Dll III I IT Is .1 II >1)1 l).l II pl.iM'l llr i ,imr 111 < .11iliii ni.i Si.iIt l I .mig Hr .ii Ii , i i > plus 11mth.ill Hut .ii < .ilifoi ni.i Si .ii I- l . I i iiij{ Hi'.u Ii. i lu‘\ I lull I pi.IV 11 Nil lull .tmiimi! I Ills IS (III M Ml I Vs .IS ^1 ijlljl III In 11II III .1II I vs .1 s .1 st ,i | If I . s,n s I n .1 cli'liTlsiVf li.li k .mil vs ii Ii i it civil III .1 i.nr move lull mu- vsliu It lli.iv hr 11 mif I.i i nun i n ilium in us luul^rt i iiili,ii ks ,in«| \( \ \ sum nuns take the .ill llllt ol UlllllIH ill | i.i I lllllHls < ul Stun- I niig IV .ii Ii. nllii i.ils ii uli/i-il lusi VI .11 (Ill'll If.till Ilu Ii Him I * * llllll ..It'll.I Ii i tll.1V I >IV ISU III I \ Im it I I.III “l 'Vf l>CCH pl.ivlllg Sllll f I VS .IS TI IT SUVS It II illl.lll ll.ls Ilf V IT III I'll l.lkcn uvsuv Ii i mi me I lull mv lilt- is jjmiic I Ills lull 1 ff Vs i ill I Ilf .111 III 11 If || k kf I lllllllls. fVftl tllll'lgll Ilf lius .1 VI Ul III I. m iilinll fliyiliilnv let I. "I l.mk ul l Ii e tiilli^f Iniil bull | hi III ii u IH ms ui tin1 In n iksii ii i . uni I think mv n.inii- imilil linvi- In i n in lin n snvs 1 i f u lil.n k sttiilu-s niiii i uilni lf If v isiuii lilin inn).il I .ill is i uilnilf up. uiul U s if.illv cumin me up ll hulls if.il h.ul Iong Beat h Aihlrin Durum David (>Blinl savs Iuiil^cl < tils, tnuplnl with \( \ \ saui turns, signaled tin downfall million more ilm year. In the meantime, loothall coat lies at colleges and universities (tapped in stagnant economic times are waiting out the storm, hoping that when the game resumes this tail, then lot kcr rooms, too, won’t Ik* empty "I think other sc hoots are going (<> have to take a look at then programs, and some ot the small institutions are going to have to fate reality and see that tliev i an t co.itmue to plas Dis isi< >n l-A ansmore, and some mas see that dies will have to diop then programs i oinpleteivO'Brien savs. Sometimes though. .1 compromise i .111 lie icai lu ll \i lowson St.iu- l in Maivland. nilii nils .lie till piemen1 mg .1 plan to save the loolhall team, vvliic li i loxed the si avin last veal with a I II) record 1 ovvsnn will si ale li.uk Its loolhall piograrn in the next two to three years, moving toward a non xeholai ship piogiam By doing this, univcrsitv oliicials hope In xave $100,1 MMI. Dan <)’( oiinell. a siHikesman toi the lowson athletu ilepartinent. s.tvs the move is a compromise to keep the team \ simil.n lomproimse saved the Western K1M1 tlick\ I team, whn h went H-H last season I he umveisitv 1 111 WKl s Budget horn almost $ I million to $ lf>0,000 loi this season, a move to keep the program from Being cut completely, savs iV.11 is Bi 11 kman. assoi iate athletii direi toi tor business .tllaiis. “We aie eoiiipeling toi people s enteitamment ilollats. and il we don't pul a good piodui I on the field, we will lose that 1 even lie to other loi 111s ol enteitaimneiit,” he savs In the end the fate ol a loolhall progiam tests on its ici ord, () < oiinell savs. “W hen von aren't winning, people look at v011 and xav 'what do we need ltl.it toi he savs I ake Soiittiein Methodist t hi Dallas SMI . .1 (illicit' lull III lootn.lll tradition, is trying id liml wavs id rliminalr athlrtii department details in i-\< css of $ I million I In- tram, wlm li finished 1-10 last srason, i r |iot (nlI\ sullrrrd a $4.8 million loss last scat aloin- President \ Krnnrlh I’m- s.ns adinimsti atm s t on side t etl deficit icdiu ris. ranging tiom t-lnnilia(lMg si hnlarshtp athlrtii s to dio|i|iiiig SMI athlrtii trams to playing in a town division But SMI lir ad loot I).ill loath loin Rosslrs is tigtiling thr drop, rvrll though his tram’s hrsl in mil is ‘J-1* Mill r I OS' l "I think, loothall is iiki hig m I rxas and in thr Dallas .lira, and I don’t think siudrnts. alumni oi riti/rns of Dallas would r\rt Irt that happrn. Rosslrs sals. I ht-s all know that Southrin Methodist would not Ik- the pl.u r it is IikI.is without athlrtii s " I hr drtu it is irlatrd to lough rionomii lintrs in grnrral, Rosslrs sass. anil oner thr I rxas and national economies u ImhiikI SMI will Ik- hai k whrir it wants to Ik-. "Wr’ir grtlmg lrvs monrs ilonatnl fiom our alumni and from all out other sources, and that's just thr was things arc rconomit alls Rosslrs suss Rur 1 Athlrtii Dim tor Bubbs Mas s is s administi a lots thrrr dri idril to krrp thr liMithall piogram in Division I A play, drspilr speculation that a $‘V7 mill. >n drill it would Ion r of fir lals to consider slit ing thr athlrtii program. “1 don’t think dropping thr ftKilhall piogram oi going to a smallei division is a solution to out problem at all," he Continued on I’agi’ >n Dm <■ FunTF.R. I hi Battalion. Tl \\s V&M. t .