Court rejects beach access case SALEM (AP) — A Inga I dial longo to Oregon's law giving tho public access to all beaches was rojoctod Wednesday by the stain (lourI of Appeals. Irving "Bud" Stnvons of Can non Bench wants to build a mo tnl on a strntch of beach ho owns. But state and local officials rejected hi* request to put up a sew wall for the project because It would have closed public ac e:i*s* to the beech In violation of the 1067 Oregon Beach Bill. Stevens sued, arguing that government had deprived him of hi* property rights and that he was owod compensation. In rejecting his lawsuit, the Court of Appeals said the pub lic's right of access takes prece dence over the rights of owners of beachfront properly. Stevens said he plans to ap peal the case to the Orogon Su preme (lourl Weasel’s World Kralg Norris a oowt us-Russian ttft DfJKh BEXjAN THE SUtCH no port* yiwtx ON MXA t 8U»V®K>STIU BE 04 ftASIAN PW3GN CJWF5. t A AN £jf£HSTrt SMflT> Of FIVE PMCN CAMPS DOC7 rite AMT E*OOC£ Of TW£ y? 4 BUT l! DID UNCCMS MESMj KtxAt»tfDia.*a».cm SW »«B£DE»LE apt* M3 LAST KA*r, _i_ ExPlOKRS ME HCPMG K> M30 rno PtTW F1VWW3N, HAUL AHOCKTtJ. men at wow ano the mxrefts. / XT Lunch concert is free By Tim Neff Emerald At social* Editor Musk; fan* alarmed by skyrocketing concert ticket prices can get an earful of major-name talent when James McMurtry plays a free lunchtime concert today at Good Times. McMurtry. who has toured with Adrian Below, Arlo Guth rie and the Indigo Girls, will drop into the Eugene bar on his way to a night concert at Key Largo In Portland. The local stop was arranged by KAVE radio. "We roped him into coming here," said KAVE program di rector Jordan Seaman. “We Just convinced him to come to Eugene for a noon show.” McMurtry’s first album was chosen as one of the debut al bums of the year by Rolling Slone. His music Is influenced by classic folk musicians like Da vid Bromberg, Norman Blake and Doc Watson. Seaman said McMurtry should be a big draw for Eugonn folk music fans. "We’ve never done a lunchtime show before, and we think it will be very successful," he said. After hearing McMurtry's music, John Mnllencamp said he like ihe way the lyrics presented a "still-life of American life." The Now York Times had similar praise for McMurtry; "Not since John Prine made his debut In 1971 has a musical voice from the heartland offered such biting images of ordi nary Americans living and dying in places far from the bright lights of the big city .” McMurty will play free of admission from 12:30 to 1:30 pm Oregon Daily Emerald OI.AfcSIFIKOS Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ( LASSII 1KI) POLK IKS Placement Acl* may be placed at Room 300, F.MU (main office) or IX) Rookstore, Main Floor Payment • All ads mutt be prepaid unless billing has been csublisbed. Call 3-16 4343 for billing arrangements • VISA/MC arc accepted • A purchase order must accompany all University departmental ads. Deadlines Line Ads: I pm. one businessday prior to insertion. Display Ads: I p m., two business days prior to insertion Errors/Refunds Please check your ad! 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