Oregon Daily TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 11 OSBHE ok’s higher ed cuts □ State colleges and universities move step closer to 20 percent de crease in funding. By Rene DeCair Emerald Contributor The Oregon Stole Board of Higher Education on Fri day finished polishing the higher education budget for 1993-95. The result a lackluster package that is ixrth alarming but expected While the budget includes millions of dollars in cuts, it shouldn’t surprise unyone who has read the news in the past year. Education budgets were cut in the 1991-93 bienni um and will continue to be chopped unless new rev onuo is found to replace that lost by the passage of Measure 5. The budget includes a 20 percent reduction in fund ing for all state colleges and universities, as Gov. Bar bara Roberts called for. As a result, the budget outlines a 45 percent tuition Increase at the eight schools, to be instituted at 15 percent a year beginning in 1903. The board is expected to submit the budget to Rob erts in late August. The chancellor's office reports that the rise in tuition will mean students will have seen their tuition in crease 77 percent in five years from 1990 to 1995. The increase is expected to drive students out of the state for a cheaper education and prevent many from getting an education at all. "There an: a bunch of concerns," said Greg Parker, communications director for the slate system of higher Turn to CUTS. Page 4 Getting buzzed ' - 1 Photo t>y Hap* Soak on Kidsports baseball coach Jason Spohn made good Friday on a promise to his team Spohn gave his young athletes added incentive early in the season by saying he would get his head shaved it the team won a championship His Astros, who helped with the haircut. t(X)k first place Thursday in the 7th A Boys Division of the Kidsports Little World Scries Dean offers upbeat attitude □ Anne Dhu McLucas, new dean of the music school, plans community, school in volvement. By Meg Dedolph Emerald Contributor__ Anno Dhu McLucas, Iho new School of Music dean, took thn interview that led to her new job because she hud hoard positive things about the Univer sity. thought she needed a change In her life, and missed tho mountains, a famili ar sight from her childhood in Colorado. McLucas arrived in mid-July from Boston College, where she was un asso ciate professor of music and tho chair of the music department. She oamea her master’s and doctoral degrees at Harvard University, and later went on to teach at The Colorado (Col lege, before joining the faculty at Boston Collegu in 1988 Turn to DEAN. Page 4 Anne Dhu McLucas Will Brooks be new AD? □Announcement expect ed this week if in-house candidate chosen Dan Williams. University vice president for administration, said Or egon football coach Rich Brooks is in the running to bn the now athletic di rector and an announcemnnt could come before the end of the week. Williams said an in-house search is among the alternatives ho and Presi dent Myles Brand have explored in the effort to replace Bill Byrne, whose last day us AD is Nov. 1. "Before we begin the traditional search to replace Bill Byrne, the pres ident und I have been talking ui>out other alternatives," Williams said. "One of them is to look in our own department." Brooks' name "has come up," in conversation with Brand, Williams said, but would not comment on whether Brooks has expressed inter est In the (of) or whether mootings with him have taken place. “He knows he's one of the candi dates,” Williams said Several possibilities other than a full-scale, outside search are being looked at. he said, but udded thut hir ing Brooks is "one of the more attrac tive (ideas)." If Williams decides to hire an In house candidate, the announcement is oxpected before Friday. Because the athletic director re ports to Williams, the decision is his. hut he said he is consulting with Brand. Byrne announced in June that he accepted a position at the University of Nebraska as athletic director for the Big-Fight Conference. Williams said he is hoping for some “overlap" time between Byrne and the now AD before Byrne loaves WEATHER i s The Northwest should be dry far the next few days with highs in the upper 80s in Eugene TODAY IN HISTORY In 1976. an earthquake devastated northern China, killing at least 242.000 people In 1986. NASA released a recording from the Challenger in which pilot Michael Smith could be heard saying. *Ub-oh!' as the spacecraft exploded VOLLEYBALL The U-S men's victory over japan was reversed Monday giving japan a 15-13 victory japan coach Seip Oku had complained that U.S player Bob Samuelson should have been ejected from the game at match point for japan m the fourth set after getting a second yellow card for yelling at officials The ejection would have given japan a technical point and tne match The U.S. men have won the gold medal at the past two Olympics. SWIMMING America's Pablo Morales captured the gold in the 100-meter butterfly as did Nicole Haisiett in the 200-meter freestyle jenny Thompson, one of •America's strongest swimmers, failed to qualify for the 200 final. BASKETBALL The Dream Team slid passed Croatia 103-70 and goes on to play Germany on Wednesday DIVING China's 13-year-old Ku Mingxia glided to perfection and gold while American Mary Clara rallied lo capture the bronze in the 10-meter platform BASEBALL The U.S baseball tram blew a three-run lead before rallying to j beat Taiwan It was a must-wm because Taiwan and The United States are two of several teams given an outside chance of , challenging Cuba