OLYMPICS TRIPLEQIST Q99 Catch all the action Daily 7am-2ain at 1 Mi A Fattenoa » MM T»7 LSAT GRE lest Your Best! Kaplan’s prep have helped ovei courses over 100,000 students overcome their fears and improve their scores. CLASSES FORMING NOW! 345-7496 to enroll KAPLAN IMMON WAANCIXTtftiro 11m world. Wading M prrp organiiMton 1 ©TARGETTHE UorO MARKET CALL OREGON DAILY EMERALD AOUEATISING AT 346-5712 SPORTS NFL players call last witness MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The method an econo* mitt used to calculate the money restricted tree agents loet In 1089 and 1990 under the NFL's froe-agency system was attacked again Wednes day by a lawyer for the league. The economist, Michael Classman, was the last witness called by the players In the five-week-old antitrust trial. He finished more than 15 hours of testimony, spread over three days, late Wednes day afternoon. The NFL is to begin calling its dofonse wit nesses Thursday, starting with commissioner Paul Tagliabue. Classman testified earlier this week that the eight players who filed the lawsuit against the NFL lost about $4 million in those two years be cause they weren't allowed to negotiate with oth er teams. The Washington-based consultant also said sal aries for players restricted under the leaguo's Plan B free-agoncy rules would havo been an average 34.2 percent higher in 1990 had there been com petition from another league. NFL lawyer Frank Rothman spont two hours Tuesday and about five hours Wednesday picking at Clasardan's method for devising his study of tho effects Plan B has had on restricted free agents. The NFL system doe* not reword today '* excellence. It •ViWwiw 4MfvlPGNry«jf« — Michael Glassman, Economist Rothman alto argued that Classman's numbers Included several mistakes and Inconsistencies, and that all of them were made in favor of the players. Glassman admitted to a handful of minor mis takes. but said some skewed his estimated dam age figures in favor of the NFL Ho also blamed some of the mistakes on the difficulty the players' lawyers have had in getting salary data from the NFL. But throughout his testimony. Classman stuck to his contention that his study shows that re stricted free agents are paid less than if they could offer their services on an opon market. In general, ha said, an NFL player s salary in creases each year he's in the leaguo, regardless of how well he has played. "The NFL system does not reward today's ex cellence. It rewards seniority," Glassman said. \i>\ i u i ini in i mi: om: rms si mmi k n i vi i : A WINNING S7 LINE- UP! I ☆ LAW SCHOOL EDITION u: \di\c, on This is a perfect opportunity to target your products and services to the law students & early-returncrs. This will be the only Oregon Daily Emerald issued between Aug. 13th and Sept. 18th. which ensures high readership and long shelf-life. 8.000 copies distributed. publish date: Mon., A tig. 24, 1992 DEADLINE DATE: Moil., Aug. 17 at 5pm ☆ BACK TO THE BOOKS II M i l\G 2nd: Your best opportunity to capture the UO market is to advertise in this biggest and best-read edition of the year. This welcome back/orientation issue will be distributed for a full week prior to the first day of classes, when we begin publishing on a daily basis. publish date: Mon., Sept. 21,1992 DEADLINE DATE: ThUTS., Aug. 20 at 5pm hattixg 3rd: ☆ DUCK BUCK COUPONS Students returning to campus each term look for this coupon edition and use it throughout the term. In addition to our regular circulation, we hand out 5,(XX) at the UO Bookstore in a single day! PUBLISH DATE: Fl*i., Oct. 2, 1992 deadline date: T\ies., Sept. 1 at 5pm C/KAX-ir: ☆ FOOTBALL PREVIEWS In addition to our regular distribution, we will also deliver at no extra cost 1,5(X) extra editions to all major area motels, restaurants and high traffic areas to target home & visiting fans! ist publish date: Fri., Sept. 18, 1992 ist deadline date: Mon., Sept. 14 at 5pm CALL OUR AD DEPARTMENT: FAX: 346-5821 Oregon Daily 346-3712 Emerald Viewers to get free try at troubled triplecast NEW YORK (AP) — The troubled Olympic Trtplecast of NBC and Cablevlsion will be given away for free to cable TV viewers for seven hours each In a truncated form on Thursday and Friday. NBC announced Wednesday that the Triplecast would be shown on CNBC, Its financial cable network, from 6-10 p.m. EDT on Thursday and Friday nights and 1-4 a.m. EDT on Fri day and Saturday mornings. CNBC, carried as a basic ser vice on most cable systems, will show all three channels at once on a screen divided Into quadrants, but will not carry any audio of the events. In addition. NBC cut the sug gested retail price of single-day viewing from 520.95 to $19.95 and suggested cable systems of fer a Saturday-Sunday special of $29 95. The Olympic Triplecast origi nally was priced at $125 for all three channels, which broad cast live from 5 a.m. EDT to 5 p.m. EDT and then show the previous 12 hours on tape. CNBC, available in approxi mataly 47 million homos, will broadcast announcements along with the audio in an at tempt to got people to purchase the Triplecast. The fourth quad rant of the CNBC broadcast will have graphics. Television industry publica tions have estimated that about 250.000 homes have subscribed to the Triplecast thus far. NBC had hoped to sell the Triplecast to 2 million homos. "The package sales haven't been what we expected," said an NBC official, speaking on the condition of anonymity. NBC spokeswoman Betty Hudson said the network does not yet have subscriber figures available. However, NBC offi cials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, have said their guess is that tho figure of 250.000 homes is accurate. "We've found that once a viewer has the chance to actu ally see what the Triplecast is all about, they get excited about it and want to buy it," Cabievi sion executive vico president Jim Dolan said. Trail Blazers sign Adelman through 1994-95 season PORTLAND (AP) — The Portland Trail Blazers announced Wednesday that head coach Rick Adetman has signed a contract extension through the 1904-05 season with an option for the 1905-96 season. Adelman. 46, has guided the Blazers to the NBA Western Confer ence Finals for three straight seasons and took the team to the NBA Finals this year and In 1090. He has posted a 103-68 record for a .667 winning average since he took over on Feb. 18.1060. "I’m really happy to have reached an agreement and am looking forward to continuing to build on the success we've had in the past three years," Adelman said in a statement. He was out of town Wednesday and could not be reached for further comment. Adelman was runner-up for NBA coach of the year in 1001 and led the West All-Star team last season. The contract amount was not disclosed. RIGHT ON TARGET1 ► ..^Emerald CALI OUR AD DE.'T: 346-3712