Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 24, 1992, Page 12, Image 28

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    Wit Mills
► The costs go up, but the
song remains the same
( linn tV«-\ had to m.ikr .1 (In imoii
Min (<mv t 11 (1 \I I 'i and '.’o pritriH Male budget 1UI1 and Mit»vt)urnl
HUtton IIM 1 rASCII .*t UK* l of
(begun. boev could lease
oi pa\ a t> 7 fK-rtcni tuition
in* tease
Do I want to take one
veat «*11 ot <i< • i vs.inf to juvt
open iuv mouth and vtv.
No Mom and Dad. out
mote* s rat sm vs Hues a
vniot businevs major
hot the three trim lV4*!’
b.Satademi* w\u. Iior\ and
olhei out-ofstate students
will pa\ alxmt $^.000. while
in state trsidrnts will pa\
about $ VtHMi
U ith tuition in* teasing.
Hors sass he probably will
have to * ut ha* k on In mg
"I * an t g*» out that often
am more — gotta * ut down
on shopping. IV* h \ sass
I !<■ is not alone
Students fa* tilts and si.ift
at othet colleges an*i
universities also are feeling
the- In tint of state budget
* rises
I union has in* teased ‘I
pet tent at the l of
Minnesota following a
Sl'» 7 million state funding
Mo' money, fewer clastet:
U of California, Davit, ttudent Jay Johnaor
hold* hit fea tfafement for $993 fhlt fal
quarter, up from $567 a quarter In 199091.
ml. .mu > pen ml at the I oi Manama s*Mrm amt j notation siuru rnr
m bool's budget In $% 1 million
( rarg Smdal..» sophomoie in ph*su s and mathematic* .u ihr l of North
( arolma. (.hapel Hill. sa*s students arc pn king up the lab not* <«»i
im identals the university used lourtri
“Nun don't get lire goggle* or am thing anvuiotr. Smdal sa\s
l \( fact s a proposed tuition mt tease of 10 pen rnt dm vrat I oi instate
sttulriits tuition \sould iik ir.iM- $7S and for out-ol state $nt»l l ast \rai
tuition at l \t m« teased ‘.*0 prticni
States air tm mug to higher rdut at ion lot i utbat ks bet ante it la* ks the
funding mandates du tated b* rmironmrru.il. prison. clementar* cduc aiion
and other programs. vavs Koltrit Sweetie*, a [m»Ik\ aruhsr at the American
\ss. h ration of State ( olleges and l m\mines \N hen the** look to make cuts
higher educationi stic ks our like a sore thumb “ ■ Vmanda Ihompvm, Ihr
I huh (U&Xwn. 1 Vims* Kama State l
► State told to ‘get with it’
— don’t hold your breath
Mtlmugh lilt-1 S Xupirmel <11111 hasiirdrird southern higliei education
sssieius liiumtiinii' dismantling • rimiis-old *gn-gaiion polit ies Mississippi
\ allc-\ Si.iir student f iigetie ( ook still isn't holding out fm imn h i hange
took knows first hand (hr disparities between hisioncallv while and
prcdnnimatids blac k s< hoots in Ins state — dismantles that won ) tw i hanged
In a t ourt tin isn>11
"\\r tr talking about Mississippi." sass Cook an fnghsh and political
s< it nic senior "It s |tisi like Brown s Board ol education I here aie still
s< In Nils in dn South drat sas we air going In doll our own was
Cook sass he has visited the t of Mississippi, a hisiorii alls while sc hool
with “top-note h* lai times
"Mississippi \ alles Sialr has no funding." ( ook sass 'Our computer
erpnpineni is not up to date [At the l ol Mississippi], it is
I he ioiiiI ruled this summer dial Mississippi has not done enough lo
abolish segregation in highrt education Ihr court cniuired tout aieas in
wiu< Ii segregation ***H exists admissions requirements. dupliiate programs,
missions assignment and funding.
