I---I SALE LAW STUDENTS BRING THIS AD IN FOR 10% OFF! 1122 Alder on U ol O Campus 686-5069 Mon-Fri 11-5:30 Sat 12-4:00 _l ST. THOMAS MORE l NIVERSITY PARISH (NEWMAN CENTER) 18SO EMERALD ST. EUGENE, OR 97403 343-7021 or 346-4468 MASS SCHEDULE: Monday-Friday: 5; 10pm Maw and I vtrunK Proyrr. Saturday: 5:00pm (Vi^il Mov>). Sunday: °:00 N 11 :CK3«m 7:30pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday at 4 30pm (Gmfruion) or by a|>pointmcnt. Watch the Sunday Bulletin and the Emerald for Center's Activities* ilue C'tttholu f\msh wivhij t/w U nfO jaw 1915 PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? The < Hike of Student Advocacy can help registered students wlu) have problems with university faculty, staff, policies or procedures including: ■ SIHDIKl (X>NI)l!(T roi)i:niAK(ii:s ■ SI XUAI. IIARASSMI NT ■ I )IS('RIMINATI< )N ■ UNIVERSITY HOUSING ■ ACADEMIC DISPUTI S ■ HNANCIAI AID • FACULTY MIS('( )NI>U(T ■ PUBLIC SAl iriT ■ BUSINl-SS AFFAIRS lAniumcs lUNIVFkSITY KlX'OkDS • UNlVlkSHY IMI’I OYM11NI We are a Ircc ASUO program providing profcssion al services lor students in campus-related matters Call 346-3722 or stop l»y 334 KMU to set up an appointment. um’i mm Restaurant and Lounge i ^ Chir>