at LAZAR’S BAZAR Regular I or Mia * Prica I I • POSTERS 8 CONVERSE ■ DR. MARTENS 57 W Broodway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall VANS I VISION 1 LA GEAR j JTge GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Bhrd. Eugnw, Or agon 97403 HIGH! ON lARGtV wo-. Emerald CALL OUR AD DEFT: 346 3712 GE admits defrauding government NATIONAL CINCINNATI (AP) — General Electric Co. ad mitted criminal fraud charge* Wednesday in the sale of military )et engines to Israel and agreed to pay $69 million in a settlement The company we* accused o! defrauding uie Pentagon and tho Israeli Defense Ministry by fil ing more than $40 million In false claims In civil charges. It was allowed to ploed guilty to criminal charges of defrauding the federal government of $26.5 million. Prosecutors bIso alleged that GE gavo Israeli air force Gen Rami Dolan $7 9 million to Influence decisions on fighter Jet ongino contracts. They are charged with one count each of con spiracy. submitting false claims, money launder ing and failure to keep accurate accounting rec ords. Brian Rowe, chief executive ofAcer of GE's air craft engines division in suburban Evnndale, en tered GE s guilty plea He said tho company ac cepted responsibility for the actions of its cm ployees. A* part of the deal. CE will pay $59 5 million to nettle a U S Justice Department suit against tho company. U.S. District Judge C^arl Rubin also im posed a $9.5 million fine. The Justice Department, which took over a whistleblower lawsuit brought by a GE employoe, originally had asked for triple damages of $120 million The case was tho largest prosecuted in the gov ernment's foreign military aid program, U.S. At torney D Michaol Crltes said at b nows confer ence Ho also said it was the first time a defonsc contractor was charged under the Monoy Laun dering Control Act of 19116. Crltes said despite the settlement. Individuals remained under Investigation. He wouldn't iden tify them. In Juno, tho Pentagon briefly suspended GE’s aircraft division from competing for contracts be cause of the fraud involving Dotan and former GK marketing employee Herbert Steindler. Roger Witten, a lawyer for GE, said the compa ny had cooperated fully with tho government since senior management bocamc aware of the charges in December 1990. KESEY Continued from Page 1 said. "Wo could all have It and nol know it." What's worse, ho said, Is that many people are denying It is a real problem that affect* every one, not just homosexuals and drug users. Ho said "poopln with money are kind of sealing themselves off." "This Is for people who are hurting." ho said He will do another reading again In August the Gratoful Dead perform Ho said 10 years ago, he and the Grateful Dead planned for a reunion when they would con duct an opera together Docause the deal foil flat, he'll have to settle for a solo act this summer. Ho said ho guesses "thoy for got about It.” Tickets are nvailablo at HIV/AlDs Rosourr.os at 3477 E. Amazon St. and at Kites and Other Delights in the 5th Street Public Market. Adult tickets are $7.50, chil dren S4 and family tickets aro $20. At the door, the cost is $9 for adults, $5 for children and $25 for a family lickot. Oregon Daily Emerald CLASSlFIEDSBi 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL: RUN AN AD 1 DAY, GET THE SAME AD FREE THE 2ND DAY!! c i.assii ii:d roi.K iis Placement I Ads may he placed at Room 300, HMU (mam office) or UO liuufc store, Mam Floor Payment • All adi muii he prepaid union hilling hit heen citahlithed till 146 414) for hilling irringemcnu • VISA/MC ire acicplrj • A purchase order muil accompany ill University departmental adi Deadlines l.lnr Ads: Ipm, one huu net till y pnot lu insertion Display Ads: Ipm. two hulinen days priol lo insertion Errors/Refunds Ptcaie cheek your ad! The 01)1 will run a datiificil ad one additional day ai a mult of any typographical error that changci the meaning at the ad. if reported by 1 PM. Refundt will he limited lo credit! only. No cash refundt will he inued after the ad deadline. 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Park'd b'*t Io computer fi’ei Baammaon 7j7 4StW •■..•< (•..» « 344-4510 «JUAI II V WlMtl) rWK KXSINU v ihmm AnniivMi nmi tj; 605 E. 13th TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land “* *•*-***! Sarying UO aroa KVb 1881 DIAL-A TYPIST Ui-TTTT_ no FOR SALE MiSC THE Clothes Horse A (lotking ear ha oft for wo oho low cMlwrl 720 E. 13th Opon 7 daya. ♦ Buyar ataiaya In. 34S-50M 13S BUY OR TRADE O h:N i l. EM EN ' S N CORE CASH FOR SOI LEVIS mi wuumrtif_MHU7? It you hav# Mmtlhing lo Mil, you ha*a aomattwig to ad«*rttaa O0£ CLASSIFIEDS GOVERNMENT SEIZED VMvcMa »om »100 Fofda Mwolw CoivaBoa Cftovya Sufput Buyort Gud# (I) 805 06? 8000 Ed SW? IMS VW Bug. ««nd M dm p*fta~ AN>|