MWWMilh ► Students bike, skate their way to traffic court i imi nit] ad ra ini ft tna tort an putting the. brake* on toitti forms "i Mudcnt tf antpoiuumi !“ keep students fiom plowing o\n pedestrian* .ifid toughing up < arupus pi«»|M*itt the um- of 1>um In. skatrlxiatds and in hue skate* at mam v hools hat bee nine illegal \t ( ahtomia Polvtrc him State l San I nis ()his}»>. public safett ofltiri* 11« krt in line tkatris and tend them roiling to traffi< court five I hr tic krtmg is a irtult of a ( aidoi nta A dim tostiat»vr (.ode that prohibit* in line skating skatehoaiding and similar modes of s ; «■* f \ r , p ti an«*poi tation on unixnsiix giounos 1 nlort rinrlil of thr codr is up to thr dis< retton ol mdixidual public v hook Mik* Krnnrdx. an mxrstigator lot ( al 1‘olx police. \.ns ihc oidmatur was a it Milt ol largr numlxts ol skatrltoaidrts on < atilpus ’ Wr wnr afraid they would hurt th« tusclvrs 01 run into jK-drMiran* ami hint them,’ hr vt\s I hr %l student at tixitirs "We h It it wasn't vile foi jiedestnans with all the hikes and skateboards whiz/mg b\ Hughe s vixn \N r hatl to iit> sonic*thing wr tried to do it on .1 voluntary basis last sear which turned out to be tnaigmallx sue 1 esslul California achoola are laying down the law for anything on wheel* I lughes sass I hr null) i ulpntson i ampus ssetr tst lists .mil skateboarders ' 1 hr sidewalks luir hull slopes lo lllrm. whu h weir pellet I lot thrrn In slalom b.u k .mil hmh on In hue skating. enough, hasn't matei i.tli/rd .u Humboldt set irails ' Hughes sa\s "II things i h.uigi and in-line skateis Ix-gm lo pie will a ptoblem. then ssr hasr thr i ighi lo Itxtk ai rspanding the poli« s to iiu hide them asssrll bin light iioss in-line skating is a non issue I so] in-line skaleis I loin Slate l ol Nest York. \ Ilians Mai k t eia/m and Dan khniisr. sas students sslio ss.tni lo skalr on tdiupus should be |x'lmilled lo do vi as long as (lies sign irlr.iv- forms tfrring llieu v luxtls IromIiahihls il dies air injured Km issii as 'hold hat in less" agreements dies are siniitai to tin iv- tome ski mountain ojK ialois ret|une skieis in sign hut just hrtause someone signs one of these forms doesn't mean a lllllsrisits is prolet led s.iss Main f liftman asvx late t ounsri ssilh Nl N\ mural. " I hrsr hold harmless' agiremenls m assumption ol nsk agreements. as dies air alvi knossn, have limits to dim lltipai t." she viss "fin one thing, these agreements don't nisei die slate it u is found us negligent e led to an iiipns \nd for another, I hrsr agreements mils tosri the skater Hut happens il die skaler runs into someone' I he t ampin isn't toseied hs dial riihn " • Iom Muiii.un 4/Anrrs Stuiimt/Vest. Stale l ol Ness Volk. Mbaiis ► Oh Clarence, now look what you’ve done \n iiu tease in avs.ueness of sexual harassment nationwide has .diet ted mlleges and unisetsities. where stalisin s shots reports ol liaiassmeiii base nit teased bs mote than all pen ent suit e I'll I I he national kqual K.mplosmenl Opportunity (aimmission reports that 1211 vxual li.iiassinent t harges sseie liked in thr l niteti States lot the first ipiartet of I‘W i ompatrst to T'.'S in the first quarter ol 1 *»** 1 I lie iiu ir.iM- in < iiMipl.iinl' i' .1 rrsull nl I lie public IH Mil uni inline l hr ( l.urn< r I hum.IS \niw Hill li.illie laM < h ioIkt. viw Ijsa Brodkn, dun lor ..I ib. Vmi.iI H.ii.ivsmriu hdui .mihi I'uigi.mi .u the 1 <>l ( jlilornia. Davis " 1 hr* helped people in hr mg ibis out in the nprtl Xiong with iiu leased tcpoi is nl harassment, a stud* indie .iu s prrr harassment in an emerging issue \i < Hiding in a ( enter I«>r Women s Polics Studies Mines. To m 90 percent nl under graduate women have expeiienccd some form of peer harassment bv male* or group* of male* ftrncike* agu es peer hara**ment rapidh is gaining more attention and sa\s n t an take mam form* "Peer harassment ranges limn sexual advances t*> whistles anti < ate alls." she va\s "And il s subjet l in anyone from amour Peer haiassmenr Ix iame an issue Iasi spring at l ( Davis, when the marching hand was imrstigatec after allegations surfaced about sexism and ha/mj within ihr group "Women and men were Healed the* same hut sonu prat rues, especially the language, were sexist," sa\ hem Smith student at mines advise r What a trendsetter A zoo ot a confirmation hearing leads to record harassment reports for undergrads. \Hri ihirc i<>i in< i oanci mrmocrs maar allegations 01 srxism ann ha/tng \i\ othris utnc hnvs.ud to (onf tr m thru chaiges I hr alleged itu idriits irMiltrd in thr removal of thr group s student direr lot I hr complaints of srxism were mdu ativr of im teased srnsilivits ol hatassmrnt. Smith vass "In ihrsr |h>m \nita Hill times. people air going to Ik inoir an air ol h hat i\ appiopnatr • Inn HI*rrtson. Ihtlhtih (hang? Sm m um- l ► They just couldn’t leave well enough alone Students at Monmouth (-ollrge in \rw Jersey sa\ ihr\ have il ,» little eas\ loo eas\ . ill I List vemrstei the- student gosemmrnt at thr private college in I teuton p.»Nvc*ti .»resolution asking mstructuis to stop reiving so heavih on multiple t hou r exams as the sole means of student evaluation I he Monmouth students s%a11( term papers and essav exams instead of standard till in-the hubhle testing methods “It s prohahh the first lime students have e\ei retjnested toughri exams hut I don’t think it sjKaks badh foi the facults here," savs Ken Campbell head of Monmouth s histotx department Mthough the (evolution had no legislative jn»wei foil ing instructors to t omplv. mam fat ultv meml>ets have endorsed the projiosai, noting student interest in their own edutation is a jx»siti\e sign ( arnplH'll and Paul Shelton, site president and dean of campus life. sa\ the student government trpi eventing the Monmouth students simph ssanted a testing option for evaluation Monmouth, whuh ofTets a core c urric ulutn me hiding four semester! of anting c ourses. lecjtures siudents to take a writing piofic ient\ exam before gt aduation foils five percent of the students fail that exam with 70 jm*m c ut of those tailing thru tilst retake •( hi ts Km kle, ISirdue t xptmmt. Purdue l