New dean to address graduates Tho nnw dean of the University's (Allege of Ed ucation will deliver the 1992 University summer commencement address Saturday, Aug 15 at Hayward Field Martin Kaufman, who will join the faculty as dean Sopt. 9. will speak of commencement as a moment, its a time of passage ami new challenges He will relate these views to students specifically, to himself personally and to tho University, Kaufman currently heads the IJ.S. Department of Education's Division for Innovation and Dcvel opment. which last year awarded about $39 mil lion worth of grunts to nearly 200 busic and ap plied research and development projects nation wide As director, he reports to Congress annually on the nation’s progress toward providing full edut a tionnl opportunities to children with disabilities. More than 950 degree candidates an* eligible to participate In the 10 a m ceremony. In case of rain, the commencement will move Inside to McArthur Court The ceremony is open to the public. Tickets are not needed Programmer missing after computer crash (AP) - Tho crash of u SI 4 million computer network after its programmer vanished has drawn the state Justice Department Into the investigation. Tod Fabre hud croatod a nationul computer network from his of fice at the University of Oregon to help tho disabled keep up with changes in technology that could help them, officials said Tho "SERIES" network, developed during the past five years with fodoral grants, crashed on July 27, said Hill Walker, an associ ate dean of special education. Walker oversaw the project as direc tor of tho university's Contcr on Human Development. Fabre has been missing for nearly two weeks However, he contacted The Rogistar-Guard in Eugene and told tho newspaper ho was stuying on the Oregon (xiast to cope with the stress of the computer crash. He did not disclose h:s i xact where abouts. Tho program eliminated a service many disabled people rolled on, said his colleague, Lane Hoxworth. The network has 1,100 subscribers it began operating in Febru ary 1088 and offered its usors an electronic mail system, public conferences, group meetings, access to databases, a document li brary and a software exchange. Fabre said he recently deleted all but the most current copy of the computer program to eliminate out-of-date information. He said a programmer who tested the remaining copy accidentally deleted the computer network and all data that was stored in it. “it’s kind of ironic that I'd talked to the programmer a few times before and cautioned him about setting up uny kind of links where that was possible." Fabre said. Fabre said it would ix; possible to set up another network within a few weoks. Walker said he had been told by Fabre that the project would be continued for at least another six months while the National insti tute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, which supplied the funding. Marla Rae, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Department of Justice, said tho agency was investigating. Mobley won’t run for Senate SALEM (AP) — Al Mobloy suId Wednesday be will not mount u third-purty challenge to Sen Bob Paekwood. Mobloy said at a news confer ence he decided not to run after mooting with prominent Re publican officeholders. Includ ing members of Congress, on a recent trip to Washington. His decision sparked charges of deal-making by Backwood s Democratic opponent. Rep Los AuCoin. and a response from the Republican senator's camp arousing AuCoin of lying Mobley said the main reason he decided to stay out of the race was that ho didn't want to help AuCoin. "I cannot boar the thought that I might bo the cause of elocting Los AuCxiln," Mobley said. Mobley ran as an indepen dent candidate for governor in 1990 with backing from the conservative Oregon Citizens Alliance. Ho drew 13 percent of the vote, and some observers be lieve he took enough support from Republican Dave Frohn mayer to oloct Democrat Barba ra Roberts as governor The OCA has filed papers that would have allowed it to nominate Mobley as a third party contender in the Senate race Mobloy scoffed at suggestions deals were cut to persuade him to forego the race. Ho said he didn't know whether to classify such talk "us claptrap or pop pycock." Mobley said he had no mill ings with f’uckwood or his stall during his discussions about a possible Senate campaign Mobley's move still loaves one uncertain olomont hanging over the Senate contest: Bond businessman Harry Lonsdale, Lonsdale came within u whisker of defeating AuCoin in the Democratic primary elec tion in May and has said he might launch a wrilo-ln cam paign for the post in the general election. AuCoin, meanwhile, said Mobley's announcement ended a long lobbying process by "F’ackwood, his Senate allies | and the full might of the Bush administration to clear the way of any threat to I’ackwood's ro eloction." fwE PRINT] j BETTER $999 | j PHOTOS j 1 • Developed & printed # | • 12.15, 24 exp 1 | • 36 exp $5 99 I ® • 4x6 superprints add $1 '/ Hatfield rebuked over gifts WASHINGTON (AP) — Plvu-torm Sun Murk Hat field. R-tirc, was rebuked Wednesday by the Senate Ethics Committee for falling to disclose more than $42,000 in gifts he received between 18B3 and HWtft. The committee said Hat field violated civil law and Senate ruies by not disclos ing the gifts, but that there was no evidence that the senator's failure to disclose "were intentional in na ture" In a statement. Hatfield ac cepted full responsibility and said: “My mistakes were many and my omissions were serious. There is no one but myself to blame ... I am anxious to movo on." "I'm the one who signs the forms, and I am the one who is responsible for making sure that every gilt, every fi nancial transaction is fully disclosed as required," said Hatfield. The gifts, which ranged from works of art to free home improvement work, were received from the sena tor's associates as well as the University of South Caroline and the school's former pres ident. the ethics panel said The committee found that Hatfield's failure to disclose the gifts in timely fashion violated the Ethics in Gov ernment Act of 197B as well as a Senate rule. Both re quired senators from 1083 to 1088 to report gifts that to taled more than $100 In any year. Committee Chairman Ter ry Sanford. D-NfC., said Hat field's acceptance of the findings end the 14-monlh investigation and no further action would be taken. Saturday on the Market Stagey iioamFrankC t Ofiginat *coutt>< fto%pcl muw A iamSunshine Band Iempl«'» pitprl t.ngin' kidf « VNoonThe Traceys ^ 4 M*fth energy family hantCjnte* f ' # 1 ^MiddleEastern */ 4'* Dance & Music Guild * *"4 Tr*d«t»onai dance wHH live n*u» Trad«t*>nai dance w*lh live muw i* /' 3PmUnshakable Race11 V* U'»qur'rggjr lumliljnirmjiK • / Ifcal Crrftt ■ Owl food • tut EntMttiMiyik to* * /tjp to 5pm -HAIHOS SHINE *M !i o% off' anything1 i AT L IN THE STORE Regular or sale Price | POSTERS ! CONVERSE ■dr. MARTENS 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall VANS I VISION I LA GEAR Engine Service 1000 S. Bert»ls*n Rd W • i'ugrnr OR *>7402 One bloik north of W. Ulh • Nolan Ind Pla/a Specializing in German Autos for 34 Years • Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen • 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts 13th & Alder 343-0681 BRIDGESTONE #1 AGAIN! 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