Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 24, 1992, Image 35

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VISTA Volunteers share the vision of a better tomor
row by making a contribution in the community today.
Brighter futures take shape when V'IS I A Volunteers
mobilize and develop community resources to ad
dress the many faces of poverty.
After your college career is completed. VISTA
offers you the opportunity to put your education to
work in realistic settings. VISTA Volunteers leam life
skills —sk ills only a year of unique VISTA experience
can provide.
VISTA Volunteers are assigned to project sponsors
which may be private or public non-profit organiza
tions. Volunteer activities may include, but are not
limited to. organizing food distribution efforts, creat
ing networks to support literacy projects, or designing
programs to combat substance* abuse.
In addition to acquiring valuable and rewarding
experience, VISTA Volunteers may receive defer
ment or partial cancellation of certain student loans.
VISTA Volunteers receive a living allowance based
on the economic level of the communities they serve.
As you look toward graduation, consider becom
ing a VISTA Volunteer. VISTA offers you the
opportunity to shape a community and share a vision
of a better tomorrow.
l or more information on becoming a VIS I A
Volunteer, please call I-800-424-8867, hearing im
paired (TDD) 1-202-606-5256, or write VISTA,
Room 11106-L, Washington, D C'. 20525.
Volunteers in Service to America
(VISTA) is part of ACTION, the Federal Domestic
Volunteer Agency Washington. D C 20525