?25 APTS DUPLEXES «nMM August 1M 1 tMtrm kjm ton UnMrcow pwkmg Naat Mute School Timna Count, t i»ary Shara ntca 7 Bdrm urw Fumanad Parking 1 btk lo eampua (?4Vr>o Carl boat rata tor tmttr Rob. 485 034S146 1515 Selling Something? Do it fa*t!...I)o it i heap! with ODE (,'laeaifind Advertiaing (.all 346-4343 to find out how SMALL 1 BEDROOM 7 blacks to campus N>o» cleen (?45rmontb W.li go last' 545-4155_ SOUTHGATE 1100 square loot. 7 bedroom toamMousa available • Pool and t*rna • On s>te laundry laoMies • Near campus • On busline 2145 Patlereon145-4471 SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW RESERVING FOR FALL* AVAIL A t 5 Large, clean, quiet 1 bdrm. i Wk UO Now floor*, wafk «n doaei. m»p vanity and bath, covered parking 484 4103 Vary naar campus Quiet t bedroom apartment No pals $335 Available now 345 6281 1 badroom apta, $275/$325 2 bedroom apis. $350$450 Pool laundry facilities-weathen/ed five buildings, 15th A Hrtyard local ton 484 992? 1 V» BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studio* onsite laundry tacMues \2 TQ/month 405 0 790 2 bdrm, ? D’ks from campus Newty remodeled Yard, private periwig Walk *n closets, dishwasher Must see’ Summer rates. $400 Spyglass. 606 1130 2 bdrm furnished api 1923 Garden (behind Wendy's, on franklin) NEW carpets, windows, mmfWinds, refrigerators. oountanops. pmnt VERY QUIET ANO VERY NICE $350 summer. $525 tall 2 bdrm duple« also available $350 summer. $500 tai* 405 0187__ 2 bdrm furnished apt Dishwasher disposal, covered parking Very dean, quak bu 4dtng $395 mo summer $49Sttx> tail 1200 ferry Si 343 3318 HAYWARD HOUSE APTS 12(0 E. 1«lh Incredible SUMMER RATES on these 3 bedroom. 1 v> bath, townhouse type apanments overlooking Hayward held Covered parking, balconies available furnished/ unfurnished CaJi Gretchen to view at 343 3907 Only $395"' 2854 WILLAMETTE Vary spacious 3 bedroom 1 bath house m great location Huge master bedroom Fully appienced Yard care provided $575 1390 MILL STREET f iiremeiy large 2 bedroom units available soon Large balcony, reserved parking, iawndry tec>t»t>es. doe# to U of O $325 553 E. 18TH furnished QUAD with private baths, private refrigerator, and on file sundry end parking Or*y $1 75"' UNIVERSITY MANOR 743 E 15th Ave You cent beat the prices on these 2 & 3 bedroom unit Starting at $305' 1 Wock from U Of O library Call R»c* ?0 vuw at 343 990 7 1550 HIGH STREET Spacious one bedroom units avan&Die soon Close to U of O. shopping, and Duaiine On?y $295 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E. 17lh Pnvmw room*. AU. UTH IttlS PAM), on kits laundry Only (175' Call now, 686 5480 Janningt ♦ Co (814211 UmoTcLEAJToWET EMERALD APARTMENTS Fun*$H«J 7 Mm. i»UolO AvAr-nOto now Swww 'HUM I3B4 •IMwurw *C> 483 .W0 tor thawing GARDEN TERRACE 1993 Cardan ROOMY ? bdrm dt»*» :o compu» ax) hoi tub* SUMMt H RATI'S’" $;>93 C«i tor showing 344 l 7?t Jartmngt • Co 643-421fJ Naar campus• Qua* 1 Oadroom ♦ Study Vary abundant tiOrag*> privacy Carpon t aundry 1 «***» 1469 i437Hgft 144 7414 _ Prospect Park 2 bdrm apis avaUatota now Qutat, country ilmotptwrs w corrvonrant city location Othar faaturaa tnctuda pool, iswms t>aafcatt>iH court a. roc. room A playground Right post 23th A Chambira CaM 444 6343._ Campua Twtnt mmmar rat«% $173 $200 ttep f ummha] Snort* * action 713 f. 14m 143 1009 tortvo moow»g« CAMPUS-SAVE 50% ? bed torn towrmousa l aaaa now m 1230*ummar. 