3! ► Education or get your money back Just as ( ompantes 11>nlull’ni mi thru pi i id in Is Ircquentlv otlct wan antics, smile i ullcges .11 c guai antecing ihcii graduates (oinmumtv caliches have rescinded In the needs nl students and industries in .1 questionable economic climate hv cusuting employment and qualified c-ui plus ccs 1 he colleges esseniial.lv guarantee graduates will have the netesvtis skill and tei hnu ul mtnpeteiu v tequiretl in a cutis level pili in then field, savs Ivan I .u li seniiii deputv duel mi lot progiains till the Illinois (lominunitv College (iuveitiaiii r Boaid II gi aduates di• not think tliev have the neiessarv skills to sutteed altei entering the job matket, tliev have the nption to return tin ullege at niiiiisl. he suvs During the liist two vcais. pilot testing will involve community colleges vohiniuitlv entering the program Mote than 25 out of the 50 conununuv colleges in the system have agreed to purtw tpati 1 h.pelnilv all lolleges will be involved in three veals.” luch siw \ similar progtatn at Haltimore < its Cnmniunitv (College in Man land attempts to alias the leats ul students entetmg a hleak toh market h gives student* the possibility ol icceiving 12 tuition-ficc uedii hours il dies nol find u job within 90 davs of graduation Designed fin students in ivoMrai i .urn programs. the guarantee lit si was olleied to June 1992 graduates I he second tai et of the guarantee allows unsatisfied employers the opportunity to send a student liar k to the college free of (harge. “We ate guaranteeing to the employer that we are sending out a qualified person.* suss I cm Felton, a counselor at job placement services at W ( “The programs realfittn out commitment to send out qualified individuals, producing highly skilled professionals." Felton said ■ Lirbcth McManus, I hr Dtamondbaek. 1 of Maryland REWSBRIEE S FROM CAMPUSES ACROSS THE UTIOI ► The way we became the Brady Bunch... It'» (hr glur th.il bowl* mu grnrrulioii. Vmi Hiinrwit IViri '* |uiIk mi iii prnK M.m u * iu*.il niglum.tir i'Oh. mv »o*r mil (•ii g'* gttmvi i*. Aiming* Vi hi irmrmbri thr infammi* irtp lo H.m.111 .mil tin- ti.imr "I ihm dug \im km** rimilum; .ilrnul lh? H"uh Hunih Oidovour I >i; | voii Jumv* < .rry» .uni M.in i.i almost i fiisxoniethiiig genriaiiun lan'i get enough nt it Hradsmania lias sparked a book and an nil Hioadssas pros Ills in >11 \|| ihr iunni|s nl "mi rslunus misdeeds hast- lieen eontimirsl bv < .Is g a. mi linn Williams, nhsintoir (.r>mj; I t./hrls an espis. nt life in die l\ Imtiwhuld kalis nl the shon mas lx- sill prised tn Irarn \\ ill la ms Vs Im mn r dated f In Ml it t Urildri viii rsrn sin used lip In mu k slisued mi ns i assn in Hill all nl this talk nl shunned linages and 1 it linnal ills est da s lint suipusi |ill and k anil Ss ilnn as i n pi i id in ei s nl Ihr H Mi ■ / ' fh :'S /(it' ' nlm sas sexual tension htrralls vr fx-sl among die Hradss "(.leg and Man la nets alnass making ors at eai h othrl ill ihr m iginal sin in Faith Snlnnas suss "We ealight nil to it and |usi useil it as pail nt mil shun Ihr Solon as sisiri s 11 rated the ptodut turn nhl< h I e mails Hunt s Hui i episodes noldlor-nind and dun led It Im ( hu ago s \nnnsaiue Ihratrt Sun < thru, Tht Rtal t.iif Hunty Bunrh s populaiits has exploded likt an osrtstullrd Ix anhag i lull with tin lallout resulting in \rn Vm k ami la»s Migrles poxhn nous I Ills llashhai k tn the 7tls is i otnplrtr with lime glrrti and mange km mu a polvestet mitiisk.ilts anil sidrlmtiis Hi ads htingis Ians pas k the usualls sold mil shows and often res lie | w >| iiil.n Htasls lilies along with tin- as tots l ul Southern ( allfoinia |iimoi k in k in hson went tn the shnn in whit h Man u breaks hei nose betcMr her big date "It s die lad right non I In hOs and 70s are Inp again " lames 1‘rtlis who nmks in 1\ pininulinns and publis us at I’alumounl suss tin inlet est in the Hradss isn't (list a purl of a '70s resisal I le Ix-heses the shun itsalf is a nail of the twrntsvitnething generutkui Ne<* talon from Bradytand Greg high. Cindy. Bobby and Tiger? Go a»k Alice - /V llnuh huruh IS M1\ thmn sass IVlIis who will kill willi \\ luwilis nn Ills l»»ik 'Mini wr writ- Mils wr ill iik.rn waithlii|{. .mil wr wanlril lulu- thrill Ilmvwrrr ihr ({immI<»I<1 dass \ irwrisu aiiiiiiK Ini tin- >!'»xl ulil il.issi riuiliK h.ivr kept the Hiuilss populai s.ns I sunr.i Mianr. i |Ulimi H ill' I III Nrw Mr\un "li S all atxnil nostalgia When vim srr tlir show it icinimls mu nl vum i hildlnxxl Wi ill i an rcmcmlx-l Vu Himh Butuh mh\ the was wr frit Imi k then '■l.mra Rrmlix. Hath /aV»- l nl Nrw Mr\m> ► In search of the perfect dorm... S|k-< tain limning - limning (lul appeals In MudcniV mtc-rcMs as ncli as lliru needs - is i hanging the iai e nl the old dnimitorv image \nd siudcnls, eagei in malt li iheu lilesivle in ihrir emtronincni, ,ui moving in Iasi At Oregon State 1 . the wellness hall .Hid inter national lulls air among llir most popular on i ampus. s.n\ Paulette Kan It lonl. assistant ) director of housing l I hr wellness hall foe uses on keeping lit and has a no-smoLing and no-alt ohol standard West International House prosides an opportuntts Itrr JAMtS I WAiHlH DAll Y UWWKSf (WKiHAM