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Puerto fSap mm» toe d—to or —mas > oaw Canedton wed— sensed from Tomrao Appacehto — Ox added to sf orders 7I4M2 DPV 8F RN WS EM HtHt. 5 HOW IU UfcT YOUH 8 CDS FUH 1C • Jus) mail the coupon logoff** with check 0< money order tor $1 86 (fhars It tor your 8 CDs plus $1 85 to cover shppng and tiandkng) • You agree io buy just so more selections n the no*’ three years at regular Club prices (Currently $12 98 to $15 98 plus shipping and handling)—and you may cancel membership at any time after doing so • Free Music Magazine sent every lour weeks (up to 13 times a year) describing the Regular Selection lor your listening interest plus hundreds ol alternates And Special Selection mailings up to su times a year (total of up to 19 buying opportunities) • Buy only what you want! 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Inckana 47811-1130 e t«« The Cotomtsa ttouae Company Entertaining America. One Person at a Time." I