1300-1 afc 779 f 18m 4 bad duptox at $*$00-%umm*r. llOOO'lofl 771 I tern Onvo by f»rM mart can tor appt 144 8820 Compua Apartmanta fumtshad 1A2 Badrooma Summit rataa 12 73-1423 445 2923 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gem ol a deal! 240 QUADS SUPER SAVINGS! Summer Rate-$140 * f urtwhod. -.jSitr? on pad * i Wocfc to compu* *0^1 toundry covorod parking Oacoont ky tail r*»*4>rvi»tiOm IMO Atder Slr—t»MVM«» SUMMER RATES 4I4S Wax to campu* trom inane nnmy re turoahed quad* ■ private Entrance * • I. acedant l otWdn ' ’ Sftora botn-V ficnan * Otvw by 1 730 H»yard Rgg i siatw My*lira! 14 3 *' C>9 }45 ROOMS Rooms too sons, ftTVmoMB • utR Foot tan. dopao-t f immhmt t my »Ru> to comjM* Bu« mum jf iitoy. shxaga mjr&y n Musa 3 triack* to com M A» Utsmoo oxnjdod in ton W* go IW MMIH 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Bright. cojy 'oom evedatMe at MO Van fturan Sunry n>/m* f*g port' tot* o» on To *tan A^jgust 1 o? Saptamt** 1 44M 91166 CMf APt 1 ftJomfniK* w«ntttd Srvara 3 Wrm dupMM wdh two tamatal *tudant» tuvtmg Aug if! 4 mtm from cempua ? *Kxy. vaoAari cUnQi |1 ?\mo (•« y—r) ♦ utd SNw»n. 747 9*31 F«nila, non-am ol mg roommiU rouMri to *Nw ? 2 bam Chaaa Vffikaga apertmanf *rarttny on Swc# t [H^w»Nk. Dafco ny-r*»am* K*rn«*nad Ran* a |T».^O mo P«o* ucmmm Cal 683 3 TO? Sea Section IIS For all your typing needs 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT : Jli3® ■ ART CINEMAS ■ 492 E 13lh -686-2458 a»COUNT won V. W.U Skua'll MjMBfBM main » mv» j—4 w’»J Ni|MI| • M • 00 • •••4 •» • «•*•! »¥ K U lORJTI* HOWARbS END MUST AMP #*#*«!» »1>i9 DELICAT^SSEI [a film by JIM JARMUSCH I [Night on Earth] |:BMIWJU4MH WAYNE S WORLD WOW HALL Hth & Lincoln TONIGHT The Paladins with Skip Jones & Henry Vestine All Ages Welcome 6H7-2746 300 FOOO& DRINK KEGS TtliL TO teal GO! Tovorn A fleet Garden ZbSfW emette € * • 8»aJ. Monty % A M*.ro flrww Qf U|> 320 SERVICES Planned Paranthood offws ptaQnancy !«nt win untMaaad counaaltng 344 9411 _ Pragnarx? Oacttiom fo maae* Conf* Omni+t traa laMmg f *f*f (UHttCltOn birthright ca; e&ht PROBLEMS? Anonymoua phone counaafcng and tjlirrH avaftabto trvougn in* U of O Cm* Cantor C*« ut Monday f r*My. 5pm 8am, ?4 hour* w—*an rw cmi \ ( lOtHUH \ 'J TUtM UHtn. I, THIH" J\ iS5y CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 *Th# G#a«t Com 5 CW lha •** • Gown t com^ao on 12 t »tqm land man* 13 M.iix •urvivo* o* Lai hi Bighorn 14 *— Touch, o4 Vnout* 13 King’a 17 Shothona 15 Animal h*la IS C«ly on tha Po 21 B'-aaMait IfMl 24 Daalruc »iva miacl 23 Pr#*anify 26 Maintain and 30 OW coin 31 t mulaia Marv^i 32 You imgM ItrAa 4 33 fhm. M.fl mirtfan n p n f )5 Shtftey Tompte. to* on* >4 Ado* Franc hot J7 PtAyt charades 14 Hawauan 10 Oth*fto to* on* 12 In m* mann*r c4 43 Poia* 44 At u*i% Jo — FhNM 44 Fo*m*rty 50 Mo*l**n mag» tit *1* 51 Bon Reynold* mov* w4h ‘Th** 52 Wat pod 53 Ho*** t DOWN 1 DC totofeytng org 2 )Md »n 3 God of w sr 4 targ# gam« fi#h 5 Pilch## M#r*hts#r t hamin* 7 One# — M#t»m# • Struggl# IF lu RaJ#y'« batfcwick 10 Pr#fn tor body or (lot# 11 Mamm#r part 16 rtfMy or pro* Wj<1 Solution llm# 24 mini "'■■K—Tfa—T?—0—■■ ■ ‘ ram 20 Av*J 21 F*w» mad