Coming Soon... •Cameron Crowe Says Everything SNL’s Rob Schneider • New Video Releases By PAUL ROOFS Indiana Daily Student, Indiana l Movie watchers aie about to witness the unveiling oi the odd roller tion ol Hollywood leftovers tradilionalls sand wiched between summer blockbusters and dramatic (Tiristmas offerings I his veal s assortment is typical lormula led comedies, i|uiekh produced thrillers, and the occasional low-kev drama make up the hulk of the menu, with a rare gem thrown in to keep us interested. Herr's a look at some of the upcoming releases The Gun In Betty Lou's Handbag (Touchstone) In what is undoubtedly the most pathetic premise sinc e Stop, or Ah Mom Will Shoot, small-town librarian Penelope Ann Miller confesses to a murdei she didn't commit in hopes of gaining the attention of hei hus band Inevitably, the victim secretly was a Single White Female (Columbia) \ pssi hologi lm l nr* manager, tall* in lovr with a beautiful lining woman and (of course) stem hi* new Irani to ilir pennant. Sneaker* (Universal) Leading man Robert Redford, playing ifir boss of a shadow* train of high trill set in it* agent*, i* supported bv a diverse crew including Dan \krosd, Urn Kingslr*. Martin Short pLm an ovn stressed vup pie dad who presides ovet an over-stressed yuppie family When a nth uni le dies and leaves ihem a 50-loot sailboat, thes all have dreams ol the good life until they at twalh see the tusthui ket just when all is thought lost, along comes Kurt Russell as a grizzled, irreverent skipper, to shake up the family and teaih them how to enjoy life as it comes. Sort of a W hat \huut Hob at sea I his won't lie too original, but it mas he worth w all lung just to see Russell - in dlcadlos ks Kivn rhoentx and >10110 roitiet 1 h«- rather uninspiring plot hat out pals blackmailed hs government agents into helping them out lit a to|>-»eiiet u|xralion Not the Mull ol legends, perhaps, hut the interplav of these three generations of at tors could in used Ik- worth the price ol atlmixsu >n Mr. Saturday Night (Columbia) Hills (Crystal’s love ol the old-style stand up counts ol his youth has liern an entlut mg theme ill nun h ol his wink So 11 s not suiptising i isstai s nitre ting arum snoiiiu hr lhe bittersweet story of the lilr of )iist mu h .1 comic ( stars .i' Btirii 1\ Young |l . and lhr film follows thr ups and downs ol Ins Mf-vear (arm W ith a vuhjrt t so < line in Ins heart, < .rsstal (an Ix-i omr divistrnusK mawkish and sentimental, as hr was in Urminvs oj Mr Ills talent mas just pull him through this (Mir Whtaper* In the Oarft (Paramount) I-set situr Ingrid Bergman went Irnm head shrinking to slruthing in IhtihiiMk s \f