LETTER Continued from Page 1 family housing, In it, ho wroto that Xlangui had contributed much to thu complo* and de snrvod a fair chanoo at an ox tonsion. Noot Indicated In tho lottor that ho boltnvos family housing Is Inconsistent in such docisions. Although Driggs has no say on housing docisions, Noot sent a copy of the lottor to him. Noot expressed concern that "Chinese students aro often at a disadvantage In our system be cause thoy aro too polite to bo abrasive and wouldn't considei threats and retribution as ap proprlato." IUiggs responded with a lot tor to Tendick that was eventu ally shown to Xiangui. In tho lettor, Briggs writes “I rospoct tho ruins you havo and thn difficulty in enforcing thenv My experience with the Chinese (as ono example used in your letter) tolls mo that they may bn polite, but thoy also know how to work a system to thoir advantage "I’m told by my Chinese friends that wo should bo strict with them because they will run all over you if you lot thorn." Xtangui and a friend. Hlayang Yuan, director of the Chinese Student Association, decided to take action. Both said they were outraged when they saw the lottor ”1 was shocked," Xlangut said "I told Darrell, 'This Is a rat 1st letter.1 I can't stand for this I can't believe that some one In his position could say this." Xiangul said his interactions with Briggs had been cordial in the past, but ho "didn't get a good feeling" from him. Briggs said ho was simply giving Tendlck advice on the Kraig Norris Weasel’s World 10* MAN , ALL I'M SArN1 in •copwuxjra that to. ttjcr man i5 rtc uP / LCD /*'> Wl dtiuSfc ID 6fc 7V1£ ww^H'OOr K*. fHi. WM:t£ 1A*N ! / *0,l«"KX*O*CK r«QM TWL MfXU*, is >€*£ . THAWS MAN. JUST RJT IT ON THt tAftif.. / u 6< ^ situation by telling him that "rules are rule*" and should apply equally for everyone Briggs said ho was indicating to Tendlck that the Chinese are polite, but have ways of ensur ing that they gel a fair shake, so Tendlck need not worry about the issue. Over the years. Briggs said, he has become acutely aware of cultural differences and has asked Chinese students for ad vice on dealing with other Chi nese peoplo. "I’ve asked thorn to help guide me,” Briggs said. “One of the things some of them have said is that if you give them a chance, they'll take advantage of It." Briggs said he is anxious to talk to Xiangui about the situa tion. ”1 regret very much that Wu saw (the letter) and was upset." Briggs said. ASUO President Bobby Loo was also shocked by the letter and said he would push for Briggs' dismissal. "IPs stereotypes like this that we're trying to work against at this University." Leo said. "In our own administration, a man working with students from BO different countr'es says this. It's totally unacceptable. The Uni versity is not going to get away with this." Lee. who is Koroan-Amorl can. said he takes the issue per sonally. "I've had to deal with this for a long time, and to see our ad ministration conducting busi ness based on stereotypes is just appalling," ho said. Xiangui was given the exten sion after ho enrolled for 3 credits fall term. Tendick said that is tho stan dard minimum requirement for an extension, although some exceptions arc made. Extension requests are generally dealt with by himself. Shari Donahoe and Frank Gaddini. housing di rectors at Westmoreland and Amazon housing, respectively. Tendick said he does not be lieve the process of granting ex tensions is discriminatory. Ho added that he did not see Briggs' letter as racist but sim ply an advisement that "we don't need to he overly con cerned about (the Chinese) as serting themselves." RIGHJ ON TARGET' ..^Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712 r Oregon Daily Emerald Our last summer edition will be AUGUST 24th. Don't miss it! 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