it as being their Proposition 13 They say. 'Yes. we did that sev eral years ago.' " Buch said. "But then they go on to talk about the state's budget prob lems: 'We're overrun with peo ple - it's no longer happening at a humane scale. It's no long er u good environment to study and live. There doesn't seem to be any solution.'" The Measure 5 tax limit shifts much of the responsibili ty for funding Oregon elemen tary and secondary schools from local property taxes to the state. Without some new tax. state government faces cuts of up to Si billion in 1993-95 to compensate, and much of that would come from higher edu cation. The situation is w'orse in California, said Steve Mac Carthv, spokesman for the Cali fornia State University system. Turn to CALIFORNIA. Page 27A