( nut sol Mississippi m In Mils ms vmllicni lugliet rdm ation ss stems nerd a
ssstetnalii it's iris and overhaul
"Vis hope is dial ilie existing funding formula soil he examined and
i lunged so hlai k si Ik Mils won't In- at a disadvantage l>s the present formula,"
viss M.us ( .ole Ilian a imlitn ai si tern e ptofeswu at |.u kson State l and long
time i tun of Mississippi's segregated uimrisits system.
Hui Mississippi univri sits s\Mtm uitui.iis ate uncteat wnat me
requirements will Ik* and what n will take to nice! them.
‘ I hr unknown answer is when lias the stale s formal operation
mulrt desegregation gone far enough to remove segregation." sass
Frank < rosthwait. piesidetil of the Hoard of 1 lustres lot Mississippi
highei education
l hatm.u be a difficult question Cot administrator* to answer Hut as
a student. (look s.os u si lear vnilhern universitieshave not gone fat
“l mil ( amasians stall attending out (bl.u ki univetsines, nothing
will happen ■ Kimherh kendle. The ( ulumbta Mm«unan, I ol
Missouri (ailuinhu
► Not much tehoice’ for
this new generation
For sc.il' 1’rpsi has proclaimed it'cll as I lit- ( hour ot a New
(tcnrralion.' and now oil mam campuses, they’ve guaranteed lhat
i lann h\ ensuring 'indent' o! ihe new generation have no < lion e
I'etMUlo 111! I' taking It' ad'eiti'ing slogan "(ailta Male ll” to the
Irani lines ol the sola waiv wlm li have 'pilled i into i ollege i ampii'C'
\nd it ' plasing haidhall with soft drink', 'pending million' lot
e'i lit'i'e tight' tot anipiK vile' at vs el al uimei'itir'
licit what mas 'eern lui i alive lot uill'ri'itie' mas not lie h >i 'indent*
»! i um.
lanuta Lniui. president ot thr \wn uieu Munriiis .u me i «
i% n< >t hapfn a lx >in hrr umvrfMts s drt isu m to sell (oke onh "C « h .»( * >la
Pepsi i ola I don't .an llu ic air much mote pressing ismiin !( % ihr
principle that thr administration is vising, Wr tr making thr fin ision h»i
\«ni Wr should ha\e Urn notified ast omumns "
Pepsi is templing university food M ini r duet tors to c h<x>v thr i ight
ow* In otteringirurnttvrs mhh as Um prtxiiK t uwt. tuition-funded software
ami markrimg programs to* students
\t thr t oi l tali ( okr has always hern thr lowest bidder vi\s I on
Sa* hau. dim toi o! I nioii food Set vie rs ” But this limr Pepsi was un
aggtrxM\r in targeting thru hid * Thr uimrrsiis joined an increasing
mimlx'i ol v hooh vtgnmg r\ilusty r tofUiat t.s with thr lompam
"Wr mere approached In both firms and to make a long slots short JVpM
came at us withthr more lufiativr .igieement. vi\s Roger Williams. assistant
site president and r\e<uttvr director of uimrrsm relations at Pennsylvania
Stair t Pepsi is non thr ntl'inal soft drink on all 22 campuses in the
university svstem Other schools switching to Pepsi include thr I »>!
W ashington. < begun State l and \ illanos a l
( -unjHiMominrM uli/ation is drawing lire tmm students l >>11 uh slut lent
xia* r\ i *nrwru sum me i ou in* uioyioit
lanushes her v hoot's image
" Hit- v hoot * participation tn the
tola isalx jeo|»ardi/rs oiu reputation
.is a hheiul ami open campus.* ihr
"Win tan l schools |ust oiler tx>ih
Bui neither company vsanis
sending machines plated next to
each other.
"Neither Pepsi mu the (.ota Cola
( omp.un vmmid Ik- soiling to gist- us
llearls sm h atliaitisr proposals
Miihom an exclusive contract." sum
Noun t humlx-rs. I ol l tali three tor
ol auxiliary services
Others, like Dan Johnson, a
\ illanova senior. are asking lor a
pm Mils t lux k 'Sochi is soda. * he vim
'll s not that hig ol a <lr.il " ■ Kens
Slu .l, /Ifli/s l Ulh ( hicnuUA of l lull
The choice of a new generation?