Honecker returned to Germany BERLIN (AH) — Erich Honock jRiJPJj or. tho former Mm'liH'lf bail Carman leader, was returned to his homeland Wednesday and ar rested for ordering the shooting of Germans who trlod to escape his Communist dictatorship. Honockor, who supervised construction of tho Berlin Wall in 1981, was flown in from Moscow shortly after 8 p m. (2 p m KDT) Ho was driven to Moabit prison, not far from where the Wall stood before Honocker’s overthrow throe years ago caused It to tumble. Honockor, who had holed up with his wife In the Chilean Embassy In Moscow in Deram bor after Russia refused him sanctuary, is accused of order ing border guards to shoot to kill anyone trying to floe East Germany during his 1A years in power. From 350 to 400 East Ger mans died trying to escape East Germany over 40 years; at least 40 wore killed under Honeck er's watch. While many Russians be lieved the 70-year-old Honeck er should Ire allowed to live out his days In Russia. Germany pressed Ghilo and Russia to re turn him. Officials said bn would be tried Imfore the end of the year "Now justice can take Its course," said fedoral Justice Minister Sabine Leuthousscr Schnarrenberger, in a statement Issued in Bonn ' Mr. Honeckor will receive a fair trial in Ger many under the rule of law. "It is not a matter of revenge but rather the attompt to satisfy justice under the rule of law.” she said The trial will he a severe tost of Germany's legal system, and is certain to be followed avidly by 16 million East Germans who am struggling with their lives in united Germany and were divided over the wisdom of trying Honeckor. Weasel’s World Kraig Norris MS BUWtfD, 8 I! fSLt that KXfVt STACKED TVC FOOT BALL SO«aiI WITH EAST WINS IN OFOCfl TO Gtr US into a bowl game 7 * / (SSG wmch (wrof ntsacuu ak nxi«/tAR*G K) AS SttOtD? WIU.. THi: CMtS A6AWST 1W OMj&On SCHOOL FOB rut Bund, faswn tobiaa flMUTT COUT5E . AND T>€ 8UL‘*!££ *CNC 0* i>« V MACUATC VW(*N vwr f v «AOMT «* GlftiS ! MET. H*t XXI SEEN »l 9 THOSE SIXLi f THEY Could mat* the. c*hksm: une kb nc totx.K>!! Second black prisoner dies in South Africa JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — A black prisoner plunged to his death Wednesday, becoming die second man to die in custody since the release last week of a report alleg ing that police routinely kill suspects. Police spokesman Andy Pieka said the 20-year-old robbery suspect, whose name was not released, climbed over a barrier and fell from an eight-story building while guiding police to other suspects. No other details were given. On Sunday, a 24-year-old man collapsed and died in po lice hands. A report on Sunday quoted Dr. Jonathan Gluckman, a top South African pathologist, as saying police bad killed scores of prisoners in recent yean. Gluckman's allegations and the two deaths have focused public attention on the embattled police force. The govern ment has promised an Investigation of all prisoner deaths In the past two yean, but the African National Congress and hu man rights groups are demanding an independent inquiry. The ANC said that the man who died Sunday, Bongani Makhubela, was a member of the black opposition group, and demanded an explanation of his death. Makhubep's father, Makheya, told The Star newspaper of Johannesburg hts son was healthy when he visited him Saturday following his ar rest on weapons charges. Makhubela said he triod to visit his son Sunday but was told to return the next day. On Monday. Makhubela said a police officer told him his son had collapsed and died. Police said an autopsy would would be conducted to deter mine the cause of death. The police have been linked to a series of recent controver sies that have thrown the country into its worst crisis since de Klerk came to power three years ago, while weakening the credibility of his government's claim to be leading the coun try into a new, multi-racial era. Last month tho ANC accused the police of complicity In the massacre of 42 blacks at the township of Boipatong, and broke off negotiations with the government on a new political system and constitution. A team of British experts Investigating the killings blamed them largely on police incompetence. Oregon Daily Emerald 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL: RUN AN AD 1 DAY, GET THE SAME AD FREE THE 2ND DAY!! < 'LASSIFIKI) POIJC lies Placement Ads may he plated at Rnnn MX), BMU (main office) or UO Ikutkilurc, Mam Hoof Payment All ad* mutt he prepaid unlit* hilling bt hern eilihlithrd l*tw hilling arrangements please tall M6 4 >4 J iw atop by the Uastiltcd office. 100 l*.MU. 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