Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 24, 1992, Image 23

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    From the
I have this Icinpci thing — wmic
times I lose it, rspet i.ilK when some
one at tat ks it > n person. So whet) I
think aliotii (ellow students uumtii)}’
mr ,um \niiiig,
“biuh." I tan i
imagine not having
am means ol u lali
aiion rx< c|>i taking
thrill < hi mvxell
And I < an’l iinag
me bring Dong al
Mh higan Slate l t timing home t<>
“laggot" st I aw I i'll a> I im lilt (Ini 111
diioi knowing wIkicvci wrote ii
walked assay. none the win so
\ik! ii makes me align
Ii seems stineal dial am (ollege si11
(lent would have lo train in an envi
lonmcnt in svlni h mil |H-eix ale enti
tled I is the ( a institution to (lest i os
students with words and cxpieviions
Hut that's prei isely what the
Nupiemr ( ourt has said hs dei idmg
in |une that lasss i annot target spo
i du hate-spawned at lions
\nd it sinks It smles loi \ms Jo at
I\k ilii Lutheran I tieiause she's liv
ing in nnpi os( i n e relations on hci
i ailipus Ni iw the Supreme l a nut has
told her that students ai I’l l mas
hase the light lo (loss the line
between tire speaking individuals
and had-ass higi its and i ai ists
hut il has to Ik- that was
N on i an t light rai ism and sexism
oi am otliei kind of "ism" ill the dai k
ssiih sum mouth hound and sour
hands lied to die gate of som univei
sits Vou i.in t hghl ignoiame in a
i losed enviioumeni where students,
like those at I tills l hase lo thaw
lines, designating lire sjicci h areas
^ ( hi just i an t do il
I he Supreme < ourt has said that
when we lease out itillcges and uni
seisines, the states and t Hies in whu It
sse leside latillot pass laws that
rexlru t si>ei ilii halr-sprei h ai t'
So it makes sense, really, that our
timseisines would not Ik- allowed to
shelter us from the reality that not
eservone is going to tolerate us m
silence, that jieople hase the light in
this inuniry to call us niggers, fags
and ds kes and I eligli ms I leaks
II we don't hear it now. we won't
know how to deal ssitli it laiei
\nd let's laie ii What's even more
frightening than lieing lai ed with the
uni eitaints that anothei student tail
( all ns names oi taunt us. is the |* ivsi
tidily that mil umveisiiies ran. and
have tried, to hind and gag us m the
name of ( rcalmg a utopian environ
rnent that will nevei exist
—Jai kie Spinnci.
Kditor on Fellowship.
Southei n Illinois I
Sleeping With the Enemy
I am writing tli»% Inin m
rest>onsr to the aitu le ‘Hitting
With the I'uwt i of (lassronrn
Koni.uu rs, * published m Mas
It veined i<> me* that dm ai in Ir
sa's to students I If' .it % < )K lo
have* a relationship with a man
who has poiser osei sou I
don't lieliese this is the t av
1 hese liaisons ate dangerous
as soon as the' stall leachcis
ate adults, and stiulents Irani
from these adults no matter
what the subject No mattei il
men in powet aie college pro
fevsoti, coat hes • »i high sc hool
leat hers, the> are in authonts
Students and
f'es.si>t~mffhi the
cons amtrn <r.v <»/
< '^^Dl iai\t>n\.
Save Alaska from
Unthinking Money Grubbers
In \ * n 11 \U mur nl I in thr
Doll.us ami SniM- sea turn hi
.it (i* lr on making l»iu ks m
\laskan * anurtn s tuppoi thr
pag» ami also iln mimtm i l)»»
tollrgr students iti tins agr >r!
liit h sottir Ik lifvr is an na o|
rn\iioninrnl.il avsannrss w
Mask a in trims * »t loin; Iihiiimmi
a sin nr lm< up to \ mu <IU»vss
in gnaw gritm fish guts Xml
thru to i all it an “ idvrntiiir' ll
putting tish is just too dating lot
von, onr i an t hoosr liotn log
gmg milling. » onstnii tion «n oil
I nMili mil k Si . Vi 111 Ifi ■ M < U I I I
ami should never degradr a student hs usmj'
llirill MAtiails In nine slates. these ac lions air
against (hr lavs and ihr student has esrrv i ii»hl
In Mir the system
Mam nioir stales and }ieoplr nerd t«* be
educated to rewrite the laws on this subject
matter It is a touchv subject hut err taint*
drsrrsrs some attention l his problem is
widespread and is not as ras\ to handle as the
article leads one to believe Karen Trudrl,
()hi« V.
