School draws share of famous siudenis By Rene DeCair Emerald Associate Editor _ Many graduates of this school have gone on to make an Impres sive place for themselves in the world of politics, technocrats u»d other fat cats. The following list barely skims the surface of successful Unlvor sitv graduates, lo nnd out utxiul oilier famous grads, call the University ar chives, the Alumni Association or in dividual schools nnd departments Here's a peek at just a few of the more well-known alumni from recent times. Contributing to the world of enter tainment is Stephen Cannei, Who graduated in 1964 and has gone on to become u Hollywood producer for The Kixkford Files, The A-Team. Kip tide and Hunter. • Howard Hesseman, who attended in 1962, starred in the TV shows Alberto Salazar WKRr in Cincinnati and Hoad ot the < .lass • Kon Kosov. 1957 graduate. Ho is a Hinds rnuntorcultum guru and author,of One Flow Over the Cuckoo'$ Nest, Sometimes ■ Turn to GRADS, Page 16A Health insurance office makes move from EMU The health insurance office has moved from the FMU to the Student Health Center to make the process more convenient for students and to give the ASUO that much less paper work to deal with. ASUO Vice President Kar men Fore said the Student Health Insurance Committee will still make health insurance policy and carrier decisions, but the health center will hun dlo the paperwork. "We're hoping it will be a positive move for the stu dents,” Fore said "The bottom line is what's best lor them. As it is now, wo have people going back and forth between the EMU and the heath center for insurance." SH1CI is made up several stu dent members appointed by the ASUO. Anyone Interested in applying can contact the ASUO at :i4l>-4724 or stop by EMU Suite 4 Russell Athletic Factory Seconds (IR) Tank Tops...$ 4.95 (IR) T-Shirts.$ 3.50 (IR) Longsleeve T-Shirts.$ 7.95 (IR) Workout Shorts.$ 4.95 (IR) Running Shorts.$ 8*95 (IR) Crew Neck Sweatshirts.$ 9.95 (IR) Sweatpants.$ 9.95 (IR) Hooded Sweatshirts.$11.95 (IR) Package Socks 3 pr. pkg.$ 4.95 ATHLETIC VAUDATID W PARKING EUGENE, OR 97401 Mon. thru Thun. 9:30-4 • M. 9:30-7 • Sit 9-4:30 • Sun 11-S Downtown Eugmc — Incw i..— Erb Memorial Union “This Week in the EMU" Kach Monday during the academic year 11 it* KMU will shart* news and infor mation on its programs and services. 1 “JOBS” Consider working for the busiest place on campus. It's fun! And it Pays! Call Frank Geltner for more information: 346-0007 SPACE. The Final Frontier. SPACE ORGANIZERS from The New Kitchen will put you light years ahead. And our prices include design and installation all at a price that won't send you into orbit. The New Kitchen 2817 Oak Street Eugene 683 6085