Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 24, 1992, Page 35, Image 51

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    When funnel )ane’s Sddittton
11oniin.m IVi rv Farrell
.in non nerd i lie t re. it ion last
ve.lt ol somelhirtg tailed
I nllapaloo/a. iht music wmld
tesponded Midi 01111111111111111;
mtidlei tut e Having aheadv
In-ell I l\e Sided and l ai in Sided to tlealli,
Ians, git nips anti 1 111 it s met die pi opt »sal
with tie a I ears F.nnugh. .dreads. Midi the
rot k festivals
Hut then the rag tag 1 .mmal til mishi
hands anti eonnter-t ullinal taiist s stalled
kit king anti 1 ollapaloo/a iineailhetl its
nit he
Hi promoting univeis.il uwaieness and
progiessive atliluties. this tolling, lasing
festival of allemative iik k managed to hung
together a generation not easilv united I he
disenfiant fused had found a ham liise
So it was with great e\pet lations that the
alternative t tunniunitv geared up loi the
sequel this veai. I ollapalt«>/a
\s with most sequels, we were told this one
would tie lugger, heltei anti haddei Shows
sold out in l.r> minutes Deadheads began
making new travel itinei anes
tiin theshins wasn't .ill hi ,un stt.tm Somr lands showed. too
1 usli Ik-u.ui the h list n slum in .1 thins <>l III/ A. set hr ass
gmt.u .mil bassdtisrn alter'native nuisit , Ini In tin- high
[unhid \ rl indisi i'i mhli 11 »ti r 1 *1 Miki Hrit-nu I’lasmg hu
.iImuii in minutes. 1 ush gasr thr milills intriesli d .mihrni t .1
snlid dost- n| drnsels |>.n krd. 1 ultmg-edgr Hlitish 101 k
IV,u I | in 1 drillutt'h .1 i 11 mil l.ivmnr thrn nHr thiough .1
mi 1 it nnilrri.il ni.unlv I nun I hr 11 1 ominri 1 1.1I Minns I'm
ill.inn \ 1 loud ol dust rising horn dir grass seating signaled
1 hr si.ut nl .1 healths mosh pit \nd IV.ul |.im's hard lulling
tiitlMi .ills .mil mtclU-i lu.ilh nutst.mdmg 1n.1tr11.il was at 1 rnlfd
In siller 1 I dilir \ rildrt who sals I 1 ill.lji.lli » >/a Is (rsl.unrtll to
llir t.u 1 diat “you don’t liavr In Ik .nlrr|> to dir.till
I ndr 1 [>tiiund legends Ihr |rsus .mil VI.ns < haiti
sHimtrird on nest \nd although tin s .urn 1 known loi thru
excellent Itsr slums, tilts gasr .1 solid shi ns ul Ill.llrr t.il In Mil
thru l.itrst .illnini //tmo s Dr<td, .is wi ll .is dishing out old
I .is 01 Mrs Itkr hill Suit ( Us" .mil lit.id (111 With .1
del idl'd Is Hnitsh II.ill. I In" 11 llitisli is.iiirxpriiriliruid.uk
Kt1tt.ll .‘lid Irrdh.li k
Sr.it 1 Ir m mud me is tr 1 s Soundu.it dr n 1 .mu mi 1 nr si,
displaying 11 s no lulls no-holds-lai 1 rd assault e [list plug
111 mil msii umritts and pl.is s.i" him Ihasd ol
Somidgaidrn, and with little* pomp and a lot ol gills. llir
hand shot >k I ollapaloo/a 1 h.tvildrsi iiIk s its tiillsli as hi ass
and uipps with a sis< rial rlrnirnr islui h allows von In do
anything I nun hang sum head to stair mil .1 window sshilc
\ii(l when me l.uthlul 'Haggled min
San I-1 at it isi o’s IMI.OOO-s a pat it\ SI nut
Mnpitheatie |ul\ IK Ini thf o|>eiiiiig
<la\ nl the two-month tour, thev
at Hiallv found a show that lived up to
the h\|H
With a lull featuring Minisirv. I’e.ul
|am, I mil. I< r ( ube, I he Jesm and
Man t ham, Soundgat(It'll and I he
Red I lot ( lull IVppels. a set olid stage
Ini lot al at ts. booths disulavinit t rails
fts not very often you see
Crips and a bunch of Gothics
in the same stadium.
