NEWS AND SEPTEMBER 1992 NOTES u. Hie National (x >lle^e Magiizine I i\ the tr rdtimial ■ ontrnt mil Tint I oltrgr Idr, mg a national pet tivr to Wm al > .int|Hi» »»%tie\ tntetr-% ami tntrtr*t» (' ttttTillrn In tliMlrnlt lot tlmirnu I tlmir hlttiitt on fellowship %rU-t tnl Inwtt lop KtatitUirt at t«»v» thr »otmllA < Mimnmton at lit let. photographs awi |jt »ph« i h» the U »i |n l ktu »\ n imu i t <>t Niirtrr U*me WO* J > Wil l I VMS t «»l IW-|j**4«r tori OKI A i Advlsohy (ah s< II :>K null'’. IiuImiu l M< rn» K ! HI UAHI) Mu lii^an Stair l l .rf lima |S\ I < HI1 IMttVk I rw» I c* h l MONAt KASINS l of Southern <-aIiI'miim MASK HIM\S NuhIi u! flrw l an < li im us >m>»K S>uihrrn Mrihmltu l »SM |\< « HVs l <»l I’rtwmh a»iM t ..| \Ulunu ki< iivrdi mu l 1*1 Iflut \tl»llll I I SI l\ VI Mil ill 1) Nm hull* Suir l i»h | uvv in hi in IjUtiii IIIiimu* l n>vi hoi mi hi Ijllr l ollruuir hrw HU HARD M W I III l loMth Suir l IKID WIIHM I l ill I »lL*h‘MHJ I.At H\ VvinVIlH S.ifllmni MiMimnSi l fVwiut ikh ^Hulm ( miiinl < UOnIll Hl»C« UH ( tti utj(M m SjtMxul btlrfUinnirni A*Jvriu»mj| Null \«Knli«»»K Hurt t«u VLuirltt^l Hurt itn IMONiSS) Ml I• mu ASMIit K>\N <41 W m HI «s AMU/ <4S» MVKuil 1 IN k*»i< *v 11 rs AM.MJ N MU Vi »l(k v\s m vs< iv 11 » Mil IK k UK i .urns ( l.NSMHMI /IMMt JtM VS A VW M >4■ iWllli V 1111, M.KvIlMI . Ml »4Vi t V A wm * (4IM 4fl 7W) All XV UR i.HUS |A|0> UI IKIi AuMHjivOHiicuTi Nrmotfc, lw Ptrmlrni t«AUA SMUHKts \¥iU f!AM> VPAdmmtMfMlun liAftlfM NMHIfc < t.niiolU i UIMJSLV RoOKK.l U l n»r NAimmvaI < 4( *41rgu«r Nrtwnt Im INfl) i .ClMUII fsui l-**i Nuur M»). Im Vngrlcv (A lrl (AIM) AM IVH ?** (Aim AM MlVI < ..fAMglu IWt All Rigid* Rr*cr*rd Autm „ _ , CfiX ,w VBPA ^,<9'"" Groovy Greg: Brady mania spurs book. play ft*#* 9 Cyclists, skaters lose their wheels faf-f ID Is it malty (he right one baby? i riiKr IJ FEATURES LICENSE TO HATE...14 \ Supreme O>urt ruling says it's OK to lute and in icll everyone alxnit i( ^lui will H riK*an lor iam |H1S speec h c< ides' By Matt Helms, MUhi^im Stale l Giving Something Back: Students volunteer for little- pay and lots of work. 16 The 'me general ion* chooso altruism over resume pudding as |ust cause By Peter lat ha(telle. T. of Arizona The l ure of the Trail So you want to be a politician?....IB Giving up classes and campus life Inr campaigns amt caucuses By led V W arren f. of Texas, Austin f ootball tm tile Brink: Dropping the ball on former athletk dynasties.11 f unding, losing sireaks and empty stadiums prompt sc rutiny of programs By Doug hosier, Texas A & ,W V. AT ISSl E: Administrators cash in, while students are short of cash.59 Million dollar presidents live the high life amid neverendmg Uniget slastnng fly Greg Klein. Auburn l. An end to PC? in [ \ I t « I A I \ M i N ! Loilapaloozin' It IX)I J APAUK )ZA.34 The sequel 10 last tear s traveling mens lives up lo the In pe and delivers a hi^xer. Inner anti had der show use < 'I alternative nuiMt Byjoamne Kuhns, L. of California. Davis living Off the Ordinary: (ameron ( rtmc challenges tin- establishment.1H The tmml Ix-hintl fas/ limes at Ru.litfm.mi High .iml vn Anything lotto capture the Singles erimd tty Tim Thomas, Washington Male U. A Thursday Catharsis: High school sails acne at Beverly HUD W2I0..W Whs ne love land lute) those stdelxims, convertibles and Peach Pit tliccsclxirgers tty A'tireM Schwartz ami Jessica Shaw, (olumhia I PIUS Hut First. A Word From our Full Campus Comment Letters to iIr- Editor