This Week s r Luncheon Special Satay Chicken Malaysian style chicken cooked with saut6 sauce vegetables and rice $4.50 CHIIW BLUE RESTAUAWT Try oa timers too1 L 178 K. 15th • 1*1 nri Miointaxsnm • 543-2153 • Take out AvaiUNe r$1oo ■ Foot long Sub SUBSHOP' ttp*— in*m —^-—I mrf OVmt dhcounH or coupon* ■ 1225 ALDER 345-2434 & _I V n* jyu. A£*?- !h '..A f. - rtf w *w MM 4UH CO**0»T«am*O‘ »A*t r*\ I ft 0* SJUf MG’# f is • n, *»t fA.t . tum. vi *> «5. 10 ?e* \r tM X ^ riw<# r;j ^ ie* %trnm f* 1 M * *\ *£» W> w»* * SO BANCO ON A novel mr ,> B* FORSTER ** . y m BtJOU l AH NtTE • Im H** Art/* f h S* U Su W» U $0 BUOU lAU WTf BUOUIATI Mtl m ri»w« r-n u oo %*m**$Pn in m<|*hv t > »> A RETRO-FUTURE COMEDY! In lb* • t y l « of tllodc H u o n e r ft » r • « M DELICATESSEN f I»vi( r it l » rn r ■ in L C omlin fiiK.fl T>H Mir lint-Alfl A ‘Cool World’ can’t beat the heat Cool World * PG-13 1992 By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate Editor Holll would If she could and she will, according to ads for (Um>! World Well, the mov ie tries (to lx* a good film), hut it can't, so it bombs To Ixi a good film, a movie must include several important elements Most importantly, a movie must have good actors and a good plot. Cool World fails miserably on both counts. The male lead of (Uttd World, Jack Doobs. played by Gabriel Byrne, is a convicted murderer (are we supposed to forged this?), a bumbling idiot und sexually obsessed with a doo dle — the voluptuous Holll Would. Yep, jock Is one upstanding member of society, all right The cartoon Holll. played by Kim Basinger, spends much of the film gyrating suggestively and stroking her body. During j WE PRINT j | BETTER $^99 I J PHOTOS d3>s. ! „ • Developed & punted „ I • 12.15, 24 exp 1 ■ • 36 exp $5 99 i ® • 4x6 superpnnts add $1 FASHION EXTRA SAVINGS OF 47%-53% TAKE AN EXTRA OFF SELECTED SALE PRICED SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS! NO ADJUSTMENT SON PRIOR PURCHASES ^ CAMPUS ' PH: 485-1581 Jack and Holli'a scene, It’s hard to toll whether she'* hav Ing m* with him or with her self. Detective Frank Harris, played by Brad Pitt, is the only othor human besides Jack to en ter Cool World. He lusts after a doodle, but must resist because his self-appointed job is to make sure doodles and humans don't have sex Detective Frank is u more likable character than Jack, but ho spends much of the movie posing ns If he were in a 1940s detective flick. The plot (I hate even having to (.nil it that) Is slow, boring and pointless Jack is a cartoon ist who creates (or thinks he does at least) the fictional "Cool World" —■ Holli's world. In fact. Jack tells one of his drawings of the voluptuous Hoi I i that he wouldn't have survived prison without her. In case you haven't guessed. Jack is one sick puppy. Through the course of the movie. Jack is able to live out his twisted fantasies of sex with Hoili. This accomplishment is certainly not due to anything he does Holt! Is also obsessed with the idea ol becoming human and traveling away from (a«j| World But the only way for a cartoon to txrcnmu human is by having sex with a human. Jack Is the very willing target of Holli's lust to be "real.” But reul Holli is not, even when she fulfills her dream of beriming human. Holll is not only a cartoon character, but she's also a cartoon caricature of women, which makes you wonder what director Ralph Bakshi thinks of women When Hoili isn't trying to en tice Jack Into bed. she's dancing in Cool World's dance club. These scenes are some of the most sextst of the film Hoili dances alone on the floor while the men of Cool World circle around her and ogle. Hoili is a barbie doll with in credible and unreasonable pro portions. Her character is re duced to an over-sized bosom and u shapely tush that struts around in virginal while (iron ic. huh?) All of the other car toon women in the movie ure scantily clad bimbos. Two non-cartoon women ap pear in the movie briefly. The plot of this movie could have been helped with broader char acterizations They are the only likable and realistic characters in the movie However, the sexism in this film goes both ways. Jack is a bumbling idiot who lives in a make believe world because he's afraid of reality. Jack and the cartoon men in the movie spend their time (literally) drooling over Hoili with their mouths agape and their eyes bulging like fools Take it from me. Cool World is a very uncool place. MINISTRY Continued from Page 5 which gave most thrash bands u run for tho speed-metal glory. Thu latest album is essential ly more of tho sumo. Songs like "Jesus Built my Hot Rod,” "Psalm 69,” and “Grace” give the album a de cidedly religious tone. Alain's assessment of organized reli gion seems none too favorable. But the approach Is fun. Gibby Haynes, courtesy of the Butlhoto Surfers, does tho guest vocals for "Jesus Built my Hot Rod." "Psalm 69” sounds like a good old fashioned religious re vival fed through a diabolical effects processor. Tho song slurts with a gothic funeral dirge but gives way to speod-of light guitar work. “N W O." is an acronym for President Bush's highly touted Now World Order. Alain lets Bush do the talking on this one. The best song on the album is "Scarecrow." The sound seems to bo taken directly from Led Zeppelin's "When the Lev ee Breaks,” and Alain even at tempts to pull off a Robert Plant-esque wail toward the end Where does Ministry go from here? The bund seems to have maxed-out on the speed-metal idea Things can’t get text much more aggressive than they al ready are. How about a salute to reggae? ^SAFERIDEj)* As of Sunday, July 26th, to better serve our riders, the on-campus van will not be running. Instead we will have 2 vans on an on-call basis. o Callto reserve a FREE *i»ta ^on^camPus ow’H/ioy 9 Mon-Thurs 9pm-1am • Fri-Sat 9pm-2am The Co|h| Sleep Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 BetmMin Panersun & ferry Rqfl an 13m 485-11253 Celebrate Himlcnlliig With 1$ ! Satardoy on th« Morfctt Stage ioam Robert Petersen namTheMcCornacks t the Garden Variaty Band Noon Gregory Field 1:30 Blue Heron StrngOuaitel 3pm Eagle Park Slim Band Local Crwhi • (Wmi Food • li»o EotwWMMM 10m» id ipw • mm OB Shine . kti 4 CM