Oregon Daily THURSDAY. JULY 30. 1992 Brooks to take over as AD, continue coaching □ Head football coach's base salary will remain the same for dual role By Pat Malach Emerald Edit of Head football coach Rich Brooks has boon named athletic director for the Univorsity und will continue in his coaching position, said Dan Williams, vice presi dent for administration at a press conference Wednes day. "We asked ourselves if thore was a person right hore at the Univorsity who had the abilities, tho nncossary experience and understanding of athletics, our univor sity and the state of Oregon, to provido tho leadership roqulred," Williams said. "The answor to the question was yes, and the person who came immediately to our minds was Rich Brooks.” Brooks, 50, succeeds Bill Byrne, who leaves to take over as athletic director for the Univorsity of Nebraska this Novembor. Brooks has been head football coach ut the Univorsity for 15 years, compiling a 71-93-4 record He led the Ducks to successive bowl appearances in 1989 and 1990, Brooks’ contract for athletic director begins Oct. 1 and runs through Juno 30. 1994. Brooks base salary of $97,850 will remain unchanged, but he will receivo an additional $20,000 annually in money generated by tho University’s Oregon Sports Network Brooks' current total compensation package is $196,030 While Williams admitted thore will be some savings for tho University by eliminating the athletic director’s current salary of $88,027, he insisted tho move was not motivated by economics. "Wo are not driven by the economics of this issue to make this decision, but it certainly is one of the advan tages," Williams said, adding Brooks’ apparent wide spread respect within the department made him tho ob Turn to BROOKS, Pag* 3 Prnttbr Pm*i Unlvaraity Rraakhnl Hy!aa Brand (Ml) evngratulataa nawty-namad atNatic dkactor Rich Brookt at a praaa contar anca Wadnaaday. Brooka arid officially taka ovar Oct I. Monson suing University over firing □Former men’s basketball coach wants reimbursement for salary, out side contracts equaling $425,788 By Tim Neff ~ Emarald Associate Ed«or_ Former Duck men'* basketball coach Don Monson, who waa (Hmlwd by the University March 17. Is more thin $400,000 that ha would have re ceived during the re mainder of hi* two-year contract Monaon la aeektng $425,708 for tha re maining two yean of bla University aalary and as compensation far several outside con tracts that ware nulli fied by tha dismissal. The lawsuit, which DM July ZZ m me Lane i^ouniy uircuu wuuri. contends that Mon son's dismissal os head coach was a breach of his contract, which will expire June 30, 1904. An alternate claim would prevent replacement coach Jerry Green horn assuming Moo son's former position. Both Monaon's lawyer. Harold Gillis, and the ath letic department refused to comment on the lawsuit. The University is taking the position that it did not breach Monson’s contract because he was reas signed. rather than fired. Melinda Grier, director of legal services for the Or egon State System of Higher Education, said the Uni versity did not violate Monaon's two-year employ ment contract. “We have the authority to reassign him." Grier said, "and we reassigned him to another position." Monson eras reassigned as coordinator for compli ance and eligibility, but foiled to report to work at the new nosition. “We assumed that he had resigned." Grier said. As long as Monson fulfills his side of the current contract, he is entitled to a base salary of $79,468 Turn to MONSON. Page 3 New dean hired for College of Education □ "Progressive” atmosphere for change attracts Martin Kaufman to University By Morgan Emrich Emerald Contributor_ University Provost Norman Wessolls and President Myles Brand announced the selection of the (College of fclucatlon's new dean Wodnosday afternoon. Marlin "Marty” Kaufman. 50. will become the sev enth dean of the College sinco If* establishment In 1910 Kaufman, who holds a doctorate in special edu cation with a minor in educational psychology a* well as a master’s dogruo in secondary education, is current ly the director of the United States Department of Kdu cation's Division for Innovation and Development. Ho officially begins his duties at the Unlvorslty Sept. 9. Kaufman will be taking over the College at a lime when budget cuts have loft many department heads feeling a little nervous about Its future Despite lost year’s closing of the Division of Curriculum and In Turn to DEAN. Pag* 3 WEATHER li * Hot and dry air with bngbl sunshine will scorch Eugene through Friday. Expect highs in the upper 90s. TODAY IN HISTORY In 1619. the first representative assembly in America convened in lamest own. Va. In 1932, the Summer Olympic Games opened in Los Angeles. Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is 45, songwriicr Kate Bush is 34 MEDAL COUNT Unified Team 26 total, IS gold United States 21.7 gold China 17.6 gold DIVING Mark Lenri. a 19-year-old Russian, became the Games' first triple gold medalist succeeding Greg Louganis as king of the springboard BASKETBALL The Dream Team beat out Germany 111-68 and will take on Braal Friday. COACH RETIRES U S gymnastics coach Bela Karoiyi has called it suits. Karoiyi has established himself as the best women s coach in the world including coach to Nadia Comaneci and Mary Lou Retton. Karoiyi made his announce ment one day after the American women earned a bronze medal in team competion. Karoiyi defected to America in 198! from Romania TENNIS The Olympia bid adieu lo Stefan Ed berg, who lost bis first-round tennis match. IWIMMINft Matt Bioodi and Tom lager swam legs oo America s winnina 400-meter freestyle relay, nut made them the fust ! American swimmers ever lo win \ gold medals in three Olympics, and it gave the U.S men four golds. -OimfWft /ram AP *tpow