Beggingyour parents for every last dime \nsntif who's wall lud ihr news within thr past si .it knows hanks .Hr hilling <|tiit kri than ).u ktahhiix pnx rrale \\ ith thr shi ink mu snpph ol I nm Is as.ulahle sin (letlts .He nltril lot i id to till II to I list Hank ol Mom and Dad to nans lot in then i ash i logs into i ash tl< >w So how i an sou ion. ei. toimnie votii parents to extend lout line ol i redit and lestiK k a hank .11 (oulil that hears all mu an m lev inhlani e in Mothei I hihh.ud s i up hoald lleie ale helpful hints hu shaking mote i oiii' Irotn die pwn nlul piggs hank ■ Kris on i Its el ness latlu i than rulrnrss Noli forint soul stains as "hide pmu ess" 01 By Tanya Madison, The Argonaut* U. of Idaho "ImU- sluggi i " liic liisi mm \ 1 *iiji .mil I>.»iI lr.nil rout i ■■Ill'll mi klullir is "Vi>mil Drop Vnu Mitlili-nlv plummet horn vmii status .is Dadds 's hull' girl In Dadds s lit dr money Milking iiiigt.une-indueing, gras Ii.iim.uiv mi>. h.iiikrupiislnsing u\ wnte-od • I I'll Mill! Inlks Mill If NIIIIggllHg III Ill'll ogs and nu ll a mini I lu-\ don't need in know ( nnu mint in ,n mails .1)410 itanird Hi mi in Ini on In Ntudlrs anatoms — vours ■ I v|>1.1111 in Mum anil Dad 1I1.11 sou m i ll IuiiiIn in iun i ‘Nludriit aitivits fees." Min all. mu air a student limit-. midnight 1 alls In Domnin's ami shopping spurs air In him alls sitnlrnl .11 mines ■ Vsk \0111 pair Ills in srl up an ruin )4ilii\ I mill tm Mill I lies will ilitnk llir liiiinn is 140111)4 In unr\[« i tril niriln al ni 1.11 lulls Ii isn't 1 ritual to icll tlirin dial a 7(1 prlirnt oil sale at llirt.apoi l 2 tli krls 140111)4 nil sale nan rinriurm \ ■ 1 linr is always llir 1nr1ln.1l 111111141110 siandlii Patents an- grin-rails soltheaitrd (ami hrailrih when il mine-* In du ll i lull! s liraldi I riling them dial mu nerd money Im ninlii llir is a suir was In boost tout hank hal.iiur llir onK mcdmnr vou'll Iw lnning is aspiim ni Mka Vli/ei to 101nh.11 llir morning aftet conga line dancing dirough Mill! Ili ad ()t 1 oilier, du n air ninir dcsjieiale wars In ui.ikr a Iasi bm k 1 lolil a said vile using Milll pan-lit s sltill as mrii handisr While Mini old trdih In ai won't hung in lop dol lai, voiii mom s antique dresser will Morn and Dad will nnhiatr tout hudding husi ness skills RriiK-inlH-i tout little hi other whnoinr decapitated Ikirhir and used hei head as the hall in the soccer match between (•od/illa and Ratnbo- Si ll h 1 in <)n the hl.11 k market hr could bring 111 al least enough ii 11 a good weekend al die lie.H h \ltd mm patents will applet tale sou sparing them dir cost ol pulling anotliei kid thnnigh college The Environment ! T»M ThM At Ttw» tity I* falling V\r4 i m* mil ht lAy Uo « a ifcMffromg nv<#Mr Uwt Am** Kmm\ \* * tfw '*>i 1*m *><*«••• riw ihmiv4 Inti fwi n • larftitt ilir in* i i»*w thr l V a llwHuuy A*r «*!**• jt> Mi iIm |im MKl inmltr'i It *r nut* I* li«mtn|-Rn thr Viii* Aay* 4 Paying th« prtc« .«tm H>itlt in ** hits tM' V*tfNt ttwiii tKr rtn«i*Wirni • Afi UalpK am Una* f\tf* * Fishing for clu«» h<4o»*>«' Mr Irmini ibr M* imc nal C x >llc*£»c* Miif»axinc* Anheuser-Busch Companies, will capture that perspective in a special issue devoted solely to the environmental issues facing us today, l.inik for it on your campus this fall, and find out how you can be part of the generation that truly cares about saving our planet.