Director apologizes for offensive letter By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Associate Editor The associate director of the Office of International Educa tion Is making an offort "to mend fences" after writing what several students see as a racist remark. Peter Briggs found hitnself in hot water with some members of the area's Asian community after writing a short letter that refers to the Chinese us people “who will run all over you if you lot them.” Some Asian students, includ ing Hlayang Yuan, president of the Chinese Students nnd Scholars Association, and ASUO President Bobby Lee, have reacted with outrage and initially called for Briggs’ to bo fired. But others havo jumped to Briggs’ defense, including Wenyon Do, president of tho Chinese Students Association. Briggs apologized for his written comments and wrote an open hitter of apology to all reg istered Chinese students. He said he understands the con cerns of those who voiced their anger at a private meeting witii University President Myles Brand, who declined to take any action but suggested those involved sook mediation. Briggs said his intent now is to meet with those students himself and focus on rebuilding broken lies. "A lot of peoplo who know mo have been vory supportive,” Briggs said. "My own fooling now is to look at how we can mend broken fences. I made a mistake, but can wo recognize that and move forward? I think calling for my resignation is a bit oxtreme." Briggs added that a major concern now is thut tho campus Chinese community not be come dividod because of an Is sue surrounding him. "I’m using this us a real wake up call," he said. "Let's not ar gue, but move forward. 1 feel this tan bo worked out. There will still be some who an? not happy, but I want to be able to work together again and mend fences and I’ll work hard to do that." The ictiur In question, dated Aug 5. was written in response to a student's request for an ex tension on his student housing lease. Students who finish school are given two months to find another plats? of residence VVu Xiangui, who lives in West moreland housing, graduated in Juno. He requested the exten sion so ho could stay In the iow-rent homes until he found work and could afford other ac commodations. Darrell Neet, Westmoreland maintenance supervisor, wrote a lottor on Aug 4 to Ron Tendick. director of family housing, In it, he wrote that Xiangui had contributed much to the complex and deserved u fair chanco at an extension. Neet indicated in the letter that he beliovos family housing is inconsistent in such decisions Although Briggs has no say on housing decisions, Neet sent a copy of the letter to him. Neet expressed concern that ■‘Chinese students are often ut a disadvantage in our system l>o cause they an? too polite to bo abrasive and wouldn't consider threats und retribution as ap propriate.” Briggs responded with a let ter to Tendick that was eventu ally shown to Xiangui. In the letter. Briggs writes ”1 respect the rules you have and the difficulty in enforcing thorn. My experience with the Chinese (as one example used in your letter) tolls me that they may be polite, but they also know how to work a system to Turn to BRIGGS. Page 5A 683-1584 366 w 6th a vs m buy A a ail • Ip's • tapes cd'e • singles THK FAR SIDS By GARY LARSON Every August, the fleas would test their endurance In the grueling Tour de Frank. GREAT CHICKEN AWESOME JIBS FABULOUS BURGERS OUTDOOR SEATING W« Mrv« B««r and Win* 1461 % East 19th Mon-WwJ 1130-230 & 500-900 Thum-Frt. 1130-230 & 500-1000 Sat-Sun 5.00-1000 WANTED! High School Equivalency Program Resident Assistant Requirements are bilingual in Knglish and Spanish, must be a full-time UO student in good academic standing. Experience working with high school youth preferred. We pay for dormitory housing cost plus S250 monthly stipend. For application call or stop by S HEP office, 1685 E. 17th, 346-353 i. . 1 Oregon West fitness • AEROBICS, AEROBICS... VanvuM w> OKWW »nxn... • Stairmasters, Lifecycles & Aerobicycles • versa Climber • Tanning Packages • Personalized Training > Adjacent to Jogging/ Bicycle Trails OREGON WEST - FITNESS - Best Hours-Best Prices 6am-11 pm 7 Days a Week 1475 Franklin Blvd. • 485-1624 from campus 1/2 OFF Initiation Pee Bring this coupon in and receive 1/2 off our low initiation fee.