siefirw M NBC NBN programming IDEAS 60P ONVENTION RIPLICAST LETTERS Values As a believer in Jesus Christ, I oppose the hatred and vio lence that are expressed toward homosexual people. I acknowl edge that much ugliness and brutality have been directed against them, the more sadly because it is sometimes done in the name of Christianity. I affirm their humanity and inherent worth, and acknowl edge that they, like all other people, deserve my respect und compassion. I do not believe, however, that to acknowledge someone's humanity means that we must automatically uc cept their Ideas of practices as legitimate. Homosexual activists have worked hard and shrewdly to change public perception about the moral legitimacy of their sexual oriontation und lifestyle. The have insisted that "straight" society not only tol erate openly homosexual indi viduals, but accept their sexual practices as "docent," us well. Those who are philosophical ly or religiously opposed to this redefining of cultural standards am frequently depicted as igno rant. hate-filled Individuals, unworthy of civil treatment or human respect. Terms such as "homophobe," "bigot" and "Nazi" are thrown like rocks at those who dare to express be liefs or values that conflict with this newly-minted morality. is the venom and hatred ex pressed in the name of "toler ance and diversity" any less vi cious or damaging than that that targets homosexuals? Is this anything other than reason Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE HUGH DUVALL Veralfud 4 Clark Attorneys PC 345-3333 • t * Mr- if' f • •■! !►<»•' • . >f .. j .'1, '! • A . i .1! M if i •|ii. ' ■ * • p.n.r f ,ti . .. <*11 f» Price quote by phone mg by intimidation and bully ing? I suggest that hatred is wrong, regardless of how we justify it. By it, we dehumanize and mistreat our fellow hu mans; and by it. we diminish our own humanity. William L Moor* History/English Rude dudes As a first-term student at the University. 1 am disappointed and angry at the leadership of the wrestling camps that art; al lowed to come horn While I was watching an M'I"V program in the television mom in Carson Residence Hall, a group of visiting wrestlers had the audacity to loudly in sult the program I was watch ing and askud me why 1 wasn't being patriotic and watching the Olympics. At first. I brushed aside their Irrational. Immature comments Then one of them made .1 homophobic n> mark utxiul one of the charm: tors in the program "Faggot!" They began to chant gleefully when 1 objected to their remark "Listen, sweety.” one of them told me aggressively, "if you don't like the way we talk, why don't you leave and let us watch the Olympics?" Why are these people al lowed to harass me and make sexist, homophobic remarks to me in iny residence hall? Why are they allowed to use an edu cational institution as a place to degrade my basic rights and make homophobic, sexist, ne anderthal comments to my far e' Why Is this tolerated at the University? Karin Paacock Student THE FAR SIM By GARY LARSON hes et heaut, Norm What ;$ she o -£oter?v jtk i f fBrrue Who* ) V a J-'i - feoVr ?*s"^ y rf* Where the respective worlds of boating end herpetology converge. n 0% OFF ANYTHING | IN THE STORE ■ at LAZAR’S BAZAR ® | POSTERS 57 W Roadway VANS * CONVERSE and 957 Willamette VISION • DR. MARTENS Downtown Mall la GEAR ! SUMMER’S HERE! ' Let J-Mar Biologieals help with next year's tuition. By donating plasma, you earn $30** lor your first two donations and help save a lile at the same time. CllH 683-9430 for more information. I'K)I W 8th Ave. I ujtene . ^rpfmnterfpme— The drivin can be easyf r Our professional Mk service and repair Wi can keep your car j?- in fopconditio >v f EURO automotive ASIAN 1917 FRANKIIN BlVD CIom To Campu»/ 485 8226 fflW&MMWWSB We ship your stuff home! 3' 1 to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos, TVs ST Insured, custom packing O' Boxes for sale S' UPS. Emery. Motor Freight 2705 Willamette Street • 344-3106 (convenient parking)