Hey, you with the camera, U. pays cash, prizes for photos Lneeds lots of color photos of campus events and everyday activities... and we ll pavyou for cvciv one published. U. PHOTO CONTEST Plus, we're offering four $1,000 scholar ships and runner-up prizes foi the best ones submitted in four categories We're looking for photos of the l.un and facets of college life on and off campus, from the normal to the outrageous, from funnv to serious, landscapes iwhilr mspir ing)and nudes (always interesting) are tint needed. Photos r an lx- of almost anvthtng or any one - lost freshmen, moving tiav (on or off campus), orientation, dorm life, all-night tramming. bed head*, campus protests, political or pep tallies. spring break. inter collegiate and intramural sports, concern, shopping, ctxiking, studying. working out. latest campus fashions and tads, long out, rating out, pigging out you name it Send us tout photo entries on colot print film, labeled on the hat k with sour name, school, address, phone numbei “New Gyne-Lotrimin disposable applicators make it even easier to cure a vaginal yeast infection.” 7 Disposable Applicators Only Gyne-Lotrimin* offers a woman seven individually wrapped plastic applicators st) she can use a new one each night of her vaginal yeast infec tion cure. She doesn't have to Fast Cure for a Yeast Infect ion Full-prescription strength Gyne-Lotnmin gives women a fast cure. It begins to work quickly to help bring a vaginal yeast infection under control. If this is the first time sou have wash it. and she knows that it is clean. And because Gyne-Lotnmin disposable applicators are made of smooth plastic, they are so easy to use. had vaginal itch and discomfort, consult your doc tor. If you have had a doctor diagnose a vaginal yeast infection before, use as directed. New* c^^^9raitc*rt9C9ort 1SSSSS ^ISfrimin* OoWmoiote voginai cr*om 7 CWpokU* Acofcxtan Now a Fast Cure is an Easy Cure. © 1992 Schr.ng plough «««<« ProOucH me Kerns jrwj tcHoe jtw <*»«dion» (both home .Hid v hoot), .mi! detailed into on who. when, win, what and where the photo was taken Inc little name' and phone number' ol the people in thr pit tin e jt possible h nil les air non-re I ill n able For e.u h photo runs publithed in l (as mam .n Ml an issue), you'll be paid $‘2.r>. and votn name and campus will lx-1 redlted under the photo. giving v<»u national let tjgnition. Ihr Mas IWA issue ol ( isill leature a special ( ollcge Year in Review set tion showi .tving student photo entries Keen entrs received automaln alls will he entered in 1st oltege Photo t otitesi Fotll FtlMpl.u e will nets will let rue SI .< N M) scholarships Photos will lx- judged in (out categories news, campus life lilcstvles, sports and entertainment Second and thud plat e winneis also will ret ene pn/es Sentl voui entiles to I I HI \.\IIO\.\l ( Ol IK.I AM(,\/IM I'HOIO ( ON I INI. IHIMitenturv P.uk Fast. Suite H2<), I .os Angeles. ( \, 'HHMw-l art U. wants the best: Editors apply now l is at i rtmng applications It it lout lopedt tois to vise as etlitois on tellowship lot the 111* IVH | (uhltshmg veal. slat ting i text (line Vjiplit ants must have at least two years ol student newspaper e\|H ttent e. vsitli one year as an editor or set tion etlitot. and semui status oi a tut helot s degree as ol ]ulv peri (^ualilietl students shoultl semi a sell adtlressed. st.un|ied envrlo|x- to I v Wengei assot late editor. I St Ml < etitmv Paik last, Suite S JIl I a is Angeles ( A 1H KH17 < )i t all < Aid) o'd I As 1 |oi mme itilt>tillation U. IS ACCEPTING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Starting with the October issue. U. is accepting classified advei Using and career and education directory advertising (We didn't have room in this issue!) Classified ad pages have been re designed to better showcase and sell your product, service or career and education program. Advantage* of Advertising In U. • Highest circulation 15 million • Highest readership • Broadest campus coverage all 50 states • Highest response rates three times the national average • Low CPM CLASSIFIED LINE AD RATES Standard type - $19.25 per word; bold or jumbo type $22 50 per word. 12 word minimum CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RATES $975 per column inch (column width is 2 1/4"). one inch minimum. Camera ready artwork required Payment must accompany all orders MasterCard/Visa accepted. For information about CLASSI FIED and CAREER AND EDUCATION DIRECTORY ads. call Alexy Coughlin at (310) 5511381. IT