It's also hard to believe that you ^ot free soft ware when you buy I IP IS calculators. There’s a lot more than a great calculator waiting for you when you purchase an HP48SX or an HP48S between June 1, 1992, and October 31,1992. You 11 got a bonus !xx>k that's gtxxl for fret* soft wan*, a fn*e IX’ link cable and hundreds of dollars hack on applications—like electrical and mechanical engineering- memory cards, training tools, games, and HP’s infranxl printer. It's a really big offer. Worth more than $5(X). And it’s going to make your HP 48 calculator even more valu able to you. The free serial cable lets you exchange information with y«>ur PC. And the fnx* software disk lets you enter and plot equa tions easily, do 3D plotting, and analyze polynomials. Beyond all the bonuses, you'll have the ri>^ht calculator for your most challenging classes. HIMH calculators have over 21(K) built in functions and offer a unique combination of graphics and calculus. Mead over to the campus bookstore now. After all, you don’t see this kind of deal every day. HP calculators. The best for your success. HEWLETT KL'/iM PACKARD C1902 Ifrwlrit Parfcard Company ll.lJJ'Km