Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 13, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Two profs to head for Chernobyl
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Associate Editor
Two University professors
will travel to the site of the
Chernobyl nuclear accident
next week, along with newly
developed computer programs,
in an effort to help assess the
continuing dangers of the 19Bfi
University researchers re
ceived a $100,000 equipment
grant from Apple Computer*,
Inc: that Is making the project
possible. The project, one of 19
internationally to receive Apple
grants this year, aims to inde
pendently identify and confirm
ongoing health and environ
mental risks in the soil, water
supply and food chain.
john Baldwin, associate pro
fessor of planning, public poli
cy and management and David
Hulse, associate professor of
landscape architecture, will
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head for Moscow Wednesday
to spend aixiul three weeks in
the area.
Baldwin and Hu Iso will also
help launch two Information
centers, including the Moscow
Center for Environmental Con
trol, to be headed by Andriy
Demydnnko, who is in Eugene
this week.
The centers will eventually
house the computers systems
being taken there
For the computer project,
Baldwin and Huiso will join
Kussian and American col
leagues to map the extent of ra
dioactive contamination In a
200-square-mile region down
wind of the damaged reactor
Demadenyo, who lives in
Kiev, about 100 kilometers
from Chernobyl, said residents
living in the area need to learn
how to live with the problems,
not necessarily !>o told that they
should leave.
For example, people will be
told if a change in their water
source is necessary, if different
grain should lx) given to their
livestock or if different typos of
crops should he grown.
“It's impossible to resettle a
30 million population, so wo
have to learn how to live wilh
this. It's not easy to change
your place of living and find
new' work," Demadenyo said.
"We have some different ap
proaches," he said of his Amer
ican colleagues, "but the goal is
the same."
That includes giving people
specific information about the
extent of the contamination on
their property, something Hulse
said the government hasn't
done enough of
The public understanding of
health risks is minimal, he said,
duo to lack of access It) verified
scientific information and the
central government’s lack of
credibility us an information
Pooplo living in the area will
be able to locate their farm or
homo on a computer screen,
model the behavior of the radi
ation on the land over time and
usk the computer about the na
ture of present and future radi
ation risk. The system will pro
vide detailed suggestions to
help farmers raise uncontami
nuted crops
An estimated 15 million
people live in the areas contam
inated by Chernobyl fallout.
More than 300,000 people wore
evacuated within an 18-milo ra
dius of the root tor. But evacua
tion efforts have lieen stymied
us people have begun returning
to their ancestral homes, de
spite warnings that radiation
continues to be a threat.
The project was initiated in
1991. Indore the fall of the So
viet government, at the person
al request of Gennady Yagodln,
then minister of the Soviet
State Committee on Public Edu
cation. He approached Baldwin
and Hulse, while they were in
Russia on an academic ex
change program, about the fea
sibility of developing an inde
pendently managed study of ra
diation hazards and quickly se
cured funding for preliminary
field work, which began last
Special software was devel
oped specifically for this pro
ject by Hulse; Kit Larsen, a sys
tems analyst at the University
Computing Center; and Michael
Hamilton, director of the Uni
versity of California's James
San Jacinto Mountain Reserve.
The study is supported by
the Russian government.