.mil ethnic food and .11 liv 1 •>t■>« espousing
iixial-|)oliln ,il information and all-aiotmd
mayhem. l.ollapaloo/a tli 1 ■* seat is a real
"I liked K betlei this vealsass ( Irris
l.arson, a srnioi a! flic l of ( alifortiia,
I>avis “It seemed like a teal i rosvsection of
counter cultures of south h kI.iv — .1 little hit
of everything, hut none of it ssas lot the
mainstream It's not vers often sou see < nps
and a bunch of gothics 111 the same
Hut there thi s s*ere. a genci ational
smorgasboid in an atimispliete at cepting all
and re|< ( tmg none
'll was cool to see all the strange people
from around ( alifortiia," suss John l,uv>n.
a sophomore from f ( . Dasis I he
atmosphere ssas relaxed, people sverc just
kind of hanging out listening to ness and
interesting types of musir
As listeners sjiend the das at l-olla|raloo/a,
the experience is unit h gteatet than its parts
For the straighl-hairt tit crowd, Inllapaloo/a
allows them to mingle with post-punk
nihilists — and s ir eveisa
“| I v.tw ) one gii 1 walking around in lramri imdriwrui wiin
•ill that bells piert ing and rvervthmg else pu n ed. and a dog
coliai and chain with a guy m a normal 1 stun and jcwn
hailing her around." savs I vn Boyle, a seme>i at l < . Davis It
was a verv strange combination
But the festival tan expand the political minds of c oncert
goers, as well. Groups sueh as the ( annahis Ac turn Network,
whith works to legalize hemp, the A( l.C. Handgun ( a.ntrol,
Inc . People lot the Ethical I teatmcnl of Animals and the
National Coalition for the Homeless distribute infoimation.
sell jxilitu al paraphernalia and solic it support.
Michael Dolan from Rock the Vote was adamant about
shaking some apathetic heads. “You tan t alwavsgel what sou
want, but if you vote vou tan sometimes get what you need,
he shouted at the revelers."
Eugene Porter, who is working with Grcenpeati
throughout the tour, savs he hopes to tap environmental
awareness and is working, as is everyone on the whole
lollapaloo/a tour, to "change the world, you know
listening to H < >1 tom sc tlu'ir wi n- no windows tinm wmt ri to
stair, but their defimtcls was some head hanging going on
Ice-1 was next on stage Vrs, the ever-t ontrovrisial It e-1 —
hr showed up to mUrodut r the Iasi thtrr hands and hang out
vsith It r < uhe dm mg his set ( ubr and the 1 rut hint»h
hio.nlt asi an earth-shaking sri whit h prompted one ot the
unique and we Iconic sighls ot ltie trslival a hunt ti ot whilt*
|K-oplc grooving to rap h r 1 s set at lollapaloo/a Iasi vr.u.
was the Iasi tune dial hap)Klird
As the Mill vi. Itr-l salt astitalh inttotlui rd the i|uirlrst
at t on this tom - Ministry " (omplctc with a srt ot skull,
skeletons and mu rophonr stands diaper! with holies.
Ministry hlasied the hell out ot I ollapaloo/a I lie kind s
hlend ot haid-t oie indusli tal and s|>rctl me tat hlew die sot ks
olt die i rowd who sliiMik. slamined and si learned thinugh
die '>0-ininute set
\s dai kness settled in. the audit-lit e lift aine anxious and
die midway exhibits Ix-gan (losing down Km with onh one
at t left, the festival was lai from ovn
I tie Red Hot < lull I’eppeis, the lug In ket thaw, new
gin tat isi .ti id all. It m ik the 11 owtl to a 11 ills I links win It I I hr
Peppers stormed die stage, drew a tirn/ird rt-at turn Iroin the
it owtl and nevei let die energy ehf> fol ... than two liouis
It e < iihr. It r I . the I rm hmob and other guests t»f the
rapjK-is joined the Pepjxrs midway through thru set to jam.
tap and i am on Alter this unlikrlv comho lelt the stage,
singei \nthons Kit-dis said dies jammed in the middle,
rathet than at the end of the show like usual because "iiiii
desire here is to asoitl the ohsious
\nd in general. I ollapaloo/a '92 doc*.
< >1 couise, t vmt s will soil st oil that this alternative tot k
festival is lai from -alternative." Ihe Nirvana phenomenon
i hanged all that, and now the smell of corporate dollars is
stinking up the underground
\s Paul Barker, Ministry's bassist, saw the -corporate hand
dial has engulfed the whole thing It's one big marketing
plot " He saw Ministry is feeling a hit turned off In the tour
whit h. for them, "is like plavmg »o a football crowd... A big
fut king show, anti we're not trails into those
And, ves. there arc at malls iretiple who stand to make
mimes off the whole tiling Albums will Ik- sold, many of
these louring hands will lx- engulfed into the mainstream,
anti m the end everyone will feel |iist a little hit used
All the more reason tnthetk out l/ollapakxi/a while it's still
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