Sonic Youth Rules? • Morrissey Broods • INXS Kicks Lollapalooza H • U2 Tours • In the Studio News U. College Radio Chart 1 Sonic Youth. lh>t\ 2 Helmet \tmnhmf I Beastle Boys, ( hrtk Your Hetul I Pavement Slnntnt unit /• m hunUit '< Ministry, I'utlm bV § 0 N 1 C V o u T H i> Deee-Ute, Infinite W'tthin 7 Pearl Jam. Soundgarden. Paul Westerberg. Alice In Chains... Singiri Soundstvk H The B-52‘t, < ***i Ssujj The iesus & Mary Chain. Hotuy si bail If) David Bowie. Brian Eno... ( ool H inltl Souruiliark ( haif hutffi ’ uii luipim ( rawe- uH t »4 |V'?j*4rtr W\|M I>;rvrU Wl CH*. I id (*r**#u. Wit S liMlutwi ( W\JV| Jauv > l WMH l <4 Krttftiu l'i WYt VI l >4 Ytumi HM l ufMtehtg'jn MO( l <4 Mn*wm WVYI SfUfYurkl \A XX < l »ri»j litjtvin l klvK l >4 1 < t4\ Wll l IuUnr I \\\Kk U^lr h#nil K< Ml l <4 YV Akhmet* m Sonic Youth Dirty ★ ★ I hr |).nid (.rllrn ('<> and produi ri Hun h \ is; twvr i(‘tooled (rained) .tnuthn altcinative* dai lint; tot ihr mainsiiram imiMi win Id Hunks, hullh. Inn iifxi iinir win don't volt keep soul hands off ihf pi t in little dials I Ilf so olid Sonit Youth if If ast, Ihtft, Y O U T H — I lie lollow-up III < «*> — rv .dates till- 11 inv lomialion ot then unlistrirablc punk Itotn linin' IiixoiiimmialcliHKliKi. Hut Yigs lunil is t.u ii »i brass I Illusion Mp ot Yig's other jk-i pm |<’< l, Nuvana Often. troth stvlrs imp up in one tear k Not cvrn a solo In Fugayj’s Ian Mat Rave r an make up lot thr group's toi mini vocals or dir altmnr s IX; usrrdosr I lie onr dillrrrncr tirlwmi Souk Youth and groups nidi sitnilai prohlrim — thr IV fill s and Yrs — is that Sonic'* amps go all thr was up to 20. Skip ii ■Adam Itkssriss. The Inatigk, Iltrxrl l INXS Welcome to Wherever You Are ★ ★★★ Ihr ■ s liisi audio irlrav suite the candv of \ graced lop Iti airwaves iwu mmh ago, Wfltome to Whnr'rft I fill \lf sees IN \ S I r disc OV r I lllg I hr powers hold tools dominated the r.uh seats ol thegn»up 's lli-seai lustoiv Ihr fitst hall ol the alhtini. displacing a haul edge with stings like the driving "Heaven Sriu," suggests the Anvars havr abandoned ihr sweeping ptmet ballads and pulsating dancr trai ks t haiactcrisiii ol then last i ouplr outings Hut thr vi ond hall siavs true to ihr ghost ol ISA's pu-si nl. onh this tunr with a wrl tonir ambitious altitude I’atisrs I tel wren songs air rlutunatrd. instrumrntation and MH.tls oftrn distorted and a variety ol stvlrs — from Indian to t lassual - art- exploit'd I hr band vrminglv has narked the lairs! direction of another tnrgagtoup returning to the past with an ear to the future. Yet like Bono on l '2 s latest. Hulihrmr s ashran mutant t- Ivins seem nusplat ed on an allium in h m nuisital texture. "Men and women (using each other the slum," he croons straight-fared while the Australian Concert On hrstra builds to a t limac tit crest cutlo tin the diet \ t It ivt Still. Wftarme works as a whole Part fum tiling garage iik k, pan trailed pop n roll, u has something old. something new, something borrowed and mam things blur — courtrss ol the brooding cuts on relation ships INXS hasn't tome fiimplrtch lull i m It- hut it has put out a promising, pel sonal piojct t Buyers ol Writ urns to UVo-rei You An should listen like thirst s ■ Mike Meyer. Ihr Hadgn-HrraM. I of Wist onstn, Madison Morrissey Your Arsenal ★ ★★★ With his fourth album since the Smiths demise. Morrissey again proses that even on his own. he is still the Sultan of Sulk Ih once pondered sutli profound cjucs tlolis as “What Difleletite Does it Make anti "How Simiii Is Now-'. hut with ArvnaL Mmi!nm‘\ i loscls inspects life's hu m .ip.iltlc (rulhs Stephen sings a delighlfulls self tiepiniating romp (hrough [In- lulls ol I,inie on ihe iiisi sin gle, “We Hate It ssriient 'in i itenns txcotnc mhccssiui Music alls, \r\truil is iiuirr advanced tliun anything Momwi and Co. Iiau- rrleasrd in date- 'You’re < ionna Need Some-one < )n Youi Side" has a harder roe kahilis ssvtng than ‘Sing Your Lite’ from lionet Drag. sshtle “