U.S. athletes have bad day in Barcelona BARCELONA. Spain (AP) — Dave Johnson almost fouled out of the decath lon Wednesday, a Dan-dy start to a dis mal day for America at the Summer Nolymplcs. A women's basketball dynasty is over, and America's boys of summer go home empty-handed. So does world 200-motor champion Michael Johnson, who failed to qualify for tho final. And now. the International Olympic Committee says Jud Logan, whose fourth place was tho best for tho Unitod Stales in thu hammer throw in 3ft years, tested positive for steroids. Even winning wasn't all It was crocked up to be Ask Jennifer Capriati She's the most unpopular woman in town after treating Barcelona's own Arantxa San chez Vicario with Spanish King Juan Carlos in tho stands "It was tough out there, but I blocked it out pretty well. I think." said tho 16 yrmr-old Capriati, who plays Steffi Graf for the gold mesial Friday. Dave Johnson, the one of "!>an and Dave" shoo commercial fame, was flagged for fouls on all three of his at tempts in the shot put, which would have put him out of that part of the de cathlon — any shot at a modal suddenly gone Hut one Judge overruled the other, Johnson got another chance, and he was still In tho hunt, ninth with five of the lit events left on Thursday. "I'm having an off day, but nothing major, fortunately," Johnson said "But you never know what your body's going to do on any given day." Any designs the U.8. women had on a third straight basketball gold were dashed in a 7egan much as it did when it was the So viet Union squad in Los Angeles, with explosive power Then the U S. team called a timeout and Timmons had a few words for his teammates "I reminded them of the LA final and I told them that If we keep fighting, they'll come down to earth pretty soon," said Timmons, of Newport Beach. Calif "They did and we con trolled them pretty much after that." Apart from Timmons. 33. four other U S starters ulso started the final in 19HH and two more U S. players were on that team "They were on fire from the start, they wore hammering away and passing great They always come out that way," Tim mons said. "But we kept on reminding ourselves that they won't last." The Americans are seeking to become the first team to win three volleyball gold medals in a raw and Timmons could be come the first man to do so. Apart from Timmons, Bob Ctvrtlik, of Long Beach, (la 1 if.. Doug Partin, of Santa Barbara. Calif, and Jeff Stork, of Topanga Canyon, (jilif., were also starters on the 1088 team. Earlier, the Netherlands upset world champion Italy 15-tt, 8-15, 12-15, 15-2. 17-16 and will moot Cuba, which boat Spain 16-14. 15-8, 15-6 in Friday'# semifinals. Brazil beat Japan 15-12. 15-5, 15-12 to remain unbeaten The United Slates was 0-2 against the Unified Team for the day, after upset losses by the women's basketball toum and the men's water polo team. But the volleyball players did not go down the same road. The Unified Team pulled away for a 10-4 load behind power ful hitting by Dmitry Fomin und Ruslan Oltkbver, un ethnic Russian from Latvia, and got the majority of the crowd in its fa vor, with the cheers of American fans often drowned out. "Tastes Great. Less Filling." chanted the American crowd, echoing a beer commercial. And the non-Americans who had been cheering the Unified Team became silent Johnson’s quest for 200 gold stopped by poor performance BARCELONA. Spain (AP) — Michael Johnson went from the heat of Olympic hypo and competition into the air-con ditioned interview room and the chill ing realization he was done. "1 didn't make it," he said after a min ute's silent reflection. "It didn't hap pen." Aftor the big buildup and a following controversy, the world champion sprint or failed to qualify for the 200-meter fi nal Wednesday, finishing a distant sixth. With his earlier decision not to com pote in the 400 meters and his berth in the 1.600-meter relay in question, John son's Olympics may be over. "1 just didn't feel like Michael John son today," he said in a dull monotone. "It's just not there," Ranked No. 1 in the 200 and 400 me ters the past two years, Johnson was an early pick to take the gold in both com petitions As late as last week the former Baylor star proclaimed himself the best 400-meter runner in the business. With world record-holder Butch Reynolds fighting allegations of steroid use and failing to qualify during the Olympic trials in Now Orleans, Johnson would have been an important addition to the U.S. effort. But Johnson, who has a habit of refer ring to himself in the third person, opt ed out of the* 400 Ho complained tho original Barcelona schedule would have him running the two different races on the same day. Ho wouldn't relent, not oven after tho International Amateur Athlotic federa tion shifted tho schodulo to put tho 200 and 400 finals on following days. "Thoy'ro too late." ho said at the trials in Juno. After Wednesday night's showing, it was Johnson who was too late for a medal. An intimidating competitor who dominated the 200 over the past two years, Johnson slipped to the back of the pack after the final turn, falling to his knees after ho crossed tho finish line in sixth place. "Tho Olympic gold is what I wanted," ho said. “It's behind mo now." It was up to U S. teammate Mike Marsh to set an Olympic record of 19 73 seconds in the other heat - an Olympic record and only one-hundredth of a sec ond shy of tho world record. Johnson blamed his showing on a vi rus that ambushed him a few weeks ago. A fover and diahhrea cost him a week's workouts, 10 pounds and his endur ance. Miller plans 30-city tour OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Shannon Miller, who vaulted Into the limelight as the best female U.S. gymnast at the Summer Olym pics, nas lined up a 30-city tour and several television appearances. Next up could be cereal box fame. "1 would love to be on a Wheat lea box," the 4-foot-7 gymnast said during a news conference after her arrival home In Oklahoma on Wednesday. "It interests me a lot," she said of possible endorsements. Miller, 15, of Edmond, Okie., won two sliver and throe bronze medals In Barcelona, the most by a U.S. female gymnast since Mary Lou Rollon In the 1984 Olympics. More than 2,000 people were on hand to cheer her return home. Miller is being represented by ProServ. the same agency that rep resents Michael Jordan, said Steve Nunno. her coach. “She really doesn’t understand a lot of what's been happening," Nunno said. "We Just left the Olympic Village yesterday, and in the Olympic Village there was no hoopla for Shannon Miller, really, because there were Olympic gold medalists everywhere."