Weasel's World Kraig Norris JUST GMAT NOW WEltt HCKH6 HAMS Kf. THE BASKETBALL GAME . (XWN TO THE LAST TWC THIS MWnrS LdKl TIMS, I KNOW' fM COM BE THE LAST ONE. PKfJtf). WE.U TAKE. THE. MT.NtAfv SKiWTtC ftO WsW T»ft smuiff. I 8f.T T«iS f*vt« *v*tn to ic saiwau! n an F^it the jjower of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. Ducks lose recruit to academic problems Dam ion I’orter has not met NCAA regulations for transfer to the University this fall and will not join the Ducks' basket - ball program. Coach Jerry Croon announced Friday. The tt-1-. 270-pound center from Kend Lake (III.) Commu nity College was Oregon's lone signee for the 1992-93 season Porter was signed last Novem ber during the tenure of former coach Don Monson. "It's unfortunate he did not elect to uttend summer school, knowing he needed to graduate from Kend Lake to Ire. eligible here." Mid (.n*n in n press re lease. "We had boon In con stant contact with him. Wo wish him the best of luck in his endeavors." Green added that it will af fect the team this year. "He would have filled one of the areas we need to strength en, which is the post position," Green said, "In the long run, it gives us another scholarship. YVe have no plans to fill the scholarship now, hut will use it for a rising high school senior who can help us a year from now " Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section. % \\ Oregon Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL: RUN AN AD 1 DAY, GET THE SAME AD FREE THE 2ND DAY!! \S0MMER calendar] Slop NuclMr Poww Now! GHANO OPENING 7 h* i ijgana oftca at tfta Oo • Vou*m* Ourwwma to Class 7 rojan w* hevs at GRANO OPINING Ju*y 30. 1«*?. 11 am t pm 14i*> Oafc SPaal SpotwtJ guast Martfyn Wmton, Sotoftaa Co Praattar* and Campaign Sporno* Jom u* lo tact* oil fh* I uQm a’aa campaign* (I tarn •Omr^vioo) Coniaci launi MAchcoc*. I ugano I srfd Gocrdw>iiky, 4H5 oem tot mof» tolo#mal«or> DO IT VOURSELF COMM CANOE RENTAL Canoe Shiuk on I he Mlllfiu e 7 (liivs/wk (noon-dunk) © 346-4230 © 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy 40»k Birthday Michael B. (Weetmoraieruf) Lev*, • lUchet* 115 TYPING SERVICES aj j44 arm robin * grad school APPROVCO . ?0 yw IhNAOM bet* tvound Term pApervf uM fe*um* mv yice Edewg l eMKpt ON CAMPUS! it5TYPING SERVICES JO UK TYPtMG PHO Worn fnacwamg^ pAr*lni!»o Can MO ftOYrft anynma Ptggy • Typing Safvtca I ipww * <*i typau o«a>tng wneaa on IBM rompulo* sy««m nr*! law primal PwKonabio >aUK Call Paggy at M4MI PMOl I SSIOHAI TVPMO AMo worn ^1*wrung arming Into p«jiut>*lo*wy Itonia. MU ISC’ THE WCMO SPicUL tSTS Word IHocauaig 4 Doowop PuWaJwvg Grad Sown Appro**) I aw pnraad nW-ng grapncy. tMaanalom iranoa. raaoma* rrantparanoat i moro1 CMOV 4E4 4444 TYPING UNLIMITED BirtMtitind *** 44VJ343 S«rvtr»g UO turn»imai 19®’ DIAL-A-TYPIST m-rm TytMtig & wo*d pg. « ' ttpacmi 24 hr turn around Iloo camput jm* Printed lent to computer ftlei bbbeebob 74/4584* I’.'oi'u • > ~i •! 344-4510 (Jt'Al II \ WOICII HUM I.SSIW. I.R4MUI! VilhHH «lt«liWl)MHW H.t«J/’fi/r*l V| J^fjiafnll 605 E. 13th i jo FOR SALE WSC h THE Clothes Horse A (Wiling riihjngr for nuatn who Wik clolkn! 720 K. 13th Optn 7 day*. ♦ Bcyoi alwiy* m 345-5099 130 FOR SALE I,DSC Twin ui« Mon Ono f at o« */0« <•> (incjudot Mm) C*» J44 M*8 135 BUY OR TRADE GHNTLhMhN S HNCORh: CASH FOR 901 LEVIS mi wainKHc_MM12LI WE BUY USED LEVI 501 JEANS ww Sunn ?! 40 ■JO K) *10 Men' (impaneling on ujadorvMion) AU« hating IM l« ud HrM|Wr. and mmnrryrie jairU. «aaMy aa»d>na«. drmlm and nail aim* fur aaj# OP1 NIUlSdf Rl* 113 775 Monro* 343-4680 us CARSTRUCKS GOVERNMtNT SEIZEO Van*tm Irom »1Q0 f»d» Mmeuda* Contma* Chary* Su'ptut Buyan Guam (1) K» Ml? ftOQO 1 n S SIM? tMI VW Bug. ratio*ad Ail naai pant Appranad ai M500 Mitt tacrrtica. 