Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 24, 1992, Page 18, Image 34

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U. of Control Florida * Holly Ramsey Introduced Paul T*onga* at the Democratic National Convention In Jufy. Site and other student* lend a hand to their favorite candidate*
Find out why students will drop everything
once every four years to make the next president
B\ Tl li S. Wakkin. f in Doth IrxnnA «»i Ii\\v \i min
Attei graduating from high school in
candidate* am! i .uinisn took precedent
mncollege tot tthan /indlft.
that Mitnitici lit- progressed (tom seal
ing envelo|>es in the basement of Michael
Dukakis Btookline. Mass , c ampaign headquarters to
vssi.ang Dukakis' campaign manage)
Hut altei November, tleorge Hush was tieaded tot
the White House, and the onlv place Zindler ctmld
find a Demot rat it presidents was in his histoiv t lasses
at the l of Wisconsin. Madison.
•\fter three semesters, lie grew restless and headed
in California to serve as Dianne Feinsiein's deputy
< hief of staff in her rare lot governor. Alter Xindler's
setond attempt at eler tion vu tot\. Feinstein was
defeated and /indler found hrmsell in a lamili.u situ
So when IVte Wilson moved into the governor 's
mansion, /indler went to Haivaid lot a vear as a visit
ing student Still aware ol the lure ol a campaign, he
kept an eye on Ark.ms.is <»ov. Bril Clinton
“I saw ('.linton and said. 'This guv has a real idea ol
w hat needs to be done' and three davs alter exams. I
was in I iltle Rock.” /indler savs, recalling how he
hooked up with someone from a previous campaign
and was hired by Clinton's press office to wotk on
w heduling fot the candidate's traveling prevs corps.
Wisconsin would wait — again; Zindlet was back on
the trail.
He joined thousands of college students from
across die country to serve in the armv of volunteers
and interns forming die backbone of presidential
c ampaigiis this sear.
Kverv word and move of Bush, Clinton and their
sup|M>rt teams is preceded by hundreds of student
generated phone calls, memos and briefing sheets
More students c heck and double-c her k sc hedules
and transportation arrangements
‘Basically everyone is voung — most people I work
here with who aren't students are no more than !Vri,
suss Zindlet, who is 22
Many of the crowds turning out to wave flags and
shake hands at campaign stops were recruited and
notified bv local < hapters of the- ( iollrgc Dr mot ruts or
Republic arts, organized complclrls b\ students, ese-n
at the national level
Tons Zagotta became national chairman of the
f ollcgc Republic arts in 1989 and mosed to Washington,
D (alter graduating from Illinois State l
" I he biggest thing voung people filing to a cam
paign is exc itement and enthusiasm... college stu
dents will sleep on floois, eat Me Donald's and woik
night and das fot little pas." Zagotta sacs "it enrr
gi/es the whole campaign to base them."
Zagotta wants then votes as well bee ause of the high
percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds who voted
Republic an in 1984 and 19H8.