Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 21, 1992, Page 14A, Image 13

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Legal Services aims
to help out students
By Rene DeCair
Emerald Associate Editor
A* you ride your bike to cam
pus. o oar runs Into you and the
driver blames you for tho dam
Your landlord refuses to glvn
your deposit back, claiming
you trashod tho plat*, but you
What's worse, you can't af
ford an attorney.
"A lot of people will try to
moss students over,” said Linda
Miller, assistant director of the
University's Legal Services.
The reason, she said, is they
think students don't have re
sources and aren't aware of
their rights.
That may have been true
years ago. but not for the past
20 years University students
have had the good fortune of
being provided with free legal
services since 1M71
Legal Services operates out of
tile KMIJ and will help get you
out of your legal bind free, with
the exception of a sometimes
required $25 typing fee.
Last year the service helped
more that. 1.000 students find
their way safely through a legal
maze of landlord/tenant dis
putes. issues of futility law and
other areas.
Legal Services will oven help
with uneontestod divorces, le
gal name changes and wills.
"Any misdemeanor, we've
represented students," Miller
But there are exceptions.
"Wo don't deal with bankrupt
cy. welfare, food stamps or in
ternational law," she said.
And because of conflict rules.
Legal Services will not help a
studont if the adverse party Is
another studont, professor or
representative of the Universi
But Legal Services will do an
expungement of all mlsdo
rnnunor and class C felonies,
which means the record of the
crime will be sealed. This is
good for some people, Miller
said, who maybe did something
years ago that they now regret.
A lot of people will
try to mess
students over.
Linda Miller.
University L egal Services
''Especially when you were
’.Bor 19 and did something stu
pid," she said.
By getting an expungement,
she said, it means that if you
are asked on an application if
you have a criminal record, you
can legally say no.
Two attorneys are on staff —
one who works almost exclu
sively on landlord issues. Also
helping is one logoi assistant
and several law students who
research issues.
Logui Services also will refer
students to another lawyer, If
for example, the student needs
personal injury representation.
The office is on the third
floor of the L'MU and is open
regular business hours. To
mako an appointment call
Turn to SERVICES, Page 23A
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