13B00 OOP IIM iMt Hyundai f teal f idaitam cond* lion Hud caaaatia »ia*» 18 ftpMKl MmJjy 93004&* («nc*ud«* kick) Pmm 344 BIANCHI LASTED RACMG DIKE Boftutitut. bk# rmm. «» VMS VC (T o and Hanoi Thompaon Haproracv M??Oati APARTMENT HUNTING? La out tmaoa ha yaw fuMal 175 INSTRUMENTS YAMAHA STEEL STIIMG GUITAR V*ry nc* tnoudm OflM $120 C*H 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two ConvonMM location# ME IM S2SWl8ai»o«o Icomput) (OOwntown) 84 5-1831 543-4 717 BUYING HOURS 0 V Mi H.HS f 81 Sol Smith Family Book »tor> Mo4o Somo Tow CoWi! V«TK) A! Sftl Mtt'tuK DtMkd INC No ntk G— tttfry 4SS 03M tor Q*aH MONEY FOR COLLEGE luUiiorw m pnvoM Mdo> mono? #v»* otxo Wrrio lor «>« ScnoWrtNp Sower P1u». ?8S? Wmomono. Sow 188 tugww. OR 97408 2io HELP WANTED A pi fltudam Managar Partial rant emu Smmi cam pot unit Sand ra tuma PO Bo» 11««a. Eugana»74«0 A cognRhra ptychottgy lab at lha Uti •amity o' Oragon it taaiung a Ml lima laboratory 'aaaarch aiuitant raaponat tua lor bane taooratory managamtnt and adiva panopal on in lha (lavalop mam and analyw* ol continuing ra taaren Applicant* mutt nava a B A or B S •An couraaiaodi ex aipananca in ajpunmantai Of tooal loaned. aipan anoa won void procaatmg and mtaian Hal italituc* toftwara and tha ability to program m PA&CAI F Of an application and toe datenpton. contact Sbatpy lt«a (S03> 34*4940. Dapt ol Ply cnoocy Straub Mae Univamty ol Ora gon. f jgana Oragon 97403 Complata •ppacaiont including 3 ana* ol talar anca. ara dua Auguit 17, 199? lha Orwamay ot Oragon a an [ O AA mu tmion, oommitiad to cultural dnatitty BARN MONEY Raiding Booka! *30,000 yr mcoma potantial OataMa (1) *0* 9*3-0000 tit Y9*4?.. tdnorVoluntaar Coordinator lor Thu LmunOur Atofaor* gayflaMxan naari maganna liaaporaibai lor adttonai corf am luparvaon ol nxumaar* In taKtion alh produewn nan. outiaach to ncraaaa ado atvaragaxoiuniaar 0**a Joum mating background nacaa wry AP Byta. Mac a»p praiarrad 74 f If. JfiTVno Can 4*5 7JBS lor appk cation Ctoatng Aug IS FOE Family naada anw school card (3 30 6 30 Ml) lor 2 chAiron m our IX) miOd horn* Car * 'otomrxa* •« Qo*rad 34 6 44/7 Fadatal Gotrammant M Hiring *16.400 *62.000 pa' yaar Amazing <• coroad maaaaga ia*»ais data* *06 566 2477 ail <946 GRANTS 4 SCMOtARSMIRS Manx doSalwio For »aa mto wie a call Morwy For Coaaga 7«V w#n maturw wotk «m«c. sett »t anar* wun capacity to !t»*a d-ration ano nava a wrong tan** o' p#rv>ntti account aOSsfy Muw Da ra&atMa and ap*» to datrvar sarv>ca wtfh **caaanca Ra&^ma* and ratarancaa raqu,f«d Dy August 1. 199? lntarv*aws August 8 and 7 Hapjy to Jaanma Van vaaw. ca> Coriagtan. ’8’0 Aidar Si. fcugana. OR 9>40t_ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT IV* BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Naurly r*?i4t»h*d 5 ♦ bdm t 4 Mm nouM*. IHV. & HttOmonin On tu iQuhO'y mcm!i*t 48>0;90 2954 WILLAMETTE V*ry spacious 3 Badhxyn. 1 t>a!h »iuu i- g-ao! acaixr Mug# mam Padrocxh ruXy appoancad Yard cw* prandad *S>75 555 E18TH Spacious 3 D*d*CKXT. hOUS# CIOM IO campus Ptart* (X ttorag* tpaca IVaTw 4 dryar hook ups *V3 JanMnga . Co. Ml-4211 GUESS WHArS IN THE BOX? /f • A complete meal in u box • Only $5 ea. nn.IU.RlJl Call 346*4303 FOR NEXT DAY SERVICE! Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HBY, 6OOP6OMON THE. RATIONAL MLRJT SCHOL ARSHIP, KJM' FAIRLY HUST ae £A5&C!V B6 A GXJNP If you 6ROtU UP IN AN AVAN fAMIUy, / HUH* HUH’ 1 1'MADOmP YO' SAY NOMOBt' I l wAstrr planning TO