Weasel’s World Kraig Norris Qf/tf'-ru V YOU DID WHAT?! m OONWlfC TO * 5#WM 8#* .. i f«quk: T>m *<£ «DCl or VOMEN Wic NE£0 vn HELP ! n VI! Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for yon. Call 346-3712. Continued from Page 9A sox, thorn's a Instil way to got high, and technology has re moved many of the risks of the sosi But glottal warming is gain ing fast, cults flourish, and greed is on the prowl Sallas is burned out and working as a fisherman in the fictional town of Kuinak. His home overlooking the burning dump is threatened when a movie company comes to town to film a children's story. Kesey's own "The Sea Lion " It's actually a revenge plot by the albino illegitimate son of Alice Carmody, known us Alice the Angry Aleut for her Native American outrage. The locals are corrupted with promises of quick riches from turning the funky town Into a slick resort. Sallas tries to bo come a hero again, but is reject ed by hi* friends. As the world falls apart, he falls in love with . Alice, the yin to his yang. "From the very beginning. I wanted to have these two forces battling and getting together.” Kesey said. "1 felt really that it was pertinent to whnt was hap pening in our society today. There is a lot of argumont be tween male and female — not just humans, but earth and sky and water If love doesn't tri umph ... the hell with It.” Kesey was bitten with the Alaska bug 10 years ago, when he went to Skagway to help writo the end of the movie Niiv er Cry Wolf. "Whatever is going to hap pen is going to happen up there.” Kesey said. "It is big, raw and daring. The mountains dare you. 'You want to mine Turn to KESEY. Pags 12A Oregon Daily Emerald Don't Miss Our Back to the Books Edition, September 21st! *rr s SUMMER CALENDAR] .. i 'k. i"r< / \"/ \-/ V CANOE RENTAL Canoe Shark on the Mlllnuf 7 d.iyt/wk (noon dusk) * 346-4239 * uTYPING SERVICES THE WORD SPtClAt NTS Ward Procaumg t DaaHop PuMnrtng Grad Sower Approvad laanrpnrand adamg. grnprtcs, dnaartanom ihaaaa. raaumaa. tranaparartiaa » mora< CMOT_ W4-MM TYPING UNLIMITED Bartma Land *** 4U-U41 Sarvmg UO araa anca 1*6' LEGAL WORO PROCESS**} LASER PRINTING ON CAMPUS ROSIN. M4-07M Or L Rav Caaanoiaa. Bxala. ManorarOa Wrfmg SampMa. 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