Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 24, 1992, Page 4B, Image 16

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★ Clean, Quiet, Private Rooms
★ 1/2 Block From Campus
★ Furnished/Utilities Paid
★ On-site Laundry/Covered Parking
1360 Alder 345-5949
Charles, 342-8669
Unique studio apartment
complex. 1 block U of O.
Studios, 1. 2 & 3 bedroom.
$325-$750. Laundromat.
1750 Alder
Across the street from U of O,
library & tennis courts
1 bedroom, $425
2 bedroom, $495
Covered Parking ▼ Courtyard
Laundry Room t Furnished
Call 687-0684
or come by Apartment #6.
100% *!
l ive on Ibe turner of
lHlli and I Iniversily.
This attractive J*
bedroom home. with
basement. is available
for lease.
Hemenutay Prop Mgml
j. M2-II5*
■ 1255 MILL '
Classy 2 Bedroom
Nicely Burnished
Off-Street Barking
From *495
Keystone Heal Estate
Empire Development Company
P} 1/2 block to campus
1 and 2 bedroom
C ‘395 *635
Pool, Laundry, Security, Parking
1515 llilyard Street #11 _4H4‘i«i22
^ Churchill Village ^
2 Jfc 3 lirdriMtin Apt Homes
Heated Pool & Sauna
Clubhouse & Fitness Room
Sportscourt, Covered Parking
3659 W. 18th 485-0555
Office Hours Mon-Fri, 10-6 Set, 9-5
Professionally managed by
Tomlinaon 6 Associates
Over 400- all areas and prices!
Many unadvertised
hard to find, pets, section 8.
Immediate placement most cases.
flUl R C A T A l f
130 E. 11th 345-8581
V V.
Student-owned co-op housing like Janet Smith provides a way lor students to taka greater control over their housing sit
Put your rights in writing when renting
By Jen Ellison
Emerald Contributor
You cun avoid tho most
common problems with
your landlord Amy Clem
ents of OSI’IKt. says "Put it
In writing!"
When you first move in,
make a very detailed list of
everything that is and Isn't
in the apartment and what
condition it is in down to
tho number of holes in the
walls A detailed list is
available at the Rental in
formation Office in the
basement of tho EMU,
Copy this list and date it
within 10 days of the day
you signed your lease That
way you will suve trouble
when you ure trying to get
your deposit back
If there is a problem,
write the landlord about it.
date the letter anil keep a
copy. If the problem is an
essential need such hs heat,
water, light or security, the
problem must be fixed
within seven days
If the problem Is not
fixed In seven days, write
again and remind the land
lord of the problem, (live
him or her a reasonable
deadline to fix the prob
lem. Also state the action
you will take if it is not
done by that deadline.
If the problem still exists
on the deadline, you can
take action. Write a letter
stating what action you
will take. You have three
options of action to take:
• Fix or quit. State that you
will break your louse with
out penalty because tho
problem has not boon
• Withhold rent. Clements
suggests you make a sepa
rate hunk account and pay
rent into it as you would
your regular rent. If tho
landlord takes you to court
for withholding rent, you
have bank documents say
ing the money is being sot
aside for when the land
lord does the repairs. Once
the problem has boon
fixed, you must pay the
landlord all tho back rent.
• Repair and deduct. Re
pair tho problem yourself
and deduct the cost from
your rent up to $2tM). Ro
mnmbor to save the re
colpts and make a copy
when submitting the re
duced rent.
The OSPIRG Renter s
Hotline is 346-HELP. Any
one, student or not, is free
to call if there is a problem
with a landlord or a tenant.
OSPIRG ulso soils the Rant
er's Handbook, a break
down of the Landlord-Ten
ant Act. It costs $3 for stu
dents and $4 for anyone
else. Ruby Brenno, Renter’s
Hotline consumer affairs
coordinator, highly recom
mends the handbook.
The Lane County Con
sumer Affairs Coordinator
Is no longer available, but
complaints can bo mado to
the Better Business Bureau
at 1 -HOO-488-4166.
Continued from Page 2B
is to keep the dwelling
habitable, Habitable Is do*
fined us: electricity safely
hooked up and in working
order, hot und cold run
ning w a I r r. a d e q u a t o
plumbing, safe dwelling
free of hazard such as a
broken stair, weatherproof
ing, safe from fire hazard,
adequate garbage recepta
cles und working locks on
doors und windows
Landlords can ask for a
deposit for the repair of
possible damages the ten
ant may cause. After ten
ants move out, some land
lords charge an exceptional
amount of money for
things that weren't dam
aged by the tenant.
"I have u letter hero from
a girl who was charged Si
for every light bull) that
whs missing,” Brunno said.
"Thai's outrageous.''
Torossa put S25 down on
an apartment in Juno that
the landlord said he'd save
for her for September. By
September the apartment
complex had been sold and
now owners had no record
of her payment However,
they hud an open apart
ment and gave it to her, but
the new owners made her
pay a new deposit. Teressu
lost the apartment she’d ul
timately paid for as well as
a deposit.
In Teressa’s case, Brenne
advised it would lx? cheap
er to forget the S25 than to
press charges und pay
court fees
Students are the group
that has the most trouble
with landlords, Bronne
said Students don't realize
the law and some don't
think they can do any
The largest
problems for
landlords are
parties, noise
and general lack
of housekeeping
thing. Some landlords
know this and takn advan
tage of students, she said.
Tenants aren't the only
victims. Sometimes land
lords are taken advantage
of hy tenants.
The largest problems for
landlords are parties, noise
and general lack of house
keeping skills, said Larry
Swuek of Income Property
Management. Swcek tries
to weed out possible trou
ble causers through a
screening process that cov
ers a potential tenant's past
credit and rental history.
"If a person has a had
rental history, ho is not go
ing to rent from us." Swook
Barry Blanton of Jen
nings Property Manage
ment said HO percent of the
problems come from 20
percent of his renters.
Blanton trU* to bo fair with
renters and give them a
copy of the Landlord-Ten
ant Act in the beginning so
they know exactly what
thuir rights are
Ron Burke of Pac West
Management said bis worst
tenants are what ho calls
"hang arounds."
“They are college-age
people who aren't going to
school but want to be
around the college crowd."
Burke said. "They throw
partius. are loud and have
problems (raying the rent "
von Klein Property Management
735 E. 14th
$295 with lease, $200 deposit
Share Kitchen with One
343-1009 or 747-5218
Rimtiy Allocate*
Spacious, affordable, quiet 1 bedroom apartments. Close in. 1840 Agate. *345.
JLT Investment Services 485-6606