Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 13, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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OCA politicians use
tricks to get power
The scourge of terrorism is everywhere, fust when
all the Western hostages in the Middle East have been
released, terrorists are again using extortion for politic
cal gain.
The most frightening thing about this new terrorist
effort is that it's taking place right here in Oregon, and
the name of the hostage-taking organization is the
While the hostages may have changed forms, the
devastation of the immoral act remains the same. The
hostage taken by the OCA is not a Journalist, professor
or businessman — it is an election.
The OCA held the U.S. Senate race for incumbent
Republican bod t'acx
wood's scat hostage by
threatening to pull’Al
Mobley out of the clos
et. dust him off, and
have him ready to play
spoiler in the next elec
Mobley is credited
with handing Gov. Bar
bara Roberts the elec
tion in 1990 by drawing
just enough conserva
tive votes away from
Reoublican Dave
The OCA held the
US. Senate mce
for Incumbent
Republican Bob
Packwtxxfs seat
hostage by
threatening to pull
AJ Mobley out of
the closet
Frohnmayer, leading to a Democratic victory.
The Republicans learned their lesson in 1990. and
two years later when Mobley threatened to run again,
this time for the Senate, the party threw itself into its
high-gear appeasement mode.
Enter the Lane County Republican Party Central
Committee elections. Guess who (or what group) came
out dominating the leadership. If you guessed the OCA
you’re a big winner.
Amid calls for party unity, the OCA pushed Mob
ley and his spoiler stench in the noses of moderate Re
publicans. and the smell of another Democratic win
was too strong to tolerate.
So the OCA takes over the party, and quite miracu
lously, the next day Mobley announces he will not
challenge Pack wood and Democrat Los AuCoin.
In the end, this is a good-news-bad-news situation
for Democrats. The bad news is that Mobley won't be
running. Splitting the conservative vote would have
been a great chance to finally get rid of pork-barrel
Pack wood.
The good news is that with a Republican party hav
ing to shack up with Lon Mabon and the rest of his Hit
ler Youth, it shouldn't take long for the semi-sane poli
tical fence-sitters to Ml into Democratic pastures.
Oregon Daily
The Oregon Daily imau a pubkehad da*y Monday ihrough Friday dunng me
ichool yaar and Tuaeday and Thurwjey dunng me umw Of the Oregon Dady Emeraw
Putwehmg Co Wc ie me UnmerMy oi Oagon. i ugana. Oragon
Ilia Emeraw operate independently ot the Unnmraay van on cat a Suaa 500 of the
E rt> Manorial Union and a a member o> Iha AaaocaaMd Praaa
Iha l macaw a private progeny The unlewlui removal diaaol paper* a protocol
awe by tear
taaor : Pal Maadi
Aaeoclete Edaore Tvn Nan. Oaralyn Trappa
OrapMca EdHoc: Jan Paalay
Editorial Edtor Martin Fahar
MgM EdHoc Oaralyn Trappa
Oarkiaoai Technician I odd Wtiame
Advectlamg Shawn Server Jana kola. Gakan Oh. Sarah Ouaknan. Catherine Royle
■uelnaae Kahy Carbone. Scparvaor
Production ingrW Whta. Production Coontnator Stacy Machaa. Janmlar Roland
Oartacal tfcnagoc Judy Radi
Advarttatng Otractor Bryan R Coppadga Production Manager Ucheie Roe*
Nawarooai...Stt-Mtl Dtapley Advertieinq-MWi
•uameee Office_MAUI] CtaaaMad Advartialng-HMM
Bush finds sleaze goes both ways
II seems like it's boon a long
time coming, but George
Bush has Anally boon pelted
with the same grime that Re
publican dtrty-iric.ks campaign
teams have been using against
opponents for more than a doc
Gorgeous George (as wo shall
now refer to him in order to
create a "level playing field"
with Slick Willie) has fallen
into the abyss of "did-he-do-lt"
rumors. Gorgeous is being ac
cused of having an affair with
one of his aides seven yoars
Just like with Bill Clinton, no
"major" media are reporting
that Goorgo slept around, but
they are reporting that The
New York Host (Now York's lo
cal National Enquirer) is report
ing the story. The infidelity
scoop is taking the backdoor
route to the front page.
The lYutt Is not the first pub
lication to run stories about
Gorgeous' playful side. SPY
magazine recently ran tho sto
ry. and others have reported it
as well. But this seems to be tho
week that the rest of the coun
try's Journalists decided to pick
up on it. The rumors have been
there for years, but until now,
nobody has been able to provo
anything. Oops, well, write
about it anyway.
So after taking a few mo
ments to mourn the current
state of our electoral processes,
everyone should stand up and
lot out a hearty “YoeHaww!"
If there has over been anyone
impossible to fool sorry for, it Is
Gorgmus George Herbert Walk
er Bush And while Clinton
laid out his obligatory de
nouncement of the press’ han
dling of the rumor, you know
he went back to his hotel room,
uncorked tho bubbly, and had
one hell of a party. (With Hil
ary by his side, hopefully).
Gorgeous has laid into tho
press for asking him about tho
Posts story. He told the CNN
reporter who first asked him
about it that he would not an
swor "sleazo questions," and
then denied tho accusation.
Later in the day. he told NBC's
Stone Phillips that he ought to
bo ashamed of himself for deni
grating the integrity of the oval
ofTice by asking him the ques
tion there.
Gee, those words sound so fa
miliar. "Sleaze," "ashamed."
Those wore my exart thoughts
when Mary Matalin, the politi
cal director of the Bush-Quayle
campaign. Issued a fax referring
to the possibility of "bimbo
eruptions" if Clinton were
elected. Now that was a sleazy,
dirty-handed, low-down-rotten
bit of campaigning.
But |ust like the 19B8 "Willie
Horton" ad that dragged the
campaign through the muck of
racism. Bush was quick to de
nounce Matalin's references to
Clinton's unproven infidelity as
tho work of a renegade staffer
acting without approval. And
what punishment was Matalin
forced to endure for her sleazy
tactics. Well, Bush has since re
ferred to Matalin as his “bull
dog.” And she still has her
high-paying, high-power job.
It's a better deal than the
CNN reporter who asked Bush
So after taking a
few moments to
mourn the current
state of our
everyone should
stand up and let
out a hearty
about his infidelity is gotting.
White House spokesman Mar
lin Fitzwator furiously told re
porters that the CNN nowswo
man will "never work around
the White House again."
For those of you keeping
score at homo: It’s OK to imply
and allude to candidates' sex
lives behind their backs in a
memo, but Bush folks say it's
not kosher to ask candidates
about such questions to their
faces. So that’s what family val
ues are all about.
In fact, it has been Gorgeous'
continuous preaching about re
turning to family values that
has givon the press Justification
for swimming through the
muck. George and his family
value cronies set tho table, and
now the media and thoir view
ers are sitting down to gobble it
As slimy and internationally
embarrassing as this campaign
is turning out to be, doesn't it
seem that this is the poetically
just way for all of this code
word. accusation-filled, issue
avoiding election to end up.
Pal Malach Is editor of the
And admit mv First major
decision was a mistake ??
LETi Pwcsue
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