Redwood Park Apt• Quiff. Country I v i n*c With City C oivrMfor I itfurn I A 2 H-lim • I .<* I nlMtr* Or Up »J»r«r ’tonf.H SfNi W.*ad »*•*! 4 Pt»rgr««nrf t Mandrv tmlow -M*« Turn Suitr* ‘W# *17? i n i n<-4i .*■«« It»% llWOfUKl (.*«*»**h T»»tw«hr<1 I l i ws r*»4f tv i ■ I t-fi-.i I t ftp-1 8*0 4 fciUlrn Ot» Vi» Mjtfttfrwrai I*** 410.1 W IBlh 4H4 5775 $-----1 I-argc, Clean, Quid 1 HtDKOOM / bio*It from l! of O (*rrj! ( *rpct Sew Vinyl f ully I'ufmahfii Wtik'in Q»«*t Vpjr*ic Vamty/Raih [ Urftty (3«*trl Kjuhen w/( enter lUand Oft-uu L-uiiuiry itmoi I*ARICIN<, (UiUm. 484 4103 % WHY PAY MORE? 1 BEDROOM APTS 2 blocks to campus Nice, clean, quiet Will go fast1 $345/month. LARGE ROOMS Newly remodeled bouse, 3 blocks to campus Shared kitchen and bathroom Units are private and very clean All utilities included in rent $l95/up. CALL 345-4155 WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS Sludiin, ‘.W5 a l.nrnr I ltdrnv *455 a 2 lulrin,‘545 All these include all ultima and banc cable. Mid rise, great views, elevator. EugeneManor 1050 Ferry Street 484-7441 oSMnc Applewood Apartments ★ AFFORDABILITY A ★ QUALITY ★ ★ LOCATION ★ (Call Icy Manage'i Spooa!) Biand Now Dole to Spacious 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths AH The Amentias Ot Homo Full Sco Washer and Dryer in Each Urvt MODEL OPEN DAILY 683-7314 APPl.RWOOD APARTMENTS 2800 APPLEWOOD LANE (Aao*« from G ! Joo't) Banheid Piopoftws Ltd 464 4623 The Rental Information OfTici EMU, Suite 5 346-3731 Many Free or Low Cost Services - Computerized Database - Available Rental Listings - Lxase Information - Renter’s Checklists - Contract Information ... stop by and we will be glad to assist you. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm No canoes, no bicycles, ■■ — , i just off-campus housing l-^ual Opportunity. Affirm«uvr Action liutttuUon _«tmaiswd.te QiliiinLBivtata—— Ss£"« 1750 2k» TWb,w»iiT Eugene he* an abundance ol apartment complexes and properly management companies. Finding the right one tor you takes patience and a tittle legwork Hotline keeps renters out of hot water By Jen Ellison Fmorald Contributor Shortly after bar hus band died, Barbara nnd her 9-year-old non, Derrick, came to liugeno from ('-a I i - fontia In November 1991 to be near lurr family and to look for a place to live. She found a groat apartment and a landlord who seemed like a dream come true. ''Everything I needed *ho offered me.” Barbara said about her landlord. "She promised to add a washor and a dryer, put in new curtains, wash the carpet and fix the wall in the bathroom." Because Barbara would be out of t o w tt a n d couldn't move until Do comber, the landlord prom ised to give the key to the apartment to Barbara's brother on Dec 1 "She said she wouldn’t charge me for the two weeks rent from the time I signed the lease to the day my brother got the toy," Barbara said. On Dot' 1. Barbara's brolhor was refused the key, Burlrara was charged for tho two weeks root for November, and none of the repairs or cleaning had boon done Barbara Is among those who are victims of bad business practices in rent ing property. Many renters are unfamiliar with the Landlord-Tenant Act and the rights of renters and landlords. As a result, some renters, and oven landlords, tan be taken ad vantage of in rental situa tions The University's Oregon Student Interest Research Croup set up the Renter's Hotline for the state of Ore gon to give information on renters' options when they are in situations like Bertra m's. "You have to got every thing in writing,” said Amy Clements, director of the Renter's Hotline. “Even though verbal promises are valid in court, it doesn't promise that you’ll win. You need written docu mentation " Barbara called the Rent er's Hotline for help. Sho was advised to write to her landlord and make her re quests Barbara wrote to the woman and put into writing all of the promises the landlord had made to her. She demanded that these lie met. Barbara's apartment is a part of an association of townhouses. When sho went to the association with her problems, a man from the association suid the landlord had never dis cussed the promises or made any commitments to do any work on the apart ment "My landlady wrote me two letters and tailed me twice saying I was the irre sponsible one.” Barbara said. "Shi! said I signed a lease saying everything was OK. If l didn't like it *Even though verbal promises are valid In court, It doesn’t promise that you’ll win.’ — Amy Clements, director of the Renter 's Hotline. she’d give me 30 days no tice." Barbara cleaned the car pets herself and deducted the cost from the rent, u recommendation from the Renter's Hotline. Most problems in the liu gene-Springfield area relate to habitability and unfair reductions of deposits, said Renter's Hotline Consumer Affairs Coordinator Ruby Bronne. The Landlord-Tenant Act states that the landlord Turn to HOTLINE. Page 4B *»lorsgs Units Homs* Jim's Min ing LoMhng 4 Untasomg SAVI USS You* S4Li-74i*27M\ Available 7 day a week I owl* of r&perHrmr GUYS AND DOLLIES Pack wmI k*ad Mrvtc* .V43HOK2 OREST VILL AG APARTMENTS Just minutes from downtown, but a world away from Arm m n cU> w“ SWIMMING POOL WEIGHT ROOM BUS TO CAMPUS 2 Bedroom, 11/2 Bath $495.00 & $515.00 per month 687-1318 On Spencrr BuHc, corwr of Donald & Fox Hollow, S.K. Kunerw KIRKWOOD APARTMENTS 1200 Ferry A I A 2 6drm Fum Apts A CI®on & Qulot A Covered Parking Avail A $375 A $495 343- 3318 344- 3191 fr^.1...— % STUDENTS4 Looking lot a horn* lor IW2-W? Would you b* irtf**Mi*d In Svlng al a •tudant coop*nXtv* wh*** 4S m*n and vomn com* tog*rn*« lo c**ot* o ct*an. tat* and r*kXlv*ly ln*ip*ndv* horn*? 0hc Owbca (House may b* lot you. You can •njoy good rood, conlilbul* lo a cl*an •nvkonm***. and moot loll o* ccilng poop** w* now nav* in* avaSabMy o» prtval* pbon** Infer#*/*d? Cal Mlk* al 343-2674 tj, lo* mo** kVofmallon. o* . f »iop by 1651 Onyx {i j|i__1}