athursday ■ catharsis Those Beverly Hills 90210 darlings are headed your way. Fight if, if you can. Slop pietending \ow know \ou 11n(' tin ii \nd < vcii 11 non i l.iim nou don t. you t e i leal In hi denial Wake up and smell the < oiler. lltTnh llilh '*>210 In blggei lli.Kl the Ik uli s Youi rimivl.iN night* hate .hanged loll-Nfl 111VI IN ll .iImiIII /(// IlMNl-N ll> on I lllllvl.lN nights yearnin' .uni limnin' lot truue- In ii mrii'K the N11 j K' [ til 1,11 I iliVNNIoll Willi I OI1NII tlllllN. Nil ll'lllll 1 IN .lllll I’eai Ii I’ll i liresebtirgi in <)i in il viinelhing ilrc|k i ilu meaning lx-IiiikI ilir motive- l oui out ot live iIrnllNlN sniveled suggest ii in die gang itst It dial keeps I Ik- masses anxiously awaiting "Scenes I-tom Nest Wri k i ‘*>210 ” lust vou've got tin- Minnesota iwiiiN hi .union ,uul Bienda Walsli. Ilu- whole "li»h-oul-ot-waiei thing pi.uni III the lllll dining the filM season when the rvei AVondei-Bi ead Walsh I.iiiiiIn adjusted to ilu Bin 1111 In nullities* — "< hnigod, Hi andiin. w h.u will I weal ■" a Maple ot ilialogue An we i an Nee from the Nu in tiler re-run n, the Walslu-N h.iNe. at long Iasi. assimilated into the IIII nu lling pot. Brandon. (lie l‘( -lilt-islet. ilateil eii'iNone wiilnn (lie i itN limiis — im hiding, but not Untiled to. an (Mvnipu hojxliil. urw-girl-on-lltc-hlo< k I iiiiIn \ alenlllle (who lalei perpetuated the nivlh ot die liNNierit al women Inn reprising (.lenn < love's Fatal \ttnutum role) and (out jx-i vinal lave) someone in a wiinevN protei (ion program. lie is al his most annoying when he pietends he ai tualh needs Iiin alter-si ln»>l jolt al die Peat h Pit Sou live in Beverly Mill* and dine an excellent MuNt.uig i onveitihle, don't plead |x>veiIn to uv gin I hen. ot inurse, there is Bienda Does anvone in the viewing puhlii ai lualh like hei anyway' Kvei since slie hooked up with Dylan, Bienda has gone tioni innocent wait to pritna donna supreme. Not onh in 'lie petjtetualh pissed alvotn Nomelhing iidiiuloiiN. but nm- also will never torgive hei for diNNing KelK s Inendship and running light home n> I mil ,«n\ i cm <-1>t 11>i I)ad ' lame stattitms i ape < I a mi, l lial he at tualls Im' hlokcu latrls (because lie dnesii i list* mill parents — s< ore I Bui. bring a I c t o \ c I I n g alt oliulh . I >s l.iii. n bile a int i e I 7. has lived al least 1,000 lives Also possessing w isilmn lies olid lici seats is Kells, out ultimate ! a v n i lie The whole Beverly Hills gang - Can anyone be this perfect? They think so. t in. While she wenu, tin the Miil.ite, In be shallow .inti snobbs, Kells rules She .ihs.ivs lass hei e nit 11 it ms till the line .mil hei intilhei s t nt.ilile .ititlu linn li.ts mat It Kells .1 Ini inme rrsjsnnxible than is ,i|i|>.uenl in the naked vtewei So wall h lulls t Inilieti — lest you miss the subtle miant es Not sn stihlle is Steve, Kells sex. he lure the tvso partel Incusing oil Sieve's adoption angst, we basic alls had assessed Steve as a lug, hlmid lanie-o and t mild not understand Kells s attrartiori much m the same ssas as that of (Man's in 111 end.i Hut the hits trip to his Ness Mexican roots brought nut annthei suit- ot the s|H»iled. usually piggish Steve. He soil is having a perpetual had hail this, though. Despite luntage o( a potential Andiea honk-up, Steve has vet to get ovei Kells I hough we can understand, a new obsession is kes at this juiictuie We’d like the Andrea sparks to ignite because, like Steve needs to get over Kells, Andrea, too, needs to get was nsei Brandon. ... But, being a recovering alcoholic, Dylan, while a mere 17, has lived at least 1,000 lives. I..IIITI J( III I Ildl ISI.S like ourselves must shake «ur heads ai the in>|>ortance placed u|mn the Wesi Bcverlx Bla/e bv Andrea. Dude, ilus is it'll the whole Walsh dan that Kdlv’s mom was pregnant after she'd been sworn to secrecy So concerned was Brenda with Dylan's imminent Valentine's surprise (not that she even got him a present) that he didn't even bat an eyelash at bet flagrant violation of the sisterhood Sut h lameness is pat for the Brenda course. Ihe teal question remains: Why is Dylan dating her and not us. Not only i' be the hottest guv ever to own a linker, but he also is the most supportive boyfriend (see: Hold-up episode) and a rebel who breaks all the rules for all the right reasons We are hard-pressed to a HIGH SCHOOl. paper. Get a life-, and prove Brandon wrong tor his diss about vour lark ol experience during the condom epsode. Another V0210 vestal virgin appears in the ever anorexic form ot Donna Martin, who will not do the deed until site's married (no thanks to David Silver’s non-suave dropping of green condoms on pi//a). While we do respect her for following her heart and flagrantly smooching at-thc-time-geek David Silver, her at ting abilities nevei will allow her to live down the Spelling nepotism c li.uyes. nor will tfiat heinous Mermaid costume from Halloween. 1101)11,1 s I s|h nu i muuv > it - surgerv-but-stiH-look-kinda-funnv" fan- and gcncrallv svveel demeanor have endeared her to mam a viewer, Inn we i an i icalk get excited be her one wav oi the other Mavirc it '•In- put on ,i leu {rounds W e do give a (humbvup on lift relationship with David Silver, however David hmivll now i\ in a grav area, the love interest, louplcd with loser friend Stott s axing and new stej> siblingncss witli Kells all have served as important tools in the elevating of David’s sot ial status, but it s still somewhat of a sueli h to accept him as one of the of lit ial gang A meieveai ago he was throwing eggs at people s i ai s Koundmg out the tin* Utils crew ate the patents While Kellv ’s mom and David's dad did emerge with then love aflaii at teiilcr nmrt fm an episode, and Donna s philandering mom made a cameo as well, in HIIwhen von talk tents, vou still talk Walsh Not onlv does Mom want Dylan (you heard the voice-over <>n tfie lettei she wrote on the last episode of the spiing season) and has no life whatsoever that does not involve het offspring, hut she i ompletelv allows Dad. the sexist pig tvrant, to rule the roost with his irrational hatred of Dvlan. W e speculate that Dad's ndirulous behavior is motivated hv his own not-so-latcnl incestuous lusting .liter Brenda. W’ lie doesn’t realize is (fiat Brenda realty wants Brandon (that sure explains all of their late-night talks and rendezvous m the bathroom). How s that for familv dvnamic s? So. wfiv is fin*rh Hills 90210cHir raison d’etre? We know the show is at its lx-st when it steers dear of any attempts to tackle the issues lugger than the prom. Perhaps the questions is moot when asked of a generation that knows tin- name of the Brady Bunch's singing group (the Silver Platters).