Do Unto Animals...
Ihouv'h I’ve onh read a ham 1 hi I ot issues. (
I hr Satumal ( oiUgr \l a gaunt has impressed
me regarding the attention it gives to the am
trial lights movement I understand it is in
vour Ix st interest to remain unbiased In pie
srntmg Iroth sides ol (mitnneiMal issues. and
dins 1 vsouhl applet iate the opportunity to
irspond i«» Mark Dr is< oil s thoughts puh
lished in the Mas issue
Many of \ points an* limited, ill**v;>
t al am! short sighted of an ail riU'Oin|wwing
view I ir i alls animal rights ai tivists "tulh nu>
guttled adults" !* « ause they feel 'human and
animal live* air of etpial \alur In ins usn
judgment cd vvh\ animal lights advocates
believe as thev do, he tails lotonsidrt hi»w am
nuts' neivmis systems allow them to (eel the
same ext rut latmg pain that humans would feel
»i at ids were spiavrd into our eves it we undei
went lhai/e testing Sn< h vufieniig and abuse
is what animal rights a< ttvists hope to almlish
While animal research has UfttfUesUonahlv
pfodtii etl it inai Lihlr at hiesements. this does
not mean alternatives could Ik* am less pro
dm me. espri lallv with today s tei hnologx
(>ut let hnologv and mtellei t allow ns to t re
ate Ix llet lives toi omselvrs, vet we must allow
out untune i otnpassion to guule us m tmpiov
ing the tjuahiv of our lives without infringing
upon the lights of mm human tx-mgs fcric
Muwlel, Washington l St. la»uiv
irll its Maskau shouhne- »Ir.u i»ii> .met 1 1 mil
lion pattern ml nils have a unujuc brants
When students I'm to \la>ka. wr should
have irs|*r« t .uul [hi m nation m iiuml uni
tlrasun notes I just hojx* someone > hiilltant
timing ot tho .ifi>« lc didn i ignite a Iwiiagc* •*(
unthinking mono giuhhets who wish to
exploit the l ast Ktontiri. taihet than exphue
h« i Jrff K. Mur|»h>. I . of New Orleans
\ddtrss void « i tuesjM »netriH r t«> l film
fehtoi, l I hr \<i!s<>tuil ( >'Uf^r Mi,: inr
|H00 ( riitun Park I ast Suite sju |»
\ngrlrs. ( \ 'HHHo, oi lax K to t|U *»l
ItvV.I Intitule voiii naiiic, seal. s* In Mil
and jdiotir uuiiihri le»i u iiIh-iliun
l.rlle is should Ik JIM) Wolds ol le ss I
reserves the tight to edit submissions
I rttns will not Ik m tut tied
Should universities
prohibit professors
from dating
If the presidential election were held
today, who would you vote for?
Id ■> »fyf
< >111 Mavimri story, whii h vcmcd to strike a time with some students, looked at the dynamii s nl student pro
tessoi relationships and inspued comments like these
“Students should not date prolessots while attending then i lass ()n< e the c lass ends, though, student* should
use their own disc retton .* - Ahrt«a Reese*. U. of Tmiiessre
" 1 he problem with dating ami >ng pi < ifes* ns and students is that it i an so easily lead to sexual hat assment
—Diane Straeken, U. of Nevada, Reno
“I think that students should Ik- able to have si x with professors. I think it's usually a iK-nelii i.il way lot ptolev
sorstoget to know their students.* -Uiot Fishman. Harvard U.
• ?hr / Vtudr.w < Vglt-f hdl « a tarwfc-n ^omutatyn !i.«.. .dirge wurlrttO mTOMihr • *«**•«' fhr udWtre numhrt t» «<jur«««l |»-rs1 b. ttudmi. e* h na*>th u.
tlir f l\r 'ijxsw. 1 Wqjpu-J** IV *•!>*«•xutda and J>rf encages air figured liasrti • *> vr» Vi trsrwetl earh month