Weasel's World Kralg Norris | VSICCMt 10 OVC SWDUJM, KH ICMGHT'S GAME flEMJN| 1>C &E0C GEMS »C VC KBMYAK31 «ors»«cniBmTTsa*5 CASTWWMXIOIHWA FASIMl M«£ lHOfiMCSCF MS FAW5 AUMWNS.TtCCKon. Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. Blacks strike in S. Africa mom WORLD JOHANNESBURG. South Africa (AP) — Mil lions of blacks joined a nationwide strike Mon day In onn of the largest protesta ever against white rule. At least 12 deaths. Including four at police hands, were linkod directly to the walkout. Tho violence erupted despite African National Congress and gov ernment calls for peace. Most workers in black townships ringing South Africa's cities stayed homo, leaving city centers largely deserted. Transportation officials said trains and buses in some areas were carrying as little as 2 percent of nomtal traffic. Activists erected berrlcados In some areas to onforce the ANC called strike. Roads and trains were blocked with burning car tiros in parts of C.apo Town and Durban. The strike hit poor blacks hard. "We don't like losing two days of pay. But wo must do this to support the ANC." said Ernest Mnjoza, a 3B-yoor-old security guard in Sebokong, a violence-torn township south of Johannesburg. Other blacks defied tho strike, olther out of opposition to tho ANC campaign or because they feared they would lose their wages or their jobs. Oregon Daily Emerald 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL: RUN AN AD 1 DAY, GET THE SAME AD FREE THE 2ND DAY!! WINDSURFING flaginning Iwiom itmpl UO Outdoor Program Hm ?1 I MU 3«*43*S CANOE RENTAL Cnrtoc Shark on the Mtllrurr 7 days/wk (noon-dusk) ® 346-4330 ON CAMPUS! 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Ma(0r daaoasa For Irea into area or ca6: Money For Coaaga. 2832 Wisemans 8 111, EugareOR 87403 342 8105 la boms chad cars earned lor 3 boys, ages 2«t '0. urVv area Etanble hr* Generous pay Relarencas 344-8182 MONEY FOR COLLEGE Mdon* in pmaw vector money avaaabte Write lor data* Ichaiarvup Search Plus. 2832 WMamane. Suite 188, Eugerer, OR 874Q3 NKSKT MANAGER POSITION One GTE posaion a open m EMU tor Night Manager AppSeatons and job daacripnon* are avaiiabia in MiOl. EMU Closing data a Auguai 14,1882 AA€EO _ EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gam ol a daall Tare GTE pssaians I'HSOH supanremg prachcum students In the Saconoery Speoal Education Program taacnmg aipananca required. Conan Candy Harr. ITS Education lor Job dasenpnon and app*a»»n mmanato I Vi BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Naady raturtmlwd 3. Mm A « bom houaaa. AS50 A ASSO/morth On 4ta laundry MOW— 4>3O7S0 1 BLOCKS FROM CAABKJS 4 Mrm A 2 Mrm vary ctoan unto m on* Mum. aaahar A dryw. a 1281 E 2tth ASS0BS25 lummar ran 4SM7S0. S bdrm chnMic